Achievement Unlocked: October 2016

Oh hey, November. Here’s a recap of October. It was a rough month here and there, some days a heck of a lot rougher than others. It had a few tears and a few smiles, but it ended well. It ended positively. And I always try my best to stay positive and focus on the little things that put a smile on my face. I hope November will bring even happier days.
Just before writing this, I was:
Admiring my nails, which I painted grey earlier tonight. And talking to Brandon about his driving test, which he passed last week! He drove to university today. :D
This past month, I achieved:
- I got my eyebrows threaded for the first time. I’d never even waxed them before, so it was a new experience. And it was a positive one.
- I did a talk at Girl Geek Sydney, titled ‘How to let go of the fear of failure and make better goals’.
- One year at Campaign Monitor (the company I currently work for)!
- I travelled alone for the first time (more to come on my Perth trip soon).
- I attended Mixin Conf in Perth, met a whole bunch of people and learned a lot of stuff! I also got to catch up with my old friend Kim, whom I met through one of our favourite bands, The Griswolds.
This past month, I was grateful for:
The Mixin team for putting together an amazing conference. I had such a good time. And I was really grateful for all the lovely people I met. I had some great conversations and a lot of fun. I stepped out of my comfort zone (me? Talk to people?!) and I am glad I did.
I am thankful that Kim took the time to show me around Fremantle! I think she was pleasantly surprised that I was headed over to Perth and we were damn well in need of a catch-up.
I was so thankful for the support of my work colleagues this past month as well. They continually help me to grow and learn more. :)
This past month, I learned:
That happiness comes in small packages. Sometimes really tiny, small, invisible ones.
This past month, I got bored of:
My nail polish, so I got rid of a whole bunch.
But that’s OK, because I enjoyed:
The new masala chai (the ‘legit’ chai) we have at work. Makes such an amazing latte, oh my goodness. 💖 I love the spicy taste. Yum yum yum.
Today, something that made me happy was:
Waking up to Nick ❤️
Today, something I could have done better was:
Got a move on with my work in the morning. I was a little slow and unproductive.
Tomorrow, I’m going to:
Go to work and do a demo for one of our meetings. Yay! New features!
Next month, I’m looking forward to:
Well, November, I really want to up my gym routine! But we’ll see. I also have a fun photoshoot planned with my friend Pat. Stay tuned…
Next month, I’m going to make the positive change of:
Fixing my diet and sleep. I keep snacking on junk food. Sometimes I have really good days where I will eat well. Other days are just plain awful and I’ll eat a handful of candy. D: So I need to do better and, errr, 1up myself.
One thing on my to-do list is:
Book another appointment to have my eyebrows threaded. I went to Bombay Brow Bar in Sydney, and you can have $20 towards your first appointment (I get $20 too!) if you use my referral link. ;)
One happy photo from this month is:
I got to meet Una Kravets! :)
If I had to write a book or record a film about this past month, I would call it:
No pain, no gain – no matter how big or small the pain, sometimes you gotta jump through hoops.
After I post this, I’m going to:
Brush my teeth (:
Also see:
- Achievement Unlocked: January 2016
- Achievement Unlocked: February 2016
- Achievement Unlocked: March 2016
- Achievement Unlocked: April 2016
- Achievement Unlocked: May 2016
- Achievement Unlocked: June 2016
- Achievement Unlocked: July 2016
- Achievement Unlocked: August 2016
- Achievement Unlocked: September 2016
Comments on this post
I’ve never gone to any sort of conference relating to technology but I hope to go to one at some point.
I don’t know if this counts but I have done four hour drives to get back to my parents or visit other relatives. But that’s the only lone traveling I’ve done.
I feel like life is a constant task of jumping through hoops. It’s one thing after another you know?
That’s awesome you had a great time at the conference! I could definitely tell from your Twitter feed, haha. I like how positive your whole post is and even though you had some tough(er) days, it has a “you can do it!” sort of feel to it.
Hope you’ll have a smoother month this month! I still need to get my eyebrows threaded one of these days :P. Congratulations on completing your first year at Campaign Monitor! Your free meal perks sound awesome ;).
I’m glad that you had fun at Mixin Conf. and learned a lot from that event! Happiness does come in small packages. They all add up :’).
Good luck with your goals for the month~
“That happiness comes in small packages. Sometimes really tiny, small, invisible ones.” SO MUCH YES! :) I’ve been following your Twitter feed though we haven’t chatted in a while so it’s awesome to read your recap! Happy one year at your workplace! :)
I have really bushy eyebrows so I’ve been getting them done in different ways for a long time. I would say threading is my favorite because it just goes so fast and doesn’t leave pain afterwards!