Achievement Unlocked: April 2016
It was yet another busy month, and this week was a busy week, which is why this post is a bit later than usual. I said I would post my monthly reviews a couple of days before the end of the month so you guys could use the questions if you wanted… but I use the same questions each time, so what am I saying? xD

Just before writing this, I was:
Making a booking for afternoon tea in London. It is 36 days until Nick and I hit Europe, and I couldn’t be more excited. It’s getting closer!
This past month, I achieved:
Learning a lot at my first conference. I also volunteered for an ‘Hour of Code’ event at my workplace, where myself and some of my colleagues sat down with high school children and inspired them to code and work in the field of technology. On top of all that, I was nominated to be on our company’s new diversity committee.
This past month, I was grateful for:
Whoever nominated me to be on the diversity committee. I feel honoured that some people had thought I would be a valuable addition to the team.
This past month, I learned:
That sometimes you just gotta keep on going, pull through, and everything will be just fine.
This past month, I got bored of:
My old jewellery that I had barely touched.
But that’s OK, because I enjoyed:
Cleaning it out. It just doesn’t look like I will be wearing pieces I haven’t worn in a while, or at all. It’s time to find new owners or give them away.
Today, something that made me happy was:
Catching up with my family as I hadn’t seen them for a couple of days.
Today, something I could have done better was:
I feel like I did an awesome job at the gym but I could have tried just a tiny, tiny bit harder and worked on my biceps. My shoulders are looking good but I never work out my biceps hahahaha. I want my arms to look like 💪.
Tomorrow, I’m going to:
Work on the WordPress theme Liz commissioned me for. I am excited to be working with her again and I am glad that she trusts me with what I am doing.
Next month, I’m looking forward to:
My birthday, and, err, not just that, of course. :P 🎂 I’ll be seeing Ball Park Music again, and it’s been at least a year since I saw them play live.
Next month, I’m going to make the positive change of:
Just going to the gym more. Ha! Ha!
One thing on my to-do list is:
Submit more conference proposals. I have a list that I want to get through and I think some of them may have passed their last day of submission… but I am sure there are still some I can do!
One happy photo from this month is:
This guy graduated. OMGGGGGG :D

If I had to write a book or record a film about this past month, I would call it:
Muscles and Other Strong Things
After I post this, I’m going to:
Go to the toilet because I drank so much tea and I need to go. Hahahaha.
Comments on this post
I would just like to say, I always love the titles of your segments/series. So witty and unique. :)
Congrats to Nick! That is so exciting!!! :D
I love that you and Nick and getting fit for Europe together. With summer coming, I always get really excited to start running again. I love getting back into my morning run routine, but I’m a bit nervous too since last summer I injured myself because I did too much too fast, so I’m trying to take it easier so I’m not injured for 6+ months again. So push yourself, but also don’t hurt yourself. :D
Haha thank you. :)
It is so hard to get up early and exercise when it is cold! I used to run a lot a few years ago but I did not have very good shoes so I may have messed up my knees. :( I have all the right gear now! We started going to the gym twice a week and went pretty easy, but we might bump that up to three times. I am becoming more keen and my muscles are hurting less and healing more quickly. :D Gotta start small!
Congratulations to Nick!
I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU WILL BE IN LONDON! I’m so excited! Where did you book afternoon tea? My mum took my sister and I to Fortnum and Mason’s for afternoon tea at Fortnum and Mason’s, once. The Queen gets her food from there, heh. It was my sister’s 18th birthday so it was a treat but I was posh as anything, hehe.
I also need to exercise more but I hate the gym. Back to the pool I think.
Hope you’re well & keep me posted on Europe! We have to meet up, man.
Ooooooh damn I was going to book there but it was going to be quite pricey. Definitely on my list as I have heard good things about Fortnum and Mason’s. We are going to the Wolseley, which is cheaper but I have heard it is still good. Obviously not as fancy as the Ritz though haha.
I used to hate the gym but I am coming to like it. Or at least stop hating it. I definitely like going on Saturdays when it is empty. ;)
I will have to try emailing you again! Make sure you email me insanely too! :D
I just realised I wrote “to Fortnum and Mason’s for afternoon tea at Fortnum and Mason’s”. Ugh. Fail.
The Ritz, holy cow, yes. I got the tube to Green Park once for a job interview, walked onto Piccadilly and it was just *there*. I almost had a heart attack.
Yesssss, we must! I’m much better at replying to emails than I am to blog comments. You know where to find me!
& I will be in London in June (obviously), might be working (got a part time job), but nonetheless we should meet. Kapow.
I can see the excitement every time you mention about your Europe trip! It’s around the corner with the flight being almost a month away!
It looks like you had a productive month, especially with working with great people to make a difference! Good job on the progression with the gym so far. Self confidence that is gained from working out at the gym is already a win :).
Congratulations to Nick on graduating!
I don’t mean to make anyone jealous but I am so excited too! 33 days to go today, and I remember when it was 200 haha!
Thank you! It really does feel good going to the gym – when you work out, you pretty much never regret doing it haha.
Maroon Caludin
I never threw my hat at high school graduation. XD I wanted to keep it so yeah.
But congrats on being nominated! I bet you deserved it! Also happy birthday!
We didn’t even get hats for high school graduation! I only ever got it in university/college. We don’t get to keep them either, we have to hire them. :/
Thanks! :)
Congrats to Nick for his accomplishment!
Kudos to you for continuing to workout, it’s not easy to stick to a routine. Progress is also slow, at least for me, but I haven’t been discouraged. :D Get those muscles, girl!
A big hearty congratulations to Nick.
You had a busy week. Good luck with the coding event. it sounds like fun.
That’s awesome! Congrats to Nick! ^^ Woot! It will be your birthday this month? [May I mean], that’s totally awesome! ^^I’m glad that people believe in you and I bet Liz will love her new layout that you will make for her. I certainly am still in love with mine!
This will be the third time, so…I don’t see why I wouldn’t. ;)
Yes my birthday is at the end of May, on the 29th. :) I am so glad to hear you still love your layout! <3
I think inspiring high school kids to code/work in technology is cool! When I was in school, I was the only one in my Business & Computer class…or was it Business Technology & Computer Management? I don’t know. It was this random elective I was put in, and the teacher, a coach, was often annoyed because I always finished the work the quickest, knew how to do everything, knew what all the terms he gave me for the class meant—everything. Finally, he was like, “I don’t know why they won’t put you in my next class, so I’m just going to start giving you that work,” because I had an entire school year for the freaking class, and neither of us wanted to continue the same game over and over again…even the guy who wanted to do something in the tech field was really behind me on things, and there was so much of grading papers I could do. :s I wish technology classes had been emphasized for my peers, because the opportunities are endless, and technology is really shaping the future.
I feel honored you’re excited to work with me! I always worry, because I can be a bit of a pain. :/ :s
Congrats to Nick for graduating!
Okay, the emoji I was trying to accomplish at the end: 😶
Next time, I’ll just copy-paste like usual. (I have a browser plugin.)
Congratulations to Nick! It feels amazing to graduate. Can definitely tell you’re so proud of him!
Hope you enjoy your Europe trip! The afternoon tea in London sounds cool. I’ve never been to a tea room before, even though it is a very British thing. Maybe I’l have to try it at some point.
I really need to focus on getting fit as well. I’ve barely exercised at all in the five years since my A-Levels. I used to do dance three times a week, but it’s gone extremely down hill because the past few years have been so busy. Andy’s getting a weight bench, so I might have to join him and buy an exercise video or something. I feel so much better after exercise!
I used to dance a lot when I was younger and it was my only form of exercise. It took a while for me to really get into any kind of exercise. But I think as long as I eat well and go for a walk every now and then, it’s a lot better than nothing. And yes it’s true – even though we feel so uninspired to work out, no one ever finishes one and says, ‘wow I regret doing that’.
LOL I just got back from going to the bathroom for the same reason. :P Congratulations Nick on graduating, and to you of course for being nominated to be a part of your company’s diversity committee. It must have been exciting to share your love of code with those who are just beginning to decide if it’s something that interests them – as for the whole gym thing, I need to do the same myself. :D Finally, I’ve got to admit that I’d book a tea in London as well. I also cannot wait to see Liz’s new theme – all of your themes are absolutely gorgeous.
Hahaha. I have to join a gym properly – we have just been using free passes from work and now Nick will be moving on to a new job that doesn’t have the benefits of a free gym. But it’s expensive. I’m too cheap to pay to exercise. :P I have been trying to find exercise to do at home. I found Darebee which has free 30-day workout plans that require no equipment, I suggest giving that a go if you don’t want to fork out money for a gym.
Aw thank you! :) :)