In the Work category I post about my experiences with work, both in and out of having a job. I currently work for Campaign Monitor. I previously worked for a small company called The Working Party, and as a front-end developer for and hipages Group. In the past I worked at an education centre for four years, as a graphic designer and web designer in small jobs, and as a freelancer doing blog design commissions.

January 2022
Healing from toxic hackathon culture

March 2020
🏕️ Organising Devcamp 2020 – just prior to a global pandemic

January 2020
Respect your time. Leave work at work

March 2019
Thoughts on organising 🏕️ Devcamp 2019

March 2018
I can wear whatever the hell I want, and no matter what you say, I’m still an engineer

January 2018
Take some time to write your values and motivations

August 2017
Work/life balance is a myth

April 2017
You are not your job

October 2016
Mixin’ at Mixin Conf 2016 💜

October 2016
One year at Campaign Monitor

September 2016
So long & thanks for all the fish

July 2016
Illness, post-San Diego

April 2016
Workplaces need to be more than just physically safe

March 2016
I didn’t mean to become a web developer, it just happened

November 2015
The deliberate fear of talking in front of people

October 2015
Today I dreamed about work

September 2015
God mode

August 2015
Things I Miss: Working at the same place as my better half