Poetry contains all the poems I have written in the past few years. Most of the posts have the date when the poem was actually written (as I may have published quite some time after I wrote the poem). Some date back to 2007, and I chose to keep these because they are my favourites. I dearly love poetry. When I was a lot younger I tended to make my poems rhyme a lot, before moving into free verse. More recently I have taken a liking to internal rhymes.
I am really passionate about the technicalities of poetry, making particular use of enjambment (run-on lines), and since poetry is intended to be read out aloud, I insist on commas every time there is a pause. If you would like to hear me reading out one of my poems, take a look at Fairy Dust.
If you prefer a list of all poems rather than this category showing excerpts, you can visit this page.