Timeless Thoughts: Stamp Markers
Timeless Thoughts is a monthly linkup hosted by Georgie and Tara, where bloggers write about something from their past – it could be an item, a place, an event – anything that evokes a trip down memory lane. Timeless Thoughts is held on the first Saturday of the month, and runs for two weeks.
I loved stamp markers when I was very young. I liked to get creative with them and the different colours and shapes really allowed that to happen. I rediscovered one blue dolphin marker at home, and remembering how popular the markers were in my childhood, I wanted to write a Timeless Thoughts post about it.

I had a set of Crayola ones, although there now appears to be stamp markers by many brands. Each marker was both a different colour and a different shape. Although I didn’t always like the colour of the designs because I wished you could choose, the colour usually matched the shape or design. For example, a blue dolphin, a yellow sun, a red heart.

It may just be because the one I own is old, but after some time, the stamp does get a bit soft and the design doesn’t come up clear. I do remember them being quite hard and rigid to begin with, and the stamps came out pretty clear.

Did you ever use stamp markers?
Comments on this post
I’ve never used stamp markers, though I’ve seen them around. Actually, I don’t think these were out when I was a kid. If they were, I never saw or used them. I think I tried it out as an adult a couple of times, but I couldn’t get into them.
Instead of stamp markers, I remember being fascinated by the calligraphy pen/markers. For a very short time, I had an interest in calligraphy, but that didn’t last long at all.
Thanks for writing about the stamp markers! I think it’s neat how finding one marker evoked a trip down memory lane for you! ^_^
Cristina Robinson
Oh my gosh I totally remember these! I used to have some too. In fact I’m pretty sure I had the Crayola ones like in your picture. Wow, what memories!
Angela Nicole
I remember having sooo many stamp markers as a child! I loved making little cards and pictures to give to people and hang around the house, and I would use the stamp markers to make borders for most of those things! I haven’t thought about them in years, though.
I recently bought a pack of gel pens (something else that I loved during my childhood) and have been reliving my childhood through those. I prefer them for editing things actually! Maybe I’ll have to pick up some stamp markers next ;)
I have a vague memory of these, but I don’t think I was a fan of them. I didn’t like how they never came out how I wanted. Apparently I was a picky child, heh.
I loved stamp markers! They were so cool to me, a doodlebug. They always brought my doodling to the next level. Then, I started drawing and coloring with them, because I love how they never made perfect lines like the regular markers. XD
Ah, I totally forgot about stamp markers until you brought it up! I remember the Crayola ones and didn’t realize there were other brands. I don’t think I really used them though. Back then, I think I preferred to draw my own things, so I didn’t want to use stamps. I do think they’re fun and cute though!
omg i remember the crayola ones! i had those when i was a kid and i stamped EVERYTHING i could stamp HAHAHA ohmygod i was such an insane kid when it comes to doodles and whatnot. and then, as i grew older, i don’t know why but i actually tried using the crayola ones as normal writing markers HAHAHAH it’s so stupid but it was just a random thought when i was too lazy to grab a pen.
I remembered collecting and using those stamp markers as a kid! My favorite is the Crayola ones because they would always last longer than the other brands. Those patterns from your picture are the same ones I used! I definitely wouldn’t mind buying a few sets of my kids in the future X’D.