Review: Helene Jewelry Subscription Box (February & March 2015)
My February Helene Jewelry box didn’t turn up last month. :( I contacted the owner, Elena, on Instagram, and she replied and threw two bracelets into my March box. Yay! The postal service has been getting a bit annoying recently, or maybe a thief is stealing my packages. The February and March bracelets were the last of my subscription, so I have to decide whether or not I want to renew.

To be honest I have been thinking about not renewing for another month or two, mainly because I have been spending quite a bit lately, but also because it’s a bit disappointing to be receiving my boxes so late. That said, Elena has done her best to ensure my bracelets get to me, so that isn’t such a huge issue. I guess I am also looking to pause my subscription for a bit and see what other jewellery I can get my hands on.
I really like the bracelets I am getting, and I’m always keen to get some more, especially since I follow Helene Jewelry on Instagram and keep an eye on their products on their website. There are just so many different styles, I wouldn’t mind continuing to grow my bracelet collection.

The February bracelet was obviously a Valentine’s Day special. I received a pink heart note and it came with a hot pink leopard print hair tie. The March bracelet was a St Patrick’s Day special and came with a light blue zig zag hair tie. There were two bottles of nail polish in the box: one was a sparkly green, and the other a lavender. I’m going to guess that the lavender was intended for Valentine’s Day and the green for St Patrick’s. I have a few sparkly green polishes but none in this medium shade. As for lavender, I’ve never had a pastel polish apart from white, so I think this might be a pretty interesting colour to try.

The Valentine’s bracelet is pink. I wonder if any other subscribers got the same bracelet or similar. It is a macrame bracelet, that is, bracelets that are designed with a special kind of knitting method. It reminds me of an alternate version of a friendship bracelet. At first I thought macrame was the gemstone. I like the gemstone, even though pink isn’t one of my favourite colours. The bracelet is a nice mix of classy and casual, even though it’s not completely my style. It makes a subtle statement, I’ll leave it at that.

My March bracelet is lovely! In the bag it looks a bit like a necklace. When I pull it out, I find that it’s a multi-chain bracelet in both silver and gold chain. This is nice, I feel like Elena has caught on to me favouring mixed metals as I mentioned in a past Fashion Friday post. The blue gems are reminiscent of the bracelet I got in a previous box.
It’s a lovely bracelet, something that I haven’t seen in shops. It has a bit of an antique look to it. It’s nice and conservative, but still quite fun because of the blue gem. I definitely favour this over the pink bracelet.
I will definitely be rethinking my subscription renewal. I have been subscribed to the Helene Jewels Arm Party Club for nine months now, and have had significant discounts on my subscription. I have been looking for other subscriptions for jewellery as well. The downside with subscription boxes is that a lot of subscriptions are based in the US, and living in Australia, paying for shipping can be expensive – or we may not even have much choice because a lot of companies don’t ship here.
Nick asked if I didn’t like the bracelets, but I definitely do. I think the thing I like most about them is that they are unique, often handmade, and you’d be hard pressed to find similar bracelets in most commercial chain stores. Either way, I’ll share my future experiences with subscription boxes on my blog.

Comments on this post
I love the multi-chain bracelets! That one is so pretty and would be something I wear despite not being a gold person! :D I’ve looked into Helene Jewellery subscription, and it’s something I never heard about before, and I think the concept’s really neat. I’ve sent the link to my best friend so she can check it out!
I’m sorry that the February and March packages came late. However, I’m really digging the multi-chain bracelet. If I were making that bracelet, I’d probably leave the gem out of it. It looks classy enough to have no gems in them. But that’s just me.
I’m noticing that these are all handmade bracelets. These ones out of all the ones that you’ve posted and received, are by far the best ones. At least I think. I’d probably wear the hemp looking bracelet (the black and pink one) more so than the chain one (even though I really like the chain one). But that’s just me :).
I really love the March one, it looks so pretty.
Shipping to Australia is hard, especially with subscription boxes because it can take a long time. If the service is based in Asia postage is really fast (like the Kawaii Box), but it can take a while from other countries (my Nerd Blocks are a little slower). The dumb thing though, it’s getting cheaper for postage from overseas, than in our own country. x_X
If you find any jewellery ones I would be interested. Especially ones with rings, mmmm.
Hey Kya! What is the Kawaii Box? And The Nerd Box. Both sound interesting and I may be interested in both.
Hey Jamie, the Kawaii Box is a monthly subscription box that sends you cute items from Japan/Korea. Nerd Block is a subscription box catering to “nerds”. I think that the Nerd Block box will ship to you quicker because they are based in the States, whereas the Kawaii Box ships from Singapore (I think). As Australia is geographically closer to Singapore, I would likely receive the Kawaii Box quicker.