Goodbye, tube skirts (for now)
I have been a huge fan of tube skirts for the longest time. They have featured in countless Fashion Friday posts, and I’ve found them very comfortable and flattering for my figure… until now.
I’m kind of getting tired of tube skirts. I have worn them a lot. I felt good and comfortable in them, until recently.
- It’s annoying when they ride up and I have to keep pulling them down.
- I have to cross my legs when I sit on a chair, to make sure I don’t accidentally flash anyone.
- They can’t be too tight, because they dig in to my skin and leave marks.
- They suck on hot days.
- When it’s that time of the month for a woman, sometimes all your clothes are suddenly too tight. Ugh.

A combination of these feelings made me decided to switch. I have quite a few flowy A-line skirts that I have grown to love (including the one that Seb made for me), and found them more comfortable. I can sit on the floor and cross my legs in them. As a woman, I don’t have to worry about that time of the month making my belly huge and looking gross under a tube skirt. Half my skirts don’t fit and it totally sucks!
I haven’t had the greatest of self-esteem lately, and for a woman, it’s often important to feel good about what you are wearing. If you don’t feel good, stop! Change it up.

I have worn fairly tight-fitting clothes for many years and I think it’s time to stop wearing them so much. It could be terrifying my digestive system too – I have had a lot of digestion-related issues in the past decade, and it really shouldn’t be aggravated. It also reminds me of when I had body image issues as a teenager and deliberately wore belts really tight around my waist to ‘hide’ my ‘fat’… basically making myself really uncomfortable in the process.
I am going to shop around for cute skirts that nip in at the waist, because although tube skirts are good for my figure, I still want to go for something flattering. Skirts that nip in at the waist can help. And they don’t ride up like other skirts, they actually sit still!

I’m excited to make this small change to my wardrobe, because it means a bit of a difference in my usual style as well. I love skirts, so I don’t think this means I will be wearing jeans more. Some time ago I also said I was not going to buy more than eight items of clothing until June, with the exception of underwear and shoes – that quota has now reached six after I bought a pair of shorts and a new top.
We’ll see how I go. I could also try making my own skirts!
Comments on this post
Sewing your own skirts is easier than you may think! It’s also incredibly satisfying to make something you made yourself (well, it is for me). My mom recommended that I start with an A-line skirt because it is one of the easiest to sew. I haven’t bought any skirts or dresses since the summer since I’ve started making my own. :) I think I’m going to sew a new dress for an April wedding.
These outfits look totally cute on you and I’m behind you 100% if you decide to try your hand at making your own skirts. ;)
This post is so obviously SO TWO YEARS AGO, but I just wanna say I love the white skirt aaaaand you’re SO ADORABLE in the second photo.
But not in a creepy way.