The Georgie Gazette #10
I thought I’d give a quick GG update before I end the year with my Year in Review post. I know you’re hella excited about that, and I’ll be posting it tomorrow! So give it 24-36 hours, aye. ;)
Failed a driving test, ugh
Bad shit out of the way first. I did my driving test this morning but I failed. It was a computer test, and I know it seems like only last year that I did a driving test so I could drive unsupervised yet have to use red license plates on my car. Well, unfortunately, that’s how it works in my part of the world, you have to do a computer test, a driving test, a computer test, and yet another computer test, progressing through all those levels, before you can drive with what you would probably call a “full licence” and don’t have to drive with coloured plates on your car.
So I failed computer test two. 😞 It’s supposed to be easy, and many people told me it was, but I failed anyway. Of course that makes me feel stupid, because I couldn’t even pass something as easy as a computer test. It’s my own fault, really. I’m not even going to try and convince myself I was “just having a bad day” or in any way excuse myself by saying the test was rigged or had flaws. I failed, and I’ll just have to pay more money to sit it next time (yes, we have to pay even just to attempt tests).
Japanese BBQ
I took Nick to Rengaya, a Japanese BBQ restaurant, to celebrate what is essentially our anniversary. I wrote on his card that it was worth mentioning that we won’t have any more… it’ll be replaced by our wedding date. Right? Am I right? 😆
I ate lots of sashimi and soba, since I don’t eat meat. But it was enjoyable watching Nick barbecue his beef.

Dylan’s Surprise Birthday Party
Dylan’s now-fiancée Joanne planned a surprise birthday party for him last week. It went really well, because it really was a total surprise. 🎉 He was very glad to see all of us – a bunch of his friends and some mutual friends from high school. It was so great to catch up because I haven’t seen some of them in literally seven years (wow, has it been that long since I graduated high school?).
We went to an Italian restaurant, where the service was alright. The waiter was lovely but the food did come out pretty slow. Most of us were chattering away and catching up, so I don’t think it bothered us too much.
Dylan’s birthday is on Christmas Day, but of course, should not be celebrated synonymously. Separate presents, alright? 🎁 Lilian, Nick and I got him some scotch for a birthday present, and got him and Joanne matching mugs with dressed-up dogs on them, for their engagement present. We didn’t know how they would be decorating their new apartment (they are moving down south), so didn’t want to get them anything that would dictate a certain style. The dogs on the mugs wore glasses, which I thought was cute because both Dylan and Joanne wear glasses… 🤓 But yes, also, congratulations to the engaged couple. 😍
Actual Christmas
My family and Nick’s family celebrated and had Christmas lunch at Nick’s place! :D Not much to say except it was a lovely get-together.
I’m not used to getting gifts on Christmas Day but I got very spoiled by Nick’s family, ugh, you guys. 😳☺️ I got some Pandora charms for my bracelet/s (I’m getting a little addicted even though I once was not into Pandora at all); some body lotion and shower gel and that sort of stuff; some gift vouchers. Lots of stuff to pamper myself with. Heck, I’m excited. I’ve already tried some of the body lotion. My mum got me some too, from the Elizabeth Arden green tea range. I freakin’ love that range. 😍
Brandon got me some polaroid film, because I’ve been out of it for months and months, and some gloves to wear when weightlifting at the gym. Yaaaay. 👏
Nick and I are going on a cruise next year – by the way, I’ve never been on one before, so it’ll be my first! – and he bought me a massage. Oh my goodness yes.
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story on Boxing Day
It has been a long time since I’ve seen a movie at the theatre/cinema. Nick really wanted to see the new Star Wars movie, Rogue One, so we went around lunchtime on Boxing Day. I’ve never been out at the shops on Boxing Day, but my poor brother had to work from 1:30am (not kidding) to 1:30pm. He was so dead. He just collapsed and went to sleep when he arrived home, apparently. The shops were totally packed and I can imagine it was a busy shift for him.
The movie was great! I really enjoyed it. But as I expected, I had to go to the toilet in the middle of it. Tiny bladder, I didn’t even drink that much! I was going to wait until the very end but I went about ten minutes before the movie finished because I couldn’t hold on any longer. 😳 Nick said I didn’t miss out on much though. But yes, would definitely recommend the movie, even if you aren’t a die-hard fan.
RIP Carrie Fisher. 😭
Until next time. 🤗
Comments on this post
ah, driving test. i took my driving lesson last year (or was it 2 years ago? i can’t remember) but i end up not going for the driving test so yeap, it’s pretty much useless because as much as i wanna say i still remember how to drive and stuff, i’d be awkward as hell and probably need the lesson again…which is such a bummer urgh!! because i haaaate driving manual! goddamn it. believe it or not, i’m 21 and i’m still not allowed to drive. can you believe this. in jakarta, everyone needs to know how to drive and my parents always give me this bullshit of “if you can drive, whose car are you gonna be driving? the one we have now is for me! not you!” pfft and they say that i still cannot control my anger so i’m not fit to drive yet. pretty lame reason tbh because pfft, it’s not like my father drives patiently either. what a stupid argument. pssh, baby boomers.
it’s so nice that you went for BBQ to celebrate anniversary! i’m not a huge beef / meat eater myself and i’m mostly pescetarian day to day but if it’s in a BBQ place, i will not NOT touch meat. usually BBQ places have pork and beef right but since lard kinda scares me (urgh), i’d rather touch the beef. it’s a pretty occasion for me to get BBQ though since it’s not cheap here. but when i do, i love me some wagyu lmao
aawww preseeents! you’re lucky :D i didn’t get anything and i think if i were to ask for at least, AT LEAST ONE thing, my parents will turn bitter and shizz and be like “pfft what for, it’s not like we celebrate it. also, stop asking for presents! you’re wasting money!” pssh, yea right.
Arrrggh my parents were the same when I got my licence in 2007, my mum was saying I wasn’t old enough and it’s like… um… but the law says I can? I passed the first computer test and I had to deal with stressful lessons from my parents raising their voices and rambling on and on because they were too scared to have me drive the car while they were in it. That’s supposed to make me feel better? I don’t think that’s a good way of teaching… 🙄
I’m pretty used to not getting anything for Christmas, you can see when I started my current relationship I felt bad because I just haven’t gotten gifts for years. We didn’t celebrate it much as a family, either. 😶 Yes, presents are nice, but I definitely prefer to give than to receive.
Woah, I didn’t realise you had to do so much to get a driving license in Australia. We have a theory test which is done on a computer, and once you’ve passed that you can take your practical test. Lots of people told me that the theory test was easy but I only just scrapped a pass. Some of the questions are ridiculous! I’ve got my fingers crossed for you for next time. :)
It sounds like you had a lovely Christmas. I too got lots of products to pamper myself with. I probably won’t have to buy any more shower gel or body lotion until next Christmas!
I’m so excited for you guys going on a cruise! I hope you love the experience as much as I do. Where will you be stopping off?
I still haven’t seen Rogue One yet. Maybe I’ll go for my birthday? But it’s such a shame about Carrie Fisher. :(
Haha we only did a cruise sampler cos, well, I still don’t have enough leave so we chose a weekend one. It’ll just be going around in a circle. 😆
Wow the criteria for getting a license in Australia is very strict. 😳 The law kind of varies by state in the U.S. (or at least in Virginia), you just have to complete classroom driver’s ed, pass an actual road test, and complete 45 hours of driving with a licensed driver and then you’re free to get your license. And the requirements are even simpler if you’re over 18.
But it sounds like you got some great Christmas gifts and I’m glad that you were able to spend some time with your and your fiancé’s family.
I haven’t seen Rogue One yet but I’ll probably tag a long with my little step-brother when he goes to see it in a few weeks.
The restaurant looks weird, but then they always kind of do in your photos—different from ones here. Spacier, less crowded — restaurants here try to fit loads of people in. Nick had to barbecue his own beef? Aaaand are you guys sharing a drink? That’s so cute! (I drink too much to ever be able to do something like that 😂.)
So many engagements keep going around. XD
Have you traveled every year lately? It seems that way — not in a bad way, but more of an observation. :3 I hope your cruise is fun. <3 Will you guys be going in the winter?
It’s definitely one of the spacier ones I’ve seen, and that might be because it’s a barbecue-style restaurant. The area in the middle of the table is where the hotplate is. We share drinks but I had my own haha, mine was blue (I love blue cocktails).
It seems that I go back to Indonesia quite frequently… I think I have gone somewhere every year except 2014… not sure much happened that year. It was a bit of a dark year. :/ We’re going on the cruise just next month! It’ll be summer. :)
I still need to tkae my own driving test to obtain my Learner’s. I have been pretty much terrified of driving.
Aw I’m glad you are taking the time to celebrate your anniversary with Nick! And I love to go on cruises! The food is always so good and delicious! Hope you have an amazing time and enjoy the time on the cruise!!
Hope you’ll pass the next driving test attempt. There are so many computer tests you have to take out in Aus! I kind of wish we have to go through the same so that people are forcefully informed on the rules of driving. (even then, this wouldn’t stop people from driving illegally here anyways). You got this!
Hehe, glad to see that you enjoyed your ~last~ anniversary before the marriage one kicks in! You can never go wrong with giving scotch as a present ;).
I don’t blame you for getting a bit addicted to the Pandora charms XD.
Rogue One was a really good movie. It sounds like your Boxing day is the civilized equivalent of our Black Friday! Ah, that 12-hour shift sounds like a pain @__@.
I think its kind of cool you can still drive unsupervised as you wish even if you aren’t fully licensed. In the UK, you can’t drive independently as a learner driver and you can’t drive on motorways (highways/freeways depending on what you know them as!). Our computer test results also expire after two years so if you can’t get fully licensed you have to go back to level zero and start again. All in all your driving system sounds quite forgiving, although I’m surprised there’s so many computer tests- seems a bit much! Anyway I hope you pass next time and can ‘level up’! The cruise sounds exciting, and I’m glad you had a good christmas. :)
Ahhh, well two years sounds reasonable as an expiry date – I feel like that’s better than being forced to hold certain levels of a licence for more than a year. 😭
I’m so sorry that you failed your driving test! I didn’t know that’s how the driving test (and plates) work there! I hope you pass your next attempt because it could be really costly! I LOL’d at your note on the card you gave Nick. You can’t have enough Japanese BBQ dates! :D