Fashion Friday: Purple Block
I’ve done a lot of Fashion Friday editions with the word ‘purple’ – Purple Rock, Purple Rain, Purple Haze. Today, purple again.
I have actually owned this dress for many years, wore it a lot to work at one of my previous jobs, then kinda got over the dress and its colour. I used to love wearing purple but now I am not as obsessed with the colour. I thought this dress could see the light of day again! I like that the grey balances out the purple and doesn’t make it look too bright. I like the sleeve style of the dress, but it is quite a bit loose on me.

The boots are, again, another pair I have owned for a while. They are still in alright condition, though the suede around the heel is tearing a bit, and as with all high heels, has started to wear down a lot. (I probably need to get them repaired as they are practically not so safe to walk on anymore.)
I have to admit I’m a bit bored of the boots as well, but I love the style. They are a nice height, both in terms of heel and the coverage of the boot. It’s a pretty flattering style.
Although this look seems kind of dressed up, it’s not an outfit I put a huge deal of effort into. I tend to dress up more often than I dress down, and this was one of the days I felt like I didn’t really think about my outfit.

I got the necklace from Nick’s sister, she didn’t really like it and didn’t think she would wear it, and since I like rose gold she decided to see if I would have it. It’s not a bad necklace – I haven’t owned a layered necklace for a very long time.

If I have to explain the nails then I can be sure you’re not a Hello Kitty fan! I got these nail wraps from my cousin in Indonesia, the brand is called SASA Nails and I think they are an independent and fairly cheap brand without their own website. I actually don’t like pink a lot, but by default Hello Kitty is pink… I guess I don’t mind pink accessories but I am not a fan of pink clothes.

Photography by Seb.
Outfit details
- Dress: unknown, bought from a market
- Shoes: Kenji (available at Myer)
- Wristwear: The Peach Box (Floating Crystal Bangle)
- Nails: SASA Nails
- Bag: Fossil

Comments on this post
I LOVE your nails, Georgie! I love love love love Hello Kitty and I can’t even begin to express my love for it! I love the unconventional blocking of colors like that on the dress, and those boots are so unique and pretty. Did you know that purple in certain countries were royalty colors? It was that revered and if you weren’t royalty then you would get in trouble for wearing purple. Purple is a majestic color that seeps into your mind like a wet brush on watercolors.
Anyhow, great outfit <3
AHHH those boots are SUPER cute :D Love them!
The dress is cute too, quite a unique top-half, never seen that before.
How often do you change your nails? :)
I probably do my nails every weekend (I only started doing it this year as a challenge to use all my colours more often), but if I get bored during the week sometimes I take my polish (or stickers!) off and paint them again. The stickers last at least a week, though, so I usually do those on the weekend. Since I decided to paint my nails a lot more often now, I don’t bother putting on a top coat to seal it up. The waiting time is just too long especially if I expect to take the colour off after four days!
I love this look! Not something I’d wear myself, but on you, you’re rocking the outfit :3 I think the necklace really suits you and it suits the outfit as well. Plus it matches up with your bracelet :3
I also like how your ring matches the purple in your dress, too! Btw, where’s the ring from? If you featured it before, I don’t recall it ^^; It’s a nice ring!
Yes they are both rose gold!
It’s actually two rings stacked together (one blue and one purple). I featured them both in Wanderlust though I think the first time I featured the blue one was in Chevrons. :)
So lovely. :D
I think that necklace really suits you well, so it was nice she could give it to you.
THOSE BOOTS. How do you walk in heels?! #sendhelp
I can’t believe I just hash tagged that, ha. I love rose gold but I prefer silver jewellery. I spent most of yesterday ogling the things at Regal Rose, not going to lie.
I love how your outfits always look so cool but comfy. Major style envy.
Haha these heels are probably one of my worst, actually. They are not short enough to be comfortable, but not high enough to be tolerable either. They are a bit of an awkward in-between. I like them, but they need some repair on the heels.
I love rose gold but I also think my preference is silver. I just toss up between both. :P
Aw thanks G! :)