Timeless Thoughts: Bathroom break
Timeless Thoughts is a monthly linkup hosted by Georgie and Tara, where bloggers write about something from their past – it could be an item, a place, an event – anything that evokes a trip down memory lane. Timeless Thoughts is held on the first Saturday of the month, and runs for two weeks.

A couple of weeks ago I was in Perth, as many of you might know. I haven’t yet posted about all my adventures there, but I had this particular story to share.
I wanted to check out Hylin, a cafe that my friends had recommended. I was pretty keen to try out their green veg bowl. I was on my way in an Uber because it was raining fairly heavily. I was on my way from the gym in the morning, and I had drank a lot. Naturally, I needed to go to the toilet as soon as I got to the cafe, so I made my order at the counter and went to the toilet.
I opened the door (it was a disabled toilet, so it had both the toilet and the sink inside) and it was pitch black. I thought, this is odd. It was still raining and I could hear the water on the roof. In the darkness, I could see some puddles of water on the floor. There was a really uncomfortable stuffiness in the air. I assumed there was a blackout from the rain, so I just did my business and then went to the sink to wash my hands.
This is when I realised that the tap was on full blast. I had mistaken its noise as being part of the heavy rain outside. It was turned all the way to hot (which would explain the stuffiness and the fact that I couldn’t even see WTF was going on), the sink was overflowing and the floor was more than just puddles.
This is also when I realised that the power was not out but the light was just off… so I turned it on and everything suddenly made sense again!

If you’d like to join Timeless Thoughts this month, you can add your link below.

Comments on this post
LOL Georgie. I guess it would be easy to assume the sound from the tap would be the same sound as the sound of rain? haha. I wonder why the staff didn’t put an out of order sign? Or did someone just leave the tap on at full blast and left without turning it off? It’s a mystery.
I think I would’ve done all of the same things you did. But it’s so weird the way the previous user left the restroom.
You’re not alone. This is definitely something that would have happened to me.
I remember when I was still in High School, a common prank would be to leave tissue stuffed in the drains so the sink would overflow and flood the bathroom. SMH.
haha, I could see myself mistaking the tap for the heavy rain outside. They’re pretty similar sounds. I guess we all have our “oh right, duh” moments! I can’t believe the previous person just left it running though. What a waste of water :(
I love the sounds of rain, and the smell too! Unfortunately it doesn’t rain much here, so when it does I have to take advantage of it! We had a pretty bad storm here about 2 weeks ago where some brush caught on fire from a blown powder transformer…it was pretty damn bad and even the fire dept couldn’t do much. Thank god the rain came when it did and put it out! o.O
As to your bathroom incident…why in the hell did someone not turn off the tap? I hope it wasn’t intention and someone was just being a jerk. Still, that’s a random happening at a public place, and though I laughed a lot at the story, bet it was awful to try to mop that up -.-
Lol! I can see myself doing the same thing and mistaking the running tap for the rain outside. I can’t believe the last person left the tap on full, what a waste of water.
LOL, GEORGIE. SAME, THO, SAME. I definitely would have thought it was rain – but who the hell did that before they left the toilet, anyway?! That is so weird 🤔