Achievement Unlocked: June 2017

Hey everyone! I have been so busy lately that I really struggled to find the time to commit to writing a summary for June. I’ve still remained busy with work since returning from Perth (even though I was working remotely while there, too!), but I have a few exciting bits and bobs.

Achievement Unlocked: June 2017

On the side, I have been helping out with the startup that Nick works for, so a lot of work to do there! I also helped start codebar in Sydney, and we are going to have our first event very soon. My friend Charlotte ran codebar in Brighton in the UK before moving to Sydney, and wanted to start it up here. codebar is workshop-based and we will be mentoring and helping people learn how to code. I’m excited to be part of this initiative.

It was Nick’s birthday in June and I surprised him by delivering him doughnuts and wine. 🍷🍩 I was in Perth and couldn’t be there. But I liked that it was a total surprise, hehe. ❤️

I have been using Instagram stories a lot more, but mostly for gym workouts haha. Since leaving Snapchat three years ago, I found that although Instagram stories seems very similar on the outside, the content people post on Instagram stories is far more interesting and meaningful than what I used to see on Snapchat. I still don’t treat it like a big deal though.

Also, I get that dog filter. I get it now. It makes so much sense now! 🐶 It’s my favourite. Bahhah.

Just before writing this, I was:

Sipping on my Russian tea (that I bought from Paris last year) and having some rosemary and sea salt crackers. They are sooooo good. It’s not the healthiest snack as I could be having some fruit instead but it’s not too bad.

This past month, I achieved:

I am still on a meditation streak, 43 days at the moment – admittedly this gamification makes me squeeze in a three-minute meditation session way too close to bedtime when I have realised I want to keep my streak. That is not the right way to do it, haha. I need to improve that.

I came second in a Codepen challenge held by the Fenders meetup group in Perth. You can see my Superhero name generator, which is inspired by web development haha. Or I have embedded it below! Excuse my JavaScript, it’s really not the best. 😅

See the Pen Find your superhero name by Georgie (@heygeorgie) on CodePen.

It’s kinda cheesy, but the judges liked it because it was different and amusing. The theme was “heroes” and we didn’t actually know that until the day. I had to build this in 2.5 hours. ⚡️ It was fun, and my first time participating in some kind of hackathon!

I wrote a piece of JavaScript to fix something at work that had been causing us a lot of technical debt. I’m glad I did it, though we ran into other issues that have to be fixed first. 😞 I was still commended for my work though, because I’d taken it as far as I could.

I went to the gym a LOT while I was in Perth. It was a crazy effort because there was no gym within great walking distance so I had to travel to the gym. I didn’t really have a commute because I was just working from my apartment, so it was not so bad. I’m proud of my commitment and that I have kept it up in the weeks following my return.

This past month, I learned:

That pushing your limits can be good. The key is balancing it.

This past month, I got bored of:

My keemun tea that I had had for over a year. 😦 I finally finished it, though I did throw out a lot of the tiny remnants at the bottom that were practically not tea leaves anymore.

But that’s OK, because I enjoyed:

I really enjoyed the soy chai that I had at the Moon cafe in Perth! I love when a chai latte is served with the leaves still in the tea and you get the strainer with it too. Chai latte is not just powdered mixed shit, guys.

Today, something that made me happy was:

I went to the gym. But don’t get me wrong, I always feel pretty good after a workout. :P

Today, something I could have done better was:

Nana gave me a suggestion to do bicep curls and more isolated exercises towards the end of my workout, starting with things like bench press and dips. It would make the bicep curls more challenging. I’ll definitely try that next time. 🙃

Tomorrow, I’m going to:

See Hey Geronimo play a show again! 🎸

In July, I’m looking forward to:

Working out more!

In July, I’m going to make the positive change of:

I have recently started splitting up my gym workouts into muscle groups. Previously I tended to work two muscle groups every session (like both arms and legs), but with upping my workouts recently, I am going to change that. I’m also inspired by Chynna who is doing a summer shred this month! I guess I’ve sort of decided to do a winter shred. I am trying to get some exercise in every day if I can. This is what July has looked like for me so far:

  • 1st July: Mostly arms and chest, but did a bit of legs. My arms were on fire!
  • 2nd July: Rock climbing! Pretty sure I climbed at least ten walls.
  • 3rd July: Mondays I typically rest (but next Monday I am planning to participate in soccer).
  • 4th July: Leg and butt day!
  • 5th July: Cardio and abs. I am feeling the ab pain at the moment and did way more cardio than I have ever done in a single session! On Wednesdays I will be trying to go to yoga.
  • 6th July: Today it was back to arms and chest.

I’m going to try and work out as much as I can this month and see results!

One thing on my to-do list is:

Write up more posts about Perth. 💖

One happy photo from this past month is:

Me and Nick taking a selfie
Nick is getting in on these filters too 🐨

If I had to write a book or record a film about this past month, I would call it:

Fitness + Life = Life (It’s still life, hah!)

After I post this, I’m going to:

Get on working with some of the contract work I need to do. 😄

Thank you everyone for reading this post and for your support! I hope you have had a great past month and that July is going well for you. :)

Comments on this post

Codebar sounds like an amazing event, and it will be great to have that support for learning to code in Australia and help others ‘develop’ a great skill.

Congratulations on coming second on the Codepen challenge. It’s a funny generator. :D I don’t know a lot about JS, but it looks confusing haha. Wow, you built is very quickly with not a lot of time! :O

It’s great that you have been visiting Perth so much. It sounds like a place you enjoy. :D It’s good that you can have that time and space to yourself. Sometimes you need it. :)

Awww. Hello, cute koalas. :D

It sounds like you had an awesome June!! I’m loving seeing your workouts, and you really inspire me with your commitment to fitness! I’ve been slacking on my own weight/strength training, but since the weather here is disgustingly hot, I need to do more indoor workouts. Maybe I’ll get in on a summer shred for the last three weeks of July, too! It sounds like a great idea.

The superhero name that came up for me was “Emojidude” which I think is fitting. My friends commend me for my perfect use of emojis. ;)

I hope you have another great time in Perth! Shaking up your environment is always a good thing, even if it’s not a holiday.

Oh, your JavaScript code project looks so cool! I always think I want to make something with it, but then stress over not knowing it (I’ve tried to learn from online tutorials, to no avail). The superhero generator seems fun, like something that should be one of those chain game things…😏😂

I love your Instagram stories, because I love seeing your workout clothes! Probz weird, but I have a fascination with workout clothes. They used to be a special interest, but then my eating disorder complicated that. I love that lime green outfit of yours (or is it yellow? I’m shit with certain colors).

❤ Looking forward to next month’s!

Sounds like you’ve had such a busy month, G! I’ve really enjoyed following your updates on social media. I remember reading that post about Snapchat – I am a heavy Snapchat user but recently Instagram stories has been getting a bit more of my attention because of the amount of engagement I actually get from it. I get a bit more rich engagement and meaningful conversations out of posting on their in contrast to Snapchat. In addition to awesome morning conversations with you <3, I also helped another gal out with her Gymshark choices the other day and helped encourage mindfulness – see? Awesome engagement, honestly feel closer to people too! :D

I really enjoy seeing your workouts – I have decided to do the same too – I've isolated muscle groups and working out with Grace Fit (an instagramer who I met recently in real life, she's amazinggg!) instead of the usual Fitness Blender. In just two weeks, I've seen a change in my arms (much more toned!!!) from muscle isolation. Excited to see your results and hear your thoughts on muscle isolation! WE GOT DIS GIRL.

Codebar is happening around the UK too – there's not one in Sheffield but in bigger cities like Oxford and London! It looks great and an awesome support group! Who knows, maybe it can start kicking off in Sheff soon too ;) EEEK I'm motivated, inspired and empowered by this. LOVE YA GEORGIE HAVE A GREAT JULY!!!!!

Way to go on your workouts and exercising, and I’m just here working on my blog and eating French fries. You go girl.

I need to get back to working out more myself! And meditating more! But congrats on doing so well!

HEY GEORGIE! Long time! I keep leaving and coming back due to work and school. I can’t wait until I graduate and it is just work keeping me from my blog! <3

I'm going to school for IT now and Codebar seems like EXACTLY the thing I want to do when I graduate. Teach people how to code, not sure if you saw it but I used to own a forum to do just that but ended up closing it due to work/school/not enough interest. It sucks. I hope I can get into doing this though, that would be awesome.

I love your javascript code, it looks awesome! I'm learning javascript now in school… well refresher html/css, SQL, and very little javascript. Though anything I learn is new to me. :) I think I can write the code you wrote. That makes me feel awesome inside. :D

I'm working on losing weight as well. I just got my sister and I a fitbit and I've been exercising a lot more lately and starting tomorrow I'm going to eat healthier… I should have been doing it all along but it is sooo hard when I am home all day. This weekend will be tough with me being home alone but if I can get through this weekend, when my sister comes back from her mini-vacation.

OMG. I was meant to message you about codebar yesterday because I just signed up to take part in their workshops and I saw your photo pop in the Sydney chapter 😜 The London chapter is by RSVP, so hopefully I get a place once a workshop is available!

I definitely prefer Instagram stories, as well. I can spend literally ages just watching everyone’s stories (especially yours 😉) and not get bored.

Also, hello! Thank you for mentioning me! I’ve fallen off the shred so badly, though, which has made me in turn sad and mad but considering I managed to gym whilst I was away, I know I can get back into the swing of things.