Paperback Writer

Whew, it was raining today after a very hot day yesterday! I appreciated the cool change.

I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas! I spent most of my Christmas relaxing, which is really unusual for me. Maybe it was because it was Christmas? Usually I’m on the computer for most of the day, and spend some time doing chores as well.

Yesterday I woke up pretty late, admittedly. I have been sleeping at inconsistent times lately – 2:45am the other day (my mum came home from work late and didn’t have keys!), yesterday at 1:00am (distracted…) and today, I don’t really know, but I’m hoping to sleep before midnight.

After I woke up late yesterday, my mum wanted me to go with her to our neighbours’ house to drop of some Christmas presents. We spent some time there having a chat about the neighbourhood and such. This elderly couple lives next door to us and lived there even before we moved here. We moved here when I was three years old, before my brother was even born.

We started talking about my mum’s work, and other rebuilt shopping centres around the area. A lot of shopping centres have been rebuilt or been extended. We talked about this one about twenty minutes away, which recently opened with an underground car park. What’s really funny is that the wife of the couple used to live there when she was younger, and back then it had been farmland with only a few houses in the area. It’s strange how it’s all urbanised now, and apparently they’re building penthouses. :D

I ate breakfast rather late, after we returned home. This resulted in a late lunch at about 4:00pm, and a late dinner at about 9:00pm. I had eaten some fruit throughout the day, so my dinner was just a can of tuna and a few spoons of rice.

Though I was online and checking my email throughout the day, I chose to lie down on the couch in the afternoon and watch a concert with Human Nature (an Australian vocal group) and the Sydney Symphony orchestra. It was only an hour and a half, and it was very enjoyable to watch. It reminds me of the 22nd January 2011, the day which I’ll be going to my first concert for Ben Jorgensen. I’m quite excited already – less than a month left. :D

I’m hoping to start the new year nice and fresh and I have some resolutions in mind. That includes sleeping early! As I mentioned in previous posts, I’m going to be cleaning my websites and fanlistings out too. I’ve already made a new layout and moved my writing portfolio to Let me know what you think and if you’re into writing, be sure to leave a comment. :)

Speaking of writing… I’ve been working on a novel. I wrote one a long time ago when I was 14, but it was terrible. The plot was awful and there was just too much dialogue throughout the entire story. The novel I’m working on has about 8,000 words now. I wrote the first chapter about a month ago when I suddenly felt inspired to write. I don’t really want to share this story, but I’ll definitely share the news if it gets published or not. I’ve got a long way to go but I’m glad I’ve found my writing roots again. /eee

Also, for those of you who are always surprised about the number of domains I have – I’ve revamped my domain collective that is It looks classier now (or so I hope!), and more organised. Some of my domains aren’t listed there as I’m going to be getting rid of them soon. Let me know what you think! ;)

Comments on this post

Yay for a relaxing Christmas! Mine usually involve moving around and helping my mum with whatever she’s doing, and sometimes going to a part with the family or going to a relatives house. I remember we once went to a party somewhere near Chastwood. It was okay, although I didn’t like getting back home so late.

I’m glad that you are writing again. I really liked that story you’re working on, it seemed really interesting hehe. I’ve realized I haven’t written anything big for a while now. University work this year really took a lot from me. I’m so glad this year is almost over!

I also can’t wait for the 22nd haha. Should be interesting, I think. :3

We used to go to parties every Christmas Eve, my mum had a cousin out in Chatswood too (small world…)! It seemed so far from home. It was like a tradition and we had to get all our cousins/relatives presents out of politeness; they would give presents to my brother and me too. We usually arrived back home very late, and I would have fallen asleep in the car. But yeah… those parties don’t happen anymore, the wife passed away and though there was a party since then, it’s just not so regular anymore!

You’ll be writing in 2011! :P (I can tell the future, you see.)

Your lucky to have heat and rain! Over here, we have nothing but snow, cold and more snow! /hmph Its HORRIBLE! I miss summer, badly.

I absolutely love! I read a few of your lyrics, my favourite has to be ‘Argument’. I don’t know why, it just stood out more than the others I read in my mind. Wowza, has ALOT of domains on it. I’d forget the names of my domains and forget to update if I had that many, tehehe /hehe
Also, I love the layout on The layout looks so professional! As do all your other layouts I suppose. I love the roll-over from black and white to colour. The scarecrow voodoo doll makes me giggle everytime I see it, ahah! XD

I used to eat canned tuna, but now I prefer the rectangular package. I think it is more fresh. I don’t know… Something happened with an off-brand of canned tuna once, and that pretty much ruined my view on canned tuna. … Why am I talking about tuna? /hmph

I wrote a story. I am slowly putting it and my other story/novel onto a “secret” blog, as I like to call it. I just don’t want my mom finding it –

I really like your domain collective! I’m so jealous! Ahahh. I kind of want one. But I want a domain name for my collective/portfolio, and then a splash page with two pictures – one for the collective subdomain, and the other for the portfolio subdomain? Yeah. ^^

But I really like it; it looks better. …Not that it didn’t before, it’s just.. yeah. :D

My mom thinks I don’t have friends because she never sees them. >.> Even if I don’t have friends nearby, I still have friends far away. I don’t have to talk to them EVERYDAY. We would get tired of each other. >.> Blahh. I don’t know. And then Tony (stepdad) thinks I need a boyfriend. He thinks I’m not social, either.

o.o I think the definition of socializing is different now than it was when my mom’s generation was growing up. They didn’t have the internet like we do now.

After the presents are opened and food is eaten, there’s little to do around Christmas. Some go to church, others do chores… bleh.

I’m glad that you started writing again! Crossing fingers for you to get published~

I also wrote a “novel” when I was little, lol. It was a children’s book about a group of animals who sailed around the world, meeting new people and experienced adventure. God, it was horrible. Cute, but horrible.

I’m glad you had a nice relaxing Christmas! Mine was slightly hectic but I relaxed towards the end of the day.

It’s cool that they’re building penthouses in your area! I’m not quite sure what they are…If they’re what they think are, (which are apartments with glass roofs?) then I’ve only ever seen them in films, but they look really awesome. :’)

Aw, I’m so happy you’re going to see Ben Jorgensen in concert! I know how much you admire him, I’m sure you’ll have a lot of fun! I bet you’re excited with it being so close now. :P

Good luck with your novel! Haha, 8,000 words sounds like quite a lot to me, I wrote 2,000 for an essay once and that took 3 hours! I hope you get to complete your novel and it gets published!

Surprisingly it didn’t take long at all to get all my music and pictures onto my laptop! I backed up my music Christmas eve, then I had it copying in the background whilst I was eating my dinner and with my family!

Thank you! :) Yeah, my new years resolution every year is to lose weight but I haven’t ate as much as I usually do this Christmas! It would be better if my new years resolution was to sleep earlier too, as I’m late for school a lot!

It’s always amazing how some areas develop so quickly! When I moved to the place I live now at the age of 12, there were a couple shopping centers in town which were very convenient. And then I was told that those shopping centers weren’t there and that the town was mostly empty fields two years before that. Wow!

If I were making a collective, I’d probably just have one domain and several subdomains. Then again, I’m cheap and would never buy more than one or two domains. But your collective page is pretty! I’ll read your writings in whatever spare time I can choke up for it – I’m interested in your longer works, because I’m just bad with poetry.

I actually thought about having subdomains before I even got another domain, but realised that wasn’t for me… at all. :P I guess I just like having completely separate sites for different purposes. I’ve become addicted! I’m cheap, too, but I have enough to afford the domains I have now. I used to have many more but I wasn’t really using them so I wanted to put the time, money and effort into ones I would care more about. :D

Thank you, I’m glad you like it! I used to dislike poetry a lot, but I’ve grown to really love it. ♥

I’ve been going to sleep way past midnight ever since winter break started, and I always end up waking up just in time for lunch. I didn’t get to play in the snow today because it, since a lot of it melted away while I was sleeping.

Good luck with your novel. :) I wrote a novel for NaNoWriMo last year and now that I think about it, it was really stupid. The plot had so many holes and I didn’t use enough varied sentence structures.

I love you too. :D I love the icons because without them my blog looks so together and squished lol. That’s the reason why I’m getting used to putting my comment thingy in my blog now. :D

I know I really need to get over him, it’s been 3 years. It’s not healthy. I’m trying though, most boys in my school or bleeehh. I mean I’m attracted to some of them but not as much as him. It’s like no one can compare to him. I used to have a the biggest crush on a guy named Jordan, we talked and flirted a lot but after a while the feeling went away. The feels I have for K just won’t go away.

My church is doing this fireworks thing and I really want to go see it. Want to know a secret? I’ve never seen live fire works. Not those local boring ones but like the ones on TV. :D

I’m already moving from NLH. The thing is to the do server transfer I need to use backup wizard or cpanel backup. NLH being retarted removed it and they put in their own backup script and it doesn’t let me do full backups. It’s quite frustrating. Do you know any other way to move sites without using the backup wizard?

Yay you for having an amazing Christmas. :D I woke up way to early, I’m such a sleep weirdo. 😝 Ooo an underground car park, sounds fancy. ;) I would love the live in a penthouse some day. That would be so cool.

What’s the novel about? looks amazing by the way. 👏 I love the rollovers, totally creative. /eee

I’m glad you got to have a relaxing day! :) It’s great that you’re writing a novel! I’ve been trying for like 2 years and I’m only 12, almost 13! xD

Jeez I miss the heat. I don’t know what’s up with England this year, we had a couple of hot days in the Summer but then it was just dreary and rainy D:! I feel like I haven’t just had a nice, hot, sunny, go out in shorts and buy icecream day is foreeverrrr!

I had a good Christmas :) That is one thing I love about Christmas. No chores, no revision, just having a good time :)

It sounds like you had a really chilled out day, which is cool :)

Woo! Good luck on the novel! I will definitely read it! I love writing so much, and I also love reading :)

I’ll check out the revamped domain and writing space. That’s great that you’ve revamped it :) There are lots of things I want to revamp on my site, including my shop, but I doubt I’ll have the time to get it ready by the new year Dx

I’m glad you had a good Christmas. I had a relaxing Christmas too. But a hectic week up to it.
It can be fun visiting with elderly folk. They are a special part in society.
I don’t really make resolution for New Year’s, but I do want to improve. I hope you get that sleep!
I wish I could find my writing roots again. But it hasn’t come back yet, I have tried. looks awesome! Good job girl!

Glad you had a relaxing Christmas! I actually prefer laid-back holidays. I hate to say this, but I really enjoy a lounge-around-in-pajamas-Christmas to a crazy-family-reunion-Christmas. xD

Ooh! A novel! Did you participate in NaNoWriMo? I tried.. but… yeah. Fail. xD

I love writing too, though! You should post some of your novel! :D

Wow you’re working on a novel! That’s really awesome. Although I really like writing, I suck at writing stories. I don’t know. I should work on that. Haha. Anyway good luck with that. That’s a nice project ^_^
I should include sleeping early as a new year’s resolution, too! Like you, I’ve been sleeping at inconsistent times the past few days. It’s screwing me up, really O_O
And aww. I wish I could watch concerts again, too. Sigh. My life needs more excitement :p
Merry Christmas to you! ^___^

I love writing, nd I hope to stay involved for as long as possible. :D

Those are good ideas, I think I’ll try that. :D

And guiltily enough it was that page that made me put that in in the first place! xD

It’s a bit funny (ironic funny) for me to see you say you’re writing a novel. Just today, I counted the number of words on one page, counted the number of pages in a single chapter and multiplied that, before then counting the chapters and multiplying that again. It came out to be (when rounded) at 4,000 words per chapter, and 140,000 for the whole book, which is almost 600 pages. I’ve no idea if this is accurate, but I like having an idea about how much I should be writing so nothing is over stretched.

I have several ideas for books, one of which being a trilogy, but have been reluctant to begin writing because I don’t feel I have enough experience or proper knowledge to write a full fledged book that, even if not published, I would still like to see on my shelf in hardback.

All luck to in your own novel. /eee

Thank you Megan! :)

I haven’t counted the words in a novel (you seriously have too much time on your hands ahahaha) but I did have an e-book version of The Catcher in the Rye (one of my favourite books) and I highlighted all the text and pasted it into Microsoft Word to do a word count. That book is a rather thin one, at about 200 pages. It had about 75,000 words. I hear that for first time novelists, 80,000 should be the limit, as most publishers aren’t keen on publishing long novels for first time novelists. I’m aiming for about 70,000 really!

I guess I’m not so confident with seeing my book possibly printed and in physical form on my shelf, and maybe I’m not ready for that either, but what I really want is for people to read what I write. I guess that’s my main thing. :)


I was glad of the rain as well :D. It was definitely a welcome, cool change. Hot weather is almost ALWAYS unbearable for me 😰 .

I had a great Christmas :). I think I told you about it. But yes, LOTS of fun. It’s nice that your Christmas was relaxed :). It’s not often you get a fully relaxing day.

Oh, you have elderly neighbours too! My mother just visited our neighbour, and gave her a Christmas present today. Unfortunately she’s very elderly and ill, so she’s in a nursing home :(. But she was happy to hear from my mum.

Man, I would so LOVE to see what where I lived looked like before all this development started. I bet it was so much emptier. And more peaceful and calmer, rather than heaps of pollution and traffic D:. Eeeeep!

Ohhh Sydney Symphony Orchestra. Man, one day I want to go watch an orchestra perform. It sounds awesome. I hope you have fun at Ben Jorg’s concert :D.

New Year’s Resolutions! I’m actually going to try to keep mine this year. I need to make sure my sleeping habits stay regular and that I stay healthy. RAWR!

GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR NOVEL! :D Don’t worry, I’m sure anything you wrote as a fourteen year old, is better than anything I could write now. I have NO imagination D:.

I love the new layout at! It actually looks AWESOMELY professional :D. AND THE GRAYSCALE GETS COLOURFUL WHEN YOU HOVER! I love the pictures you used too. Especially the one for Eyethief XD.

I hate hot weather, I’m eternally grateful to the sun gods for being a little quieter this season. :P

I am actually worried about my neighbours; they seem to be going fine and they’re healthy, well, and optimistic, but I can’t help but think that their time will come sooner than mine, that makes me really sad. :( We had an old lady living alone on the other side of our house for many years, and we always got scared of her. We got to know her a little bit after some time and she was not as scary as we thought, though it was sad when she passed away. :(

I remember seeing operas, which isn’t the same… but we did see some HSC students play instruments for Music class… which was great too!

Haha I told you about my old stories… terrible! I think it just comes with practice. Even though I didn’t write novels or stories, I’ve still been writing blogs. I think writing is a huge part of me. 8)

I’m glad you love it! You were so amused! ♥ /bounce

Oh Christmassss! It was good, I’ll hopefully do a post on mine :)

I don’t know much about my neighborhood, I actually hope to move out soon! I do know a little bit about Dewey’s neighborhood as I used to go to after school there and then high school as well, and I’ve worked in the shopping center behind his house for a while now. The shopping center is fairly recent, it used to be trees and grass and even earlier than that it used to be farmland. I also just did two papers for my classes on Brooklyn in New York City and it’s weird to think of there, and all of New York City as farmland, considering how urbanized they are today too! looks pretty good too by the way :) I hope to find the inspiration like you to revamp and write. You’re so creative! I do hope your novel comes out well :)

Yeah! ;) I’m also using this page: to determine a
laptop to get! /hehe I love your site! ♥ And it’s good that
writing never left you. That means it’s going to play a big part in
your life. :) And I’m still a kid, so I have a long way to go! I
think you’re… 6 or 7 years older than me! :D

Wow, I love reading books, and I’ll definitely read your novel once it gets published! I’m so happy for you that you’re using your skills in writing; keep it up! You might be one of the bestselling authors and your novels might be one of the bestselling novels someday. God bless! (Y)

My Christmas was great. I’m glad to hear yours was relaxing and that you enjoyed it. :)

Around where I live, new shopping centers are always being built and/or extended. In fact, a few years ago a huge shopping mart called Target. I’m not sure if you have them in Australia or not but basically it’s just a place where you can buy toys, games, clothes, and food. :P It’s nice because it’s just right down the street from where I live.

You are lucky that you can write. I wish I could write something good…my writing skills are pretty normal. But that’s awesome that you are writing a novel! What a great way to spend your time. :D

Hahah, no I probably won’t quit unless it’s necessary. I would really miss my website! And if I was quitting, I would give some warning before just leaving. XD

Yeah, if they were maybe more interesting questions like things that I can elaborate on, it would be great. The questions that I had though got REALLY boring after like week and it’s a pain to blog everyday. :P

They were like so many calories! I have eating them both though. LOL. Thank you!

Okay, good because this comment is like a month late. XD I shouldn’t stress so much because I know you have so many comments to return. :P I totally understand; you just wouldn’t have time, you know?

Oh my gosh. My family is the opposite. My mom LOVES decorating the house for Christmas. I swear to God…we have so much junk around the house on Christmas, it’s insane. My brother and I normally do get gifts but it’s not a lot like some people get. :S I don’t really want much though!

Oh yeah, I hear from your blogs that it’s super hot there! It actually ended up snowing on Christmas, and it was amazing. ;D Here in Georgia, we hadn’t had a white Christmas in over 100 years, so everyone was going crazy!

I like the icon you made for It looks so musical and cool! :D

I don’t remember how old I was when I learned to ride one, but I remember learning how to on rocks. D: My Papa Al was still alive, though. ♥ I miss him. :(

Haha. Yeah, Ricolas are apparently good for you even if you are not sick! I used to keep them in stock – in high school, I would have one in the morning, one after lunch and one at night. I hardly ever got sick. A doctor had once told me that they help build your immune system? I believe it.:P

I was told last night that my friends I blog and talk to aren’t “real” friends. Blah. I just ignored Tony and went on with what I was doing. /cool

I’m envious… I want to lounge around all day too. Never mind that I did that yesterday. Since I don’t have time off, I’ve decided to be a Grinch about it whenever I can :P

The story with your neighbours reminds me of an odd little happening. I think it was last year, at the company I worked for before; I was going on lunch break, and there was this older lady who was loitering in front of the building looking at it curiously. She asked me what the building was and I told her it was a software company. She was so surprised, and told me that before her husband’s childhood home had been there. And then she proceeded to ask what a software company was. I remember I was so taken aback when she just asked “so… anyone can walk in there and ask for a computer program?” I said yes, although that was not quite how it worked XD

I love the design on aquapheric. Although given the nature of the site, I think having the first letter of the title be a drop-cap (i.e. a much larger letter than the rest, which would take up a few lines in height… you know, like in older fairy-tale storybooks) would be a nice touch. :)

Sounds like you had a pretty great christmas! :D Thats always good! My was pretty enjoyable. I wrote a huge post on it. :) I don’t know how you function with such late sleeping habits. I can’t even get up and I usually got to bed at 8:30, or 9. I don’t know the people in my neighborhood that well. i used to but then people moved. and you don’t talk with them anymore.

Concerts on TV are the best, because you can do whatever you want during it, and pause when you nee to get up. :P Plus you can hear better.

Hope your novel goes well! XD

I love the new layout on! It is beautiful!
It’s not about the whole stealing work for the PDF files. I just think they save a ton of space and they are easier to organize, plus the bonus of no copy and paste. :)

I got the mark back on the paper, I got -2 point because of a few mechanical errors, but I got a 71/73. :) I am quite proud. :3

I totally agree, pasta is great for you! <3

Care to share some heat? I need to melt the snow from the blizzard. Even though it’s sunny here every day except yesterday, it’s not enough to melt that snow. My plans for yesterday were ruined because of it too. =( I do like snow, but not this much. Yes I am picky picky. :P

I love stories like that, too bad my town has mostly been residential. Most of the USA is already developed so not much change in these years. My friend tells me that when she was in China she lived in a small apartment and now it’s a high-rise condo. Haha.

Ahhh that’s sweet, I’ve wanted to write a novel since … forever! Except I fail at writing! I saw! I like how you did it, love the images you used to represent your domains! :P

That’s cool, my friend gets cheap CDs from China. But prices for Korean stuff here are goddamn expensive! The store I work at sells this model duck about the size about half a computer mouse (sorry, only thing on my desk haha) for $200. WTF. Where does your brother download Korean music??? Without downloading viruses along with them?

EXACTLY my point!!! It’s like you’re only paying for shipping fee! I buy a DVD online for $20, shipping from Korea is $18. So not worth it.

Aww that’s sweet then. I wish I could find the inspiration to say that. My mom and I haven’t been fighting lately though … it’s happy holiday season, I wish it would stay forever. =(

I’ve seen the first three seasons too! Mostly online! I wanted to buy the DVD but it’s so expensive, like almost as expensive as Korean DVDs. Haha I remember your brother getting in trouble for downloading something … if my memory is correct.

Well then don’t think about it … it was a long time ago. I try not to remember the time my brother picked me up and threw me, yeah. It’s hard not to remember though. =( But I don’t let it get in the way I think of him. Everyone fights. =/

Aw that’s cute. I don’t really think of Mia like a sister, I used to though, you know kids and the sisterhood. But we’re the same age so unless we’re twins … which I guess can make sense. But I always see the older and younger sister relationship between two friends haha.

LOL!! All the scary wake up methods and reactions … but wow, 5AM bedtime? That is HORRIBLE. Though I’m not far from that, HAHA! But I don’t wake up at 2PM, I usually wake up before noon or else my mom would yell at me. Though now that my brother’s home waking up isn’t a problem. There are these videos of Korean boy band members waking each other up in the most OMG methods you can think of. I regret sharing it with my brother. =/ I’m not a dude I don’t think getting woken up like that is funny.

Haha I know, I added you first. ^^

Wow that guy is insane, reminds me of this guy who asked Mia to kick him in the nuts because he didn’t think she’d actually do it. Well then make sure you kick a guy 500x in the nuts in his lifetime then. Poor him, no children for sure.

I like you’re in a writing mood! I hope that when you finish, if it doesn’t get published you can at least send it to a printery and get a copy yourself or publish it yourself :-) Just to spread the word of unknown authors!

Christmas was awkward for me this, starting with breakfast in Chinatown. /hehe You’re lucky you could relax on Christmas! I went snowboarding/skiing with my family. You seem like you have a great Christmas!

Good luck with your novel! is so pretty, you are such a great designer. I admire you.

Hi Georgina, my God! You sleep so late? I can’t stay awake after 10.30 pm. Thats the limit for me. Many of my friends make fun of me due to this reason. Most of them stay awake till 12.00 pm or so @_@

You moved into your house at the age of 3, thats great. I moved into this house when I was nine. And I have many fond memories of the place where I spent my childhood. I never wanted to shift here. But I have some awesome friends here as well, though it takes time to adjust.

So, you are into writing as well, huh? Thats great. I love to read books but have never considered writing one. It requires a lot of patience for it and being an arian, all I lack is patience. 8000 words is too much. When did you count it? Anyway, looking forward to reading your novel someday ♥