We’re getting married tomorrow! 💍

That’s about all I had to say. We have been anticipating this day for over a year. And this year has gone by pretty fast.

I’m saving all the soppy shit for my wedding speech, but once the big day is over I’m sure we will have a very much needed rest. And then you can expect some soppy blog posts. I don’t think I need to go into any more detail how excited I am to be marrying the love of my life.

We had our engagement shoot a few weeks ago, and we had some nice photos back, so I will leave you with these now. Next time I write we will be husband and wife ❤️

Nick and I sitting on a dock with our arms around each other
Sitting in an embrace
Me on tiptoe to kiss Nick
Tippy toes 😍
Nick and I holding hands and standing amongst a bunch of trees
This one is now my phone wallpaper!
Nick and I holding hands and kissing – shot from above
Love the play with focus in this shot.

Thank you to our photographer Kieran Moore. We are excited to see what photos he takes on the day tomorrow!

Comments on this post


I’m so happy and excited for the both of you! I hope you have the most incredible wedding day, and I wish you both all the very best for the future.

I cannot wait to see the photos from the wedding. These shots are stunning!

Congrats Georgie! Im so happy for you and that you found someone to spend the rest of your life with. :D I sure your wedding will be fantastic and cant wait for you to blog about about it and show some beautiful pics. Congrats again! :D

Ps, not sure if you remember me or not, but I used to have a few websites, one of them was called Candyswirl.org. It was a blog/fanlisting collective. I’ve recently gotten back into fanlistings again. Man, this whole html/css stuff, is kind of hard to remember lol I dont remember being this frustrated with it lol..

This is soo cute! I’m really happy for you and Nick, Georgie! Congratulations on your wedding and best wishes for your future!

Looking forward to the blog posts!

I saw your pictures on Twitter. OMG! Congrats to you and Nick! I hope you enjoy your married life together! <3 WOOT

Aaah, so exciting!! Guess you’re married by now, so congratulations to the both of you! 🎉💖

The engagement photos look amazing. The scenery is gorgeous and you make such a beautiful couple together. ☺ Looking forward to seeing what the wedding was like!

It feels so odd to have stumbled upon this post, being that I first read your blog back in 2007! I was an avid reader of yours back in the day (heartdrops was my lifeline and I know your tutorials in particular planted the seed for a coding hobby that I still hold dear today!). I don’t know where exactly I lost the bookmark, but it must’ve been around 2010 or so, and so to see how far you’ve come is pretty incredible! Congratulations, Mrs Cooke!

This was such an adorable post to read. This must have been such an exciting time for you. I’m so happy that you’ve found someone who makes you so happy. You deserve it, Georgie!

Your engagement photos are beautiful! I love the one taken from further away – it’s such a cute photo. Hope you enjoyed the photoshoot! Congrats!