21.10.17 ❤️

It’s been almost a week since the big day and today we head off on our honeymoon. We’re going to South Korea (Seoul) and Japan (Osaka, Kyoto, Gujo, Hakone, Tokyo) and we’re very excited. Although I have been to Japan before, Nick hasn’t, but I look forward to us sharing experiences together!

Our wedding day was really a big success. I will write more about it in detail when I have more time, but it’s crazy that a year of planning is all over in one big day. But we had the time of our lives. We enjoyed ourselves – we enjoyed being with each other, being around our friends and family, and had a very fun and memorable day.

Nick and I sitting on a dock with our arms around each other
Wedding photo at The Grounds, by Kieran Moore

Weddings can be stressful and we definitely went through our fair share of stress. There were some things we probably rushed and didn’t think very long and hard about (and probably could have) but they didn’t cause major issues once the big day came. There were other things we fussed over and probably didn’t really need to because they didn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. Basically, the advice friends gave me to: 1) have a few moments on the day to take it all in, and 2) don’t sweat the small stuff – was all great advice and I’d pass the same thing on to others getting married soon or in the future. ☺️

Something I have to point out is that we got lucky with a few things overall.

We had a ceremony and our reception at The Grounds of Alexandria, and we booked that in without even looking at other venues at all really. It was just perfect and very “us”. I also found my wedding dress on the first day I bothered to look at dresses, and I didn’t like any of the dresses I tried on until I sighed, “Well, let’s give this a go” and it turned out to be The One. 👰🏻

We booked Kombi Weddings for our wedding transport and they turned up an hour earlier, so the timing worked pretty well and Nick was able to get the photos he wanted with the van. Our photographer was unfortunately solo on the day because his wife had to take care of the kids and there wasn’t a backup, but Kieran Moore did a bloody amazing job.

We had a church ceremony in the morning as well, and the priest ended up being hilarious. He was a bit hopeless really, as an old chap he struggled a bit with the forms and he told a funny story… but I think our families and the bridal party were a bit amused. 😆

I think one question people might ask is whether I cried. Ooooh. We wrote our own vows for our second ceremony. I got super teary when Nick read out his. It felt like my heart was exploding. He obviously spent a lot of time on his words, and in turn when I read my vows I felt the tears coming.

I’m so happy I got to marry my best friend and the love of my life and we had the best day. ❤️

Comments on this post

Looks like you did have a blast on your Big Day! It’s a wonderful feeling, isn’t it? One you can’t fully explain, one that you can truly say as ‘yours (or mine).’ It slipped my mind that you’re getting married in October, so when you posted on Instagram, I squealed (in my head, at least) of delight! Again, congratulations and best wishes to both of you, and welcome to the married life! <3

I hope you have an amazing time on your honeymoon! :D The fact you have been to Japan will be helpful to show Nick lots of great things. :D

I am so pleased to hear that the wedding was successful! :D You deserved to have an amazing day and you looked so beautiful (and Nick very handsome too)!

I wish you so much love and happiness for the future. <3

Congratulations! Glad the day went well. Hope you enjoy your honeymoon – the destinations you picked sound amazing.

Finally a post about The Day!
The pictures were super gorgeous. And honeymoon at Japan!! I personally love the destination. Looking forward to reading more about the wedding and your honeymoon.
A big congratulations again to you and Nick! 😍😍😍

Georgie!!!!!! Pardon me for gushing over this, but I am soooooo exhilarated to know that you are now married! It’s been so long since we last talked — probably around our angtsy / sad years. We used to whine in our blogs back then! 😅

I am so happy to read your tweets and see your photos. You two look fantastic, not to mention the chemistry! <3 <3 <3

Enjoy Japan, it's definitely sweeter the second time around, especially now that you're with your hubby. ;) Oh, if you like toiletries, I recommend buying Shiseido Senka Perfect Bubble for Body in Sweet Floral scent. That's my favorite body wash! Eat a lot of Japanese and Korean food, too. You won't regret it, I promise. If you like spicy food, get those Samyang super spicy fire chicken noodles in Korea.

Wedding planning is also a big headache and can be a cause of argument, but it's all worth it when the big day comes. I'm glad you guys didn't let those issues get in the way. Marriage is still more important than the wedding day.

I'm having goosebumps writing this comment as I'm a sucker for weddings. I even cried during my cousin's wedding. 😂

Hooray to a new chapter in your life!

Aww, congratulations! You both look amazing, and I’m so glad the wedding went so well! I’m looking forward to reading more about it later and also about your honeymoon :) I already saw that you met Tara, which is so cool! I’m also excited that you’re going to Hakone because it’s such a beautiful and peaceful place. One of my favorites in Japan. Have fun!!

I myself got teary-eyed while I was reading this post! Congratulations to both of you! Hope you two have a great married life ahead. :)

Hey, Georgie! This is Todd from TFL. I am shifting my online focus from fansites to more personal stuff (blogging, writing) and got a new domain. I hope it’s okay that I follow you!

Congratulations on your wedding! I’ve been watching updates on Twitter. I can see Nick makes you really happy, and I wish you guys the best! I’m glad your day was magical.

Ahhh thank you Todd, of course you may follow along! ☺️💖 I have to say, I have slowly drifted away from TFL myself. I haven’t quit entirely but having a personal blog has always been my passion and even though I have been busy with wedding stuff, I really want to get more into the groove! I haven’t been blogging as much in the past few months because of that. 😆

Ahhh, Georgie, I’m so happy for you and Nick! Your dress is absolutely GORGEOUS, and I’m happy to hear how special the entire day was. My best friend just got married three weeks ago, and that happy magic is still in the air amongst our friend group. I can only imagine how ecstatic you must be feeling!
Have tons of fun in Japan, and I can’t wait to hear more about your wedding and honeymoon travels in a future update :)

It looks like you thoroughly enjoyed yourself, as you should! You look beautiful in your photo, and that dress is beyond gorgeous. You and Nick look so happy, and just the picturesque couple in that particular picture.
You definitely picked a great honeymoon travel! I hope you guys get to see and do a lot while you’re there. I’ve never been to either places, but have a friend who lives in South Korea, and another friend who travels to Japan frequently. The scenery in both countries are amazing!

I am so happy for you. Congrats on your big day and enjoy your honeymoon. I remember my big day. Planning is always stressful, but the end results are so worth it. Your picture looks beautiful, and you look amazing and extremely happy. Again, congratulations!!

You guys are such a cute couple! You both look amazing!!! Congrats to many more adventures you both will share together!!!

Random, you posted this on Oct. 27th – thats my wedding anniversary lol!!

Congratulations, Georgie! I think I’ve said this on Twitter last year and on other blog posts, but you look absolutely gorgeous and your dress is so beautiful. So happy for you!

Glad the day went smoothly. I think the advice you were given is great. It’s a day for you and you should enjoy it as much as possible. No point stressing over the little things!

The priest sounds hilarious, bless him. I’m glad people found him amusing!

Congrats again, and hope you’re both still amazingly happy!