Timeless Thoughts: My wedding makeup

Timeless Thoughts is a monthly linkup hosted by Georgie and Tara, where bloggers write about something from their past – it could be an item, a place, an event – anything that evokes a trip down memory lane. Timeless Thoughts is held on the first Saturday of the month, and runs for two weeks.

My mum did my makeup for my big day. 👰🏻 I can’t remember how the choice came about, but with my mum’s experience in skincare and makeup I felt that I could trust her to do mine. I don’t wear makeup on a daily basis and I don’t feel comfortable doing it, so I didn’t just want to trust just anyone with my makeup.

I was concerned about looking caked up or completely different from myself. My mum had told me that I should look different, but not in a bad way. She said that people should be able to tell that I am wearing makeup but not think that I look like a completely different person. To each their own of course, but as someone who doesn’t wear makeup a lot, I knew I’d feel wrong if I had makeup on that made me look different. I just wanted my makeup to accentuate my features.

Nick and I sitting in our kombi van on our wedding day
Sitting in our kombi van on our wedding day

My mum trialled makeup on me several times. Although she has a range of products, she had to make sure the foundation was the right colour to match my skin, the eyeshadow didn’t look too heavy, and basically overall she had to make sure that I looked good! I had to be pretty patient, and let’s face it, I’m not always patient, haha.

I think my favourite part is the contouring. I have to admit I know squat about contouring (or makeup at all really) but the shadows on my face look really good? I don’t even know how to explain it. I also like the subtle shade of lipstick. I had always wondered how brides wear their lips on their wedding day because it has to sustain some kisses. And I was super concerned about leaving lipstick on Nick, ha! 😂

Although nothing went seriously wrong, gosh, I have to say, those false eyelashes were giving us a bit of grief. The lashes on my right eye were getting droopy during the day. 😞 I think it shows up in some photos but I don’t think it’s super noticeable until you know and until I point it out! 😜

Me walking with my dad down the aisle
Me walking with Dad down the aisle. Photo by my friend Seb.

Honestly I was really happy with the end result, and although I felt like I had “heavy” makeup on my face on the day, the makeup looked beautiful in photos. My mum did an amazing job. ☺️ I know she was really stressed that morning because we didn’t have a lot of peace at home (I had so many relatives visiting from overseas who were over at my place that morning!). But she did a great job and I got a lot of compliments and I know a big part of it is thanks to her. 💖

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I think it’s so lovely that your mum did your makeup. It must have made it so much more personal. And she did an amazing job!

I always said that if I got married that I’d love my mum to do my hair because she used to be a hairdressers, and even though she’s been out of the business for over 20 years, she’s still incredible at it.

I wore false eyelashes for my cousin’s wedding but I’d never wore them before that and it felt like my eyes had been glued shut! I hated it at first but by the end of the day I didn’t want to take them off!

Also, I love the fact you had a camper at your wedding!! What a fun idea!

argh! i totally haven’t been keeping up! before the date, i was like ‘i can’t wait to congratulate georgie’ but then i got so into real life crap i forgot about the date :(

congrats, georgie! you’re def GLOWING *o* and your mom did a good job on the makeup! it somewhat reminds me of when i was preparing for graduation. i wanted to do my own makeup but i got a MUA to style my hair so i thought ‘fine, let her do it’ and uh… i still prefer doing my own makeup hahahaha but you’re so lucky to have your mom did it for you! you certainly look different but not in a ‘whoa who are you’ kind of way – it’s definitely different in a flattering way. congrats again!

Your mum did such an amazing job with the makeup A++++++. :D It’s wonderful that you could have someone close to you do the makeup for you, especially when it’s not something that you do very often. :D I have no idea about contouring! xD

Congrats Georgie again!!
Moms tend to do well with putting makeup on their daughters’ faces on special occasions. I remember for my grad photoshoot, my mom had done my makeup and all my friends were shocked to see my makeup face since I also don’t wear makeup and that it was a drastic difference

I think it’s wonderful that your mum did your makeup on your big day! You look absolutely beautiful in your photos!! (:

I love your wedding make-up, Georgie! It’s so lovely that your mum did it. I bet that was such a nice experience to have together. You look beautiful and I love your eyelashes.

I can barely put foundation on, let alone contour. I have no idea how girls do it. How do you know where to put all the lines? It’s so confusing.

Sorry to hear your eyelashes started coming off. I’ve attempted false eyelashes once and I couldn’t get them to stick properly. I have no idea how some girls wear them every day!

I know this is last year, but congrats!