Float Downstream
Yesterday Lilian, James and Dylan came by to visit me. I wasn’t allowed to see them so they came by whilst my mum was out at work. I did do my chores when I got home, don’t you worry… I ironed a whole pile of pants.
We went to a small park near my house for a bit, and were amused by the jungle gym. At 19 or 20 years of age…? Yes. :D We had bought a lovely caramel cake and Lilian got me salmon sushi (ooh, yum). We had a nice time catching up and just having a chat – particularly about our old classmates from high school. Dylan seems to know a lot about those old peeps. To be honest, I couldn’t care less about those people. I don’t have Facebook and it seems that a lot of them keep contact that way. But I was never really close to those people. I did try getting to know everyone but I guess after spending six years in the same school as them, it gets boring, and you feel like you know everyone too well, even if you might not have talked a lot.
We went to a much larger park near my house and walked around, I hadn’t been there in a while so it was nice to see. They have an animal enclosure and we saw some nosy emus and quiet birds. :) The weather was rather hot but we survived. :D
Happy Birthday Dylan for the 25th! ♥️ My brother also kindly took a photo back home (Lilian, me, Dylan and James):

I only spent about two hours out of the house but it felt like a much longer time. James, Lilian, Dylan, I appreciate it so much that you guys came out to visit me. ♥️ A day out closer to home in quieter and less busy streets (opposed to our plan for a day in the city) was probably better than any of us thought. /mwah
I did have to get back home quickly anyway, to make my brother lunch and go and do all my chores again. At least I got them done!
It’s nearly Christmas. I know everyone is talking about it but it seems so surreal. I’m not expecting anything for Christmas, I guess I see it as hopefully a nice ending to the year. Thank you everyone for all your lovely comments – things are definitely much better at home. In a way, I guess I have to be more tolerant and sort of turn over a new leaf myself. I’m really hoping the new year brings that for me – and I hope that it brings some wonderful things for all of you too. :) Let me know what your plans are for Christmas or if any of you are just going to be online and buzzing around. I’m not too sure what I’m doing,
I have free Twitter on my phone until the end of February, thanks to my provider. That means I’ll have until the end of my break. It’s a shame though, I wish I could have it while at university to make the train rides less boring!
On the website front, nothing much is going on. I’m slowly cleaning out my websites for the new year. 2011 is going to be less stressful for me, I hope! Love to all. :)
Comments on this post
Aduhmdahdeedum! *hugg*
Yesterday was awesome :)
I had a great time; I love how it was quiet too /faw without the hustle and bustle of everywhere :P
Omg yeah, I can’t believe Christmas is only three days away! It seems so much further than it did last year :3
I didn’t get you anything /um
but yeah. /love andhuggs for you /eee
Tyme to Sleeg!
sounds like you had a lovely time, and that’s an adorable picture of the group of you
I’m glad you got to have such a nice day with everyone :D I love chill days like that, where you just hang out & do whatever and have more fun than you ever imagined. That happens for my friends and I sometimes, it’s nice <3 That's a really cute pictures, too :D
It really doesn't seem like it's almost christmas :/ The year went by SO FAST it's insane. I don't usually expect a lot for Christmas.. my parents more just get us little things that we ask for, or just some money :P My friends always talk about how they got a Wii for Christmas, or they're asking for some really expensive laptop or something.. if I want something like that, I have to buy it myself.
I too am hoping the new year brings good things, for both of us. I believe you say my list of resolutions, and I'm going to keep to those as much as I can :)
He really doesn't deserve another chance. He was begging me for another one all of monday, and said he had changed & if I gave him another chance, I'd be blown away. I told him he could MAYBE have half of a chance, because I didn't have it in me to give him another one. He then told me not to blow it, and proceeded to not text me until way later the next night, so I'm so far not blown away, at all. Im done putting in the effort though. If he's going to try, he can do just that but I lost any tiny bit of effort I had left for him when he said the things he did, so now I'm just to the neutral standpoint I guess. And he knows that, so he shouldn't be expecting me to put effort in.
AH that tumblr is awesome <3 I stalked it so much after I saw your comment, haha. Thanks for letting me know about it :D
Ohh! That’s so nice of your friends to drop by! It’s nice to get away from the house once in a while even if it’s just for a couple of hours. I agree when you said that even thought it was only 2 hours, it felt like longer. You just have to take some time for yourself. Everybody deserves a little indulgence once in a while. Even if it’s a just a walk! I love the simple things that goes on with friends. I think it’s those moments that matter rather the whole crazy partying lifestyle.
I hate running into old highschool friends. It’s such a chore. The whole fake “hi’s” and pretending you are so excited to see them after so many years. What’s weird is when a few of them talk to you as if you guys had been friends forever when they barely even spoke to you in highschool /huh I do have facebook though and have a few of them on there but I don’t talk to them. I guess it’s kinda nice seeing what everyone is up to. It’s nice to know that old friends have lived their lives well like getting married and becoming successful and all that. Makes me feel good that they have chosen good paths in life.
I couldn’t stop laughing at your comment on my blog Georgina!! “Sorry, but I kind of hate spoiled fat cats.” I don’t know why that made me laught so hard but it did. Probably because I am just imagining really fat cats in my head right now XD
It is amazing how a visit or just a call from friends can cheer you up. I am glad you’re feeling better. This is why God made friends. That picture of yours is really cute. The next time when you’re upset, you can look at it and smile.
Facebook is a nice way of staying in touch, but it does get tiring when you have 300 friends. :/
Merry Christmas!
It’s great to hear that you had a great time and could see your friends after all! You guys all look awesome.
I’m having a hard time believing that Christmas is only three days away. It’s like everything has moved way too quickly! That’s what happens when you’re really busy all the time.
By the way, did I ever say that I love your smilies? Especially the ones that I don’t see often. /ho 💥 /bash ✌️ /faw
I’m glad you had a great time out with your friends. :) Happy (early) birthday to Dylan.
You are so cute, and rather short compared to your friends. :)
Well I do hope you have a wonderful Christmas and do at least get something from someone. I will send you a virtual present when I can. :)
I can’t believe it’s Christmas in 2 days (as it is Thursday here) and I am so not ready for it. It has come around so quickly. I still need to get 2 presents for Currar’s dad and nana. Opps. Might have to get mum to run to get them while I’m at work.
I don’t really know what I’m going to do with content, I want something different but to be honest there isn’t much difference you can do these days. I will be looking around at tutorials while I’m still waiting to get Photoshop.
D’aww. You look cute together the four of you. /hehe
I too am not expecting anything too special for Christmas; but I think whatever I do get I’ll be pleasantly surprised with, and so I look forward to that.
In terms of Christmas plans? Spending Christmas day with my family as usual (best way, in my opinion :) ), but I do hope to go out with my boyfriend at some point too. 👏
How are you?
Aww, I’m so happy that you are feeling better!
I’m glad you got to have a day out with your friends! It must have been fun reconnecting with them! :)
I wish you a merry Christmas by the way! ♥
Thanks for the comment and Merry early christmas!
I’m sixteen and still love playgrounds. It must be something about feeling like a little kid again. <3 and I love just spending time at parks. They're so pretty and peaceful and relaxing. Good for a little exercise too!
I keep finding it hard to believe Christmas is so near too! I'm glad things are better at home; I didn't have a chance to comment on your last blog but I did read it and you were in my thoughts. As for what I'm doing for Christmas? My family is pretty much just hanging out all day and "bonding", haha. We're making a big breakfast, and then play some games, unwrap presents, and then have a big Christmas Lunch. So much good food! The rest of the day we'll pretty much just relax, then that night we're having junk food and playing games. I'm pretty excited. Mainly for the food. :P Is that sad? haha
I hope you have a wonderful and merry Christmas! <3
I’ve missed reading your blog. :) You have no idea how much
homework I have to do over the Christmas holidays! I’m glad you had
a good time with your friends. It’s a lovely photo of you all. :) I
wish I could be more like you, with chores and everything. I don’t
do much around the house and sometimes I feel pretty bad about it.
All I do is keep my room clean. :S Christmas this year does seem
surreal. It hasn’t quite sunk in for me yet, how close it is. Just
2 days to go! O.O I think I’ll be doing the usual: spending the
morning and midday, opening presents and eating dinner with my mum,
dad and sister. :) In the afternoon, I’ll probably be going round
to my nanna’s house.
I do like being light sometimes, I think it makes me look unique. Cause my hairs dark, my eyes are dark and my skin is light… So I like it.. But, I think most people think I look better with a tan.. I dunno.. haha
Anyway! Onto your blog!!
That seems like such an amazing day! Way to go for you for sneaking out! haha
I had an amazing day yesterday too, me and my two best friends went to Edinburgh and pretty much spent the whole day creating amazing memories! We had some hilarious moments!!
Anyway, you seem like you had a nice time! I love just going to parks with my friends and talking about our year! Its just so…. simple…
Yeah. Keeping up with old friends through Facebook is okay. Sometimes people add you because they know who you are but never actually talked. Haha.
Same here. I wasn’t expecting any gifts this year but surprisingly my dad called to tell me he sent me gifts for me and my siblings. =) Christmas is a great time of the year. Especially because it’s leading into a new year. :) Have a merry Christmas Georgina. <3
Happy Birthday to Dylan.
I’m glad you had such a great day! Jungle gyms are awesome, haha. There’s nothing wrong with having fun, no matter what your age. :D
I’m been schoolmates with the same people for a really long time, having been in the same school for 11 years (and counting). I’m still not bored of these people though. :) I have a Facebook account, though I haven’t been using it much recently. It does help in keeping in touch.
It’s hard to believe that 2010 is almost over. This has been one of the quickest years for me. I hope the year ends well for you. :) Lets hope 2011 is less stressful for all of us. :)
Yes, we DID come to visit you :P. Bringing CAKE for Dylan’s birthday. It was FUN :D. LOTS of fun :P. I can’t believe we’re almost 20, yet we were still amused by jungle gyms. Hahahaha. We’re so childish, sometimes XD.
What’s been happening to old classmates isn’t something I’m ACTIVELY interested in, but more like a ‘Oh okay’ interest. It’s nice to hear about people you used to know, but I’d much rather know about the people I’m close to. Or know better :).
Aw man, I’m craving caramel cake again D:.
Ahaha! Look at us in the photo! Look how tall James looks! Even though Dylan’s taller than him in real life, isn’t he? It’s funny! But we all look happy :). Which is good. We rarely meet up, so savour the moment and document it :D.
OMG, I can’t believe tomorrow is Christmas Eve! I will be watching Carols By Candlelight (in an attempt to get into the Christmas spirit :P). Man, it’s a weird feeling. I thought I’d be HEAPS more excited by now, but I just feel like the excitement is…pending? Even though it’s so close? Hmm…maybe I’ll be more hyper tomorrow :P.
I’m going to my cousin’s house for lunch on Christmas Day. I’m so excited /bounce. Especially since I will be the one driving there! Let’s hope my gps doesn’t lead me into a dead end, or a pond or something D:. That would be bad.
LUCKY YOU! FREE TWITTER! I want free twitter *sniff*. Oh well. Enjoy while it lasts :P.
You’re probably watching the Carols now. :P And I realised I hadn’t responded to your comment, hello! :D
I did not even predict the cake would smell that good. Oh it was really delicious. My mum and brother loved it, I’m glad I took some home.
You guys will always be tall to me – I highly doubt I’m going to be getting any taller than this. But I don’t mind, I like it that way. :D I HAD to get a photo of us all at the end of the day, because we do hardly see each other! ♥
I hope your GPS doesn’t get you into a lake or something. That would be tragic. :( It had better behave itself! I’m not going anywhere on Christmas, but I suppose that’s good because I can laze at home and my mum and dad will be home and we’ll all be together. :D
You got free Twitter quite a few months ago… it’s my turn. /bounce
stopping by and wishing you a merry christmas :)
GEORGINA! *hugs* Well, it sounds like you had a pretty
awesome day. And it’s alright to be amused even if you are older
LOL. XD It’s really nice to have a walk out with friends instead of
being stuck inside the house all day – like me. Ahaha, I have no
social life. 😢 That’s a lovely photo. /heart YESSS! It’s almost
Christmas. Everyone’s been talking about it but I couldn’t really
care less. But I really do hope you have the BEST Christmas ever!
/bash I’m not doing much, probably just stay inside with my family
and take loads of photos of my brother opening his presents and
things~ /wave Aww! That sucks that it ends in Febuary and that
you’ll have boring train rides from then on… I’m sure you’ll find
something amusing to play with! 🤫 Have a merry christmas and
a happy new year! Take care! Lots and lots of love, Pauline.
I’m glad you got to see your friends! Haha, I’m the same at a park, the jungle gym and climbing frames always amuse me. XD
I’m not in touch with many people from primary school, bar the few that are in secondary school with me. I won’t keep in contact with many from secondary school either, I don’t think. There will probably be 4 or 5 people, but apart from Facebook we won’t speak much!
The picture is so cute! You look so happy to be with your friends. :)
I hope you enjoy your Christmas and it’s a nice ending to your year. I’m just doing the usual and staying at home with my parents, grandparents and siblings this year. I’ll probably consume my own body weight in food and regret it boxing day, but that’s about it!
Can you not organise a plan with your provider to give you free internet? I have to pay £5 a month for unlimited but it’s Blackberry internet, so it’s a little bit different. I have to pay separately to use the browser but my Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and Blackberry messenger comes under my £5 a month plan.
I’m glad you’re beginning to feel better and things are getting better at home! With the new year, you can make a new start.
Salmon sushi…. sooooo good. Jealous :D It’s been a while since I’ve gone to a playground.
I have a friend somewhat like your Dylan. And I have facebook… I still don’t care about all the people I went to highschool with lol. Some of them, a little but not really. Most of them are facebook friends but they’re hidden >:D
You seem like you had such a great day! That is such a cute group picture ♥ Friends can cheer you up so much. I hope you are feeling much much much better.
I wish you happy holidays, Georgina! /faw
It’s always nice to spend some time with friends and catch up and what not. I always find it interesting to see where people are now that I went to school with even though I wasn’t friends with them. I guess it’s kind of mean, but I really like when the super pretty popular girls are fat now and have kids or when the know-it-all hasn’t even gone to college or done anything with their life. Maybe that’s rude, but it makes me laugh a little because those types of people had it so easy in high school and now they’re finally getting a whiff of the real world… that probably makes me sound horrible, but whatever.
It’s very surreal that it’s already Christmas! I can’t believe this year is already gone and a new one will be starting. I hope your new year is better than this year, I hope the same for myself. I guess we make what becomes of our lives, we can choose how things will turn out — there is my positivity!
Ahaha if you’ve never seen Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion, I highly recommend you do. It’s a comedy that I guarantee you can at least relate to, and it certainly came to mind when you mentioned the popular girls fat with kids. Really though, you’re not mean – high school is so full of stereotyping and judging that I almost hope I’ll be better than them when it comes to a reunion. Better in the fact that nothing embarrassing has happened, my supposedly “bad rep” hasn’t gotten me into hot water – that kind of thing. It’s kind of crazy how people do change when they jump into the real world from high school. I am actually looking forward to a reunion with my entire year group just to see how much those nasty bullies have changed, if at all.
I hope you have a fantastic new year as well, hopefully 2011 has wonderful and more pleasant things in store for us. :)
It sounds like you had a lot of fun. :) Jungle gyms… I love those things! But… I remember them being much bigger when I was younger. I’m pretty sure it’s because I’ve grown. Too bad they don’t have adult jungle gyms. ._.
Yes. I am going to make six birds into “some kind of characters” and put it onto the site. :P That is exactly it, but not quite.
I have a cat named Max, haha.
My mom thought I was moving out as an act of rebellion. :( It’s three years later, and she is finally seeing why…
I don’t think people like for me to be independent. I mean, I’m not clingy. Though I hold onto things and people, I don’t enjoy being social 24/7. My dad’s side of the family doesn’t see that, therefore I do not always fit in with them. I prefer to do my own thing and in my own way. They like to plan everything and do so many church-related activities and whatnot, and that stresses me out. Blahh. More time would be GREAT.
Awhh, I posted pictures. :P I decided to blog again. Oh well. o.o So much for my posting hiatus. :O
Ah, I love hanging out with friends. :) I’m glad you had a fun time. I haven’t played on a jungle gym since elementary. It’s so sad. I used to be so scared of climbing to the top and now I can probably do it at ease. I played on the monkey bars a few months ago…I’m so much better at it now.
Merry Christmas! Have a great ease out of this year and into the new year. I got very little presents but I’m still happy. Honestly, all I want to do is curl up in my intensely warm blanket and drink a cup of hot cocoa. If I wear it, I don’t need to turn on the heater…But it’s really heavy, so I can’t.
its so nice having friends that visit you. why aren’t you allowed to see your friends?.. where you being bad? lol i don’t have any friends to come visit me cus’ i’m a loser. =/ im def gonna spend my xmas with the family, hopefully gain some more pounds. ;] mexican food seems to be my obsession when it comes to with my family. >_<
Merry Christmas to you and your family, Georgina! ♥
I bet you had so much fun with James, Dylan and Lilian. It’s awesome that you have nice places to visit near your house! /faw Well, it’s such a shame that it’s been a while since I last visited a park. Heehee.
Happy birthday to Dylan! /eee Caramel cakeeee!!!! /faw
I am sure this year would end with a bang for you! *hugs*
Sometimes the more simple things can be more fun. Everywhere is so busy and hectic this time of year anyway! I think I’d much prefer something simple and quiet with people I like.
I don’t have facebook either. I have not need to talk to people from High school either.
Ohhh so they sneakily came to see you when your mom wasn’t home? Good thing your brother didn’t tell on you, haha. If I’m wrong, sorry! Not saying it’s a bad thing. So great that you did get to see your friends! Happy birthday to your friend Dylan though, wonder what it’s like to share a birthday with a national holiday. You guys don’t look like you’re dressed for so hot weather? Haha.
They have emus at a park? Animals like that I wouldn’t think are kept in parks, wow. Don’t worry about the jungle gym … yesterday I watched Toy Story with Arron … and he’s 24. LOL we were just seriously bored and couldn’t go out in freezing weather and we can’t drive. No no I’m still the sadder one, he doesn’t have a valid AMERICAN license, bleh. Had to rant about that. I AM reading up on the drivers manual though!!!
Six years of high school? I think I would’ve gone insane. I seriously hated so many people in high school … really only a few friends didn’t turn against me. But forget this angsty talk! Merry early Christmas! It’s almost Christmas for you other-side-of-world people. =) I have plans to go out with my friends tomorrow … must not sleep too late it’s past 1AM already … so after this comment haha.
I am still so annoyed at that waitress despite the fact I will never see her again. But there’s no promise to never meeting idiots like her!!! Sorry for the complaint. =( But LOL that was hilarious! Who knows, some people mature early! When I was like 10, the buffets wouldn’t believe I was under 12! I was pretty tall for my age. I don’t eat much so my mom was pretty mad at them. And that is when you should get carded as well! Though when I’m 30 and married I don’t think I’d be happy to be mistaken for a high schooler like I have read on FML.
It is 😢, though I managed to keep in contact with my cousin. We do talk every weekend when he doesn’t have to go to school. He’s on vacation now so I’ll prob be staying up late every night to chat, haha! When my brother first left for Korea I used to email him a lot … then it kinda just stopped. Life got busy. =( I don’t know many online friends on the other side of the world other than you and my ex-hostess though, and keeping up with comments has been working so far! =) Yay!
I don’t like public transport. I don’t know about over there in Sydney (I believe) but here going to the city is millions of people going to NEW YORK! Public transport is so crowded! Though it doesn’t usually happen on the train until we near the city, but it’s still something to be dreaded. Though now Jason’s home I don’t have to think about that. Yay for people who can drive! I’m next! Haha.
OMG that’s not a bit rude, that’s RUDE! HELL RUDE! Who the hell do those people think they are? Just because James is Asian … ARGH! I have a lot of Asian pride hmmph in my brain I’m 100% Asian, forget if my dad doesn’t like hearing that! Sorry. =/ They think he doesn’t speak English or something? That’s the type of behavior I’d expect from the American midwest. Not places like Sydney.
I remember reading something about this woman who let out all these evil things in a box … is it Pandora? And the only good thing was hope … I love that. <3 I think hand-made things are so sweet, hehe. Whatever happened to the old days when mothers would make blankets for their children? Aww.
Ohh I see, I thought they lived far since you said you haven't seen them for ages. Clashing schedules, tell me about it. Mia comes home every other weekend or so and it's not always I get to see her when she needs to get homework done. Art students and their practical assignments.
Aw I'm glad then *hugs* if you ever need to talk you can email me of course. ^^ I'm always on MSN these days too, though I think something went wrong since I think I added you but MSN says otherwise. =/
LOL I go on rants like that all the time to my friend! And he backs with men's problems … which I won't describe. Hahaha I know a lot of Asian guys like to cook and clean! Seen it on dramas. Nothing wrong with it though! My brother's like that too, he actually sweeped the floor … great self-welcome after two years, and a wonderful reason for my mom to point out to me I should be more like him. Hmmph I'm the one who gets HER weekly groceries that I don't even touch because I'm not home.
Wow, I have never taken a less than ten minute shower. I hear of guys taking like 3 minute showers, I just don't know how they do it! Gimme some water saving tips? Haha.
I can't even type a comment in 25 minutes … I keep getting distracted! AHH it's 1:30, time for bed, good night. Oh wait, it's 5:30 over there I believe. Good evening. :P