Fashion Friday: Aquamarine
It’s been three weeks since my last Fashion Friday post. I still enjoy doing them but I have been thinking of changing it up a bit. Sometimes every two weeks seems like a lot of work, so I am thinking of changing to every three weeks, but we’ll see.

We did this shoot at a nice walking area, called The Goods Line, behind the university I used to attend. It was Nick’s idea, since he had been meaning to check out the area. We had lunch nearby and then explored the walk. It had a few nice chairs to sit in the sun, a bit of grass to lie or sit down on, and even a bit of a sandpit with some water feature which looked suitable for children.
I didn’t include my coat in this shoot as it was a pretty warm day and the coat was really just an addition. Something to keep me warm throughout the day. ;)

The Goods Line is near a building that I had never actually really seen in person. It’s a building that looks like a squashed brown paper bag, named the Dr Chau Chai Wing Building. Designed by architect Frank Gehry, the design was inspired by renaissance artists and architects.
Nick made a joke that the following shot (where you can see a little bit of the curves of the building) looks like a “university brochure shot”, which is hilariously true. A lot of the photographs of people that appear on university promotional material look a bit like this – very happy people, university building in the background with a nice blurred effect, and slightly low shot to make the person seem empowering.

I totally feel empowered. 😆
I parted my hair more towards the middle of my head. I usually part it on my left side, but it makes my hair look really flat sometimes, even if I bring heat to it with a blowdryer. I am not particularly fond of using a blowdryer but sometimes I need to dry my hair quickly, or give it some volume.
When parting my hair towards the middle, I always do it right after I have washed my hair, as it won’t really stay in place if my hair is dry.

So the title of the post/outfit comes from the colour of the giant necklace I am wearing, which I bought from By Invite Only. As you probably know, I love natural rocks and crystals, and I love the colours aqua and teal, sometimes a bit of a mix of both. You can probably tell from the colour of my blog, too. ;)
When I bought the necklace I actually didn’t give much thought to its size. I was so engrossed and amazed by its colour. I did not know that it would be so big, even though the name of the necklace had the word ‘giant’ in it. When I looked at the photos, I didn’t think they would be so big. It’s true that some variations were larger than others but I chose the one that caught my eye the most. I liked its diamond shape and proportions more than the others on the website that were like hanging icicles.

When the necklace arrived I was shocked by its size. It was a lot bigger than I expected and when I checked the measurements, it was between 3 to 5 centimetres per side. That’s true!
I wondered how I would wear it but I tried it on, and it went nicely with the black top I was wearing. I have since made the decision to wear it only as a statement piece, for it will only work well with simple clothing since it stands out a lot. It has some weight to it, but not so much that it becomes uncomfortable to wear.
My nails are yet another set from Scratch, called Popsicle Puddle. I love their wraps but recently I have found them a little more challenging to apply, mostly because they tear easily. It is a great thing that they are thin but it’s like they are almost too thin that they split easily. Or it might just be the sad case that my nail beds are more curved than flat, making the wrap curve so much that it splits. I have had many compliments on my nails when I wear nail wraps though, and I enjoy having funky patterns on my nails. Some days I prefer actual nail polish but other days I really want some funky design.

I got my white top in Lucca, when we went to Italy. I bought it along with a black top in the same style. I wanted some super simple, solid coloured and loose-fitting tops and these ones were perfect.
The blue jeans are no surprise as well, as you have probably seen them a couple of times in recent Fashion Friday posts. I really love these jeans and you can probably see that my whole wardrobe is sort of coming together as I am culling everything. I have less clothes and wear them more often and I feel less and less like I have “too many clothes”. I always feel like I am wearing my favourites.

Photography by Nick. ❤️
Outfit details
- Top: purchased in Italy
- Jeans: Topshop (Petite Moto Ripped Jamie jean)
- Shoes: Shoes: Wayne Cooper ‘Khloe’ boot
- Coat: Basque
- Necklace: By Invite Only [referral link for 15% off]
What do you think of the giant necklace?

Comments on this post
I love your fashion posts. Your outfit looks great.
I feel like I pretty much always dress the same way. Black jeans and some kind of dark coloured tank top or t-shirt.
The necklace is great, but I don’t think I could pull off one that big. I’m just having a look through the By Invite Only website now, they’ve got some really cute products. I love natural rocks too, so I’ll definitely be treating myself. :)
Oh and, by the way, I love the ‘university brochure’ shot.
I think I’m getting my style more rounded out – wearing the same types of clothes isn’t so much a bad thing. :D
It’s a great website and for me shipping was only $4.95 for me! I didn’t think I could pull off the huge necklace either, but different types of necklaces suit different body shapes. The necklaces I’ve bought from the site are all great quality, too, so hope you like them!
I love how your sunglasses, necklace and your amazing nail wraps add some spice to the outfit. Although I admit, you look amazing and yes, that photo could be a college brochure photo. :) You are so well put together, Georgie. I’m inspired to try a fashion Friday but, I’m not even sure if I have the right clothing, I’m also a bit shy when putting up photos of myself. Anyway, I adore the outfit and the necklace is gorgeous! :)
Thank you Ella! I think you should give it a go. There is no such thing as the ‘right clothing’ – just what you feel comfortable in. If you’re not sure about posting photos of yourself, you can always take photos of the outfit without your face showing, or even just lay them out on a bed or the floor to show the outfit (like a flatlay). :)
Wow, you’re so pretty and the shots were amazing. I can see in your post that you both had a good time. :D
Normally I’m not a fan of big necklaces, but because the rest of your outfit was rather simple, it really made it pop! I love the color too, so it really helped bring the whole outfit together!
I’m laughing at the university brochure shot! It’s a great picture, but it is totally something you would see in one a university’s promotional campaigns! XD I never really noticed that they took the pictures from lower angles, but now I totally see it!
I usually don’t like statement necklaces or necklaces that stand out a lot, but this one was gorgeous! I had to figure out how to wear it without making an outfit look like too much – so I kept it super simple.
It’s pretty funny! I was laughing while Nick took it as well, and usually the people in those photos are overjoyed, so I think I did a good job too. ;)
This has to be one of my favourite looks from you Georgie! You look so classy! I especially love your necklace :D
I recently bought Jamie Jeans after seeing it on you from your previous post (I think it was the FF in France!) I really love it :D I usually buy TOPSHOP mom jeans so it was nice branching out my TOPSHOP jean knowledge xD You’re seriously decluttering goals! :P
Also, let’s take a moment to worship your nails!? Seriously, they are a work of art! Absolutely gorgeous <3 I initially thought you painted it yourself haha, I have a friend who paints artistic designs on her nails. She did one of Disney Princesses recently! It did take a long time though as you can imagine 😂
Hahaha, I burst out laughing at the University Brochure shot!
Thanks Pauline!
Haha yay! I am glad you like the Jamie jeans. I will definitely be going to Topshop for my next pair of jeans. The Jamie ones are just so comfortable. I am afraid of ripping the elastic that covers the rips in the knees when I squat, though, so my next pair probably won’t be a ripped one. :D
It would have been too much work if I did my nails myself! These nail wraps are a godsend. But I still admire the work of nail artists as well. Some of them do insanely detailed designs. 😱
I love the outfit! <3 I really like the white top + blue jean pairing. And Topshop jeans! I own a pair but they're so pricey that I usually opt for the Uniqlo jeans you can just slide on and off, haha. I also love necklace! It's the first thing I noticed – I think it makes a great statement piece.
The Topshop jeans definitely are pricey – I never thought to look in Uniqlo though. I will have to consider looking there. I just think the Topshop jeans are so comfortable!
I love all of your outfits from the FF’s series!
The “university brochure” shot looks amazing! Nick has awesome photography skills~ I can imagine your uni asking you for something similar. “Georgie – Alumni c/o ____ is now ______________”.
Your necklace looks awesome! I like how it’s big and not distracting at the same time. Your hair is so pretty~~