Fashion Friday: Silicon-post earrings (and a hat)

I’m long overdue for a Fashion Friday post! I’ve worn a lot of outfits over the past couple of weeks, and somewhere in between I went to the market during a weekend off (I still wonder why I say weekend off — It’s not like I actually work on weekends, but that’s what it looks like) and spent less than $80 on so many new clothes. I enjoy going to the market because there are a lot of clothes that are still brand new, and usually they’re just of very large or very small sizes, or just excess stock. It’s perfect for me because I don’t usually get an opportunity to shop, and I miss out on regular sales, so it’s the closest I can get to finding something I like and that fits me.
For the record, I actually really hate shopping. The other night, I visited my mum at work and she said I could look at some shoes and clothes while I was there. I didn’t enjoy it. None of the shoes fit me properly. I’m after some black pumps, or just some simple black Mary Jane heels that are good for both work and play. It’s tough. :(
Anyway, I got a bunch of skirts, a bunch of new tops, a jacket and a dress from my little market trip. The skirt in featured later in this post is one of the ones I bought, and it was only $4. :D

The top is grey, long sleeved, and a nice piece for autumn. It’s warm enough to wear on its own, but it’s also alright for when the weather’s warmer because you can pull the sleeves up. It’s pretty tight fitting.
I can’t remember where I got the hat from, but I’m pretty sure my mum gave it to me. It’s a typical newsboy cap of sorts. I really love accessorising and because it’s been cooler lately, I find it nice to wear a hat. My hair has also grown out very long, and it doesn’t look so nice in front whether I pin it back or not, so I’ve sort of been hiding my hair behind this hat.

The skirt is made from chiffon and is pretty casual, but also kind of dressy. I don’t remember where I got the stockings/tights but my mum gave them to me and they have a lovely pattern.
Another accessory I love is earrings. I have three piercings in each of my ears, so I cannot get enough of earrings. I’ve had two piercings since I was very young (shortly after I was born) and the other four for about a decade. They get infected from time to time due to allergic reactions to the earrings I wear. I used to wear real gold earrings until my mid-teens, when I wanted to buy more fashion jewellery and wear fancy earrings. Unfortunately those earrings aren’t really designed for sensitive ears, and by wearing them, I was pretty much inviting the itching and skin reactions that would come from those pieces of jewellery. I attempted to buy silver, at times, but I couldn’t stop going back to those fashion earrings.
My reason for buying fashion earrings at the time was because I wanted to wear more than just my boring, dull gold studs. It was hard to find really nice earrings that wouldn’t irritate my ears. Still, I was stubborn and kept buying dangly earrings and colourful studs. Day in, day out, I’d change my earrings. And week in, week out, I’d have to go back to my gold earrings so my ears would heal. It was redundant because I’d go right back to wearing the fashion earrings as soon as they healed.
I tried sterling silver earrings, but they still seemed to irritate my ears. About three years ago I got really sick of wearing gold earrings and made every effort to find stainless steel or something that just wasn’t gold. I also wanted something affordable. So for the past couple of years I’ve been wearing boring gold again, and wearing some silver and fashion earrings on special occasions.
Then I discovered silicon-post earrings.
I first discovered them on Etsy. I bought from a seller from Singapore who made her own jewellery. She had a “UFO” series — a set of three mismatching earrings — and though they didn’t look like UFOs, I was rather interested in the fact that the earring posts were made from silicon. When the earrings came, the posts had snapped in the mail, and I was pretty disappointed because there was no way I could fix them. I was half expecting them to be broken because they seemed so fragile. Thankfully I received a refund. The seller offered to send out another set, but I didn’t want to risk them breaking again.
My next encounter with silicon-post earrings was when my best friend Lilian bought me a pair from her trip overseas. I didn’t wear them a lot but I also found them to be really fragile. The good thing was that they didn’t irritate my ears at all. Sadly, those earrings broken several months later.
This year when I was shopping with Lilian at the markets, I thought I’d ask a jewellery stall owner if they had any earrings that wouldn’t cause allergic reactions. It was then that she showed me they had a range with silicon posts. It was hard finding many that I liked, and the range was limited, but there were some very nice, simple, clear diamond/cube shaped ones. I found a bunch more that had silicon posts and I bought eight pairs.
Over the next few weeks I stopped changing earrings and wore these silicon-post ones instead. Lilian mentioned to me that they were only $2.50 each and though they were fragile, you could expect that for the price. However, I’ve found that they are actually very strong. It’s hard to get the backs of the earrings off the posts, initially, but once you take them off, they loosen up a bit. I do admit they’re still fragile to some extent, and I’ve lost a couple of earring backs because they have been too slippery and just slid off the post, but other than that, they have been terrific. I haven’t had any irritation whatsoever, and the earrings are really comfortable.

Of course, I’m not so happy with the limited range, but the earrings are simple enough to be worn daily and with a range of outfits. I haven’t yet found an online retailer for silicon-post earrings, but I’d imagine they would be really cheap if I found them in Asia or something.
Comments on this post
I love your hat! While the second photo makes an excellent new profile picture, I think the first one (also your post thumbnail) is especially lovely!
It’s difficult for me to imagine what most fabrics feel like on me, but for some reason, the moment I see your grey top I have this impression that it’s made from the softest material ever, and that I wouldn’t mind wearing something like it :)
Speaking of tactile sensations, thanks to you I now have an idea of what stockings/tights feel like, even though obviously I won’t be wearing them myself :P
I’d describe your new earrings as not only simple, but versatile too! Sorry to hear that the first ones you bought from here didn’t arrive intact, but at least you discovered silicon-post earrings, and from how you describe them they must suit you really well! In fact, I can see that you’re pretty into earrings from the fact you’ve written a considerable amount about them :)
Getting lots of new clothes for $80 is a good deal! I’m not a big fan of shopping either. Well, I like online shopping but not really in-store. I usually go on my own and try to do it quickly.
I love your hat and top! They look great on you and go well together too :) I also like the pattern on your stockings.
Ah, that must be annoying to have an allergic reaction to most type of earrings. I’m glad you found ones that your ears didn’t react to! I think the silicon-post ones you have are really cute. Even if they’re somewhat fragile, they seem inexpensive enough to replace :)
That outfit looks amazingly well on you, Georgie! You are so pretty! (:
And getting a lot of clothes for $80 is such a good deal! The stocking’s pattern is so cute. I really like your fashion stylee !
And those earrings are so cute as well, I really love the green one! I also have pierced earrings and have sensitive skin but I can wear steering silver earrings. However, there are some earrings that just irritates me and causes ear infections :(
Silicone post earrings, I wear them also :) I have to as I am allergic. I got some in Kmart a while back. I have not looked in a while though.
Hey georgie! (I couldn’t resist that.) Your photos are gorgeous. ♥ I love the idea of a Fashion Friday blog post, I feel inspired. The cube earrings are adorable. I haven’t been shopping for earrings for a long time but I’ll definitely keep a lookout for the silicon earrings. I live in Singapore so if I do see some nice ones, I’ll let you know. :)
Man, your prices are better then that are over here in California! I’m finding out what I’d like to wear now, due to my recent hair style that I did on myself! LOL. I hate short hair, but I had cut it due to split-ends, and needed a much needed hair cut. But I think I kinda screwed it up lol. OOPS.
Anyway, I really love the second picture of you posing with your hat, and shirt! I love it! The hat and shirt goes well together. And I agree with Daniel! It would be great for a profile picture!
I’m glad you’re getting into fashion! I wish I was smaller then I was, but eh in due time, in due time. It’s hard to lose weight, but I’ll get there eventually. Tomorrow I’m gonna have to walk over to two different appointments. No biggie. Once I have my water with me, and I’m up and about. I’ll be good. If I have my music as well, I’ll be good to go. Hopefully, I won’t be drained due to the walks. I have a doctors appointment, as well as my counseling tomorrow! Hopefully I can walk to both. I’m gonna have to no matter what! :D. I’m ready for it!
Anyway – It seems now a days, people are more interested in fashion then blogging about their life. I guess its starting to become a trend? The blogging atmosphere doesn’t seem quite the same now, due to the fashion industry kicking in. I’m glad I’m not a trend setter. When it comes to fashion, I intend to go a different way from others. I hate trend-setting! But that’s just me.
Anyway, I’ll post an even longer comment next time, when I don’t have any headaches and what not going on!
Wow, Georgina! First of all, lemme say, you’re beautiful! ♥ But you always have been. :)
Second, I have to agree. Silicon earrings are so fragile and it sucks, especially since a lot of them are really pretty! I absolutely love the pairs you got – especially the ones you’re wearing in the first post! They’re simple and so cute!
I have a question. For the earrings that irritate your ears, have you tried putting silver nail polish over them? A good cote of that can usually help to prevent irritation, etc. You just need to put it on the part that goes in the ear. Just make sure you cover every spot! That’s helped a lot of people. I don’t know if you’ve tried it or not, but I figured I’d suggest it. :)
Just a note, you may have to reapply the nail polish after a while of wearing them. :) I hope that may help. :)
Wow georgie, you look so pretty <3