A Day in the Life: October 2016

Here’s a shitty poem I wrote not long ago that is the product of a rough day.
what have I got
what do I have
what have I
I have
what do I have
I have
what do I have
what I have
what I have
what do I have
what do I have
what do I
Now a bunch of words to describe the past 24ish hours.
Horrible, sort of, not really; there were a lot of tears and bad sleeps; my Hey Geronimo vinyl kept knocking against the arm of the turntable because it was too wide or something; I tried a vegan protein shake and it was weird; I struggled to do my run this morning at the gym; I ate nothing for almost two days; I’ve cheered up; I have good friends; I had sushi for lunch today; Nick and I had doughnuts and I had a vegan one; I had three flasks of tea today; I was going to make a pot tonight and forgot.
Not every day is perfect.
Write whatever you want.
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If you are interested in reading more about A Day in the Life, visit this page. The date for November is the 10th. See you next time!

Comments on this post
I’m sorry you had such a not-so-great day :/ I hate when that happens but it’s true – not every day is perfect. I think that’s what makes the good days so good is because you’ve already experience those bad ones.
And I like the poem! I can’t write poetry at all so I think it’s kind of cool when other people can, haha.
That poem is written well that I can sense the feeling of it. I’m sorry to hear about the tears :(. Even though you went through a bad situation, I’m glad that you have friends to support you. It helps a lot- especially when you don’t feel your best ♥. Glad to hear that you’ve cheered up. Keep slaying and stay awesome ♥♥♥
aw, it hasn’t been a great month for me either and these past few days have been so shitty that i wish i can run away from where i am right now, away from toxic people who happen to be related to me :(
i can so relate to the “a lot of tears and bad sleeps” part since it has been happening me too :’)
i think you’re a strong individual though so i knew you’ll be able to slay them bad days away and tell them who’s the boss >:)
p.s: tea is awesome and vegan protein shake sounds weird ….even though i’m not sure if the protein shake i drink is actually vegan or not *gasp*
Big hugs Elisa! 💖 I hope everything works out for the both of us 😊
Most protein shakes have dairy (milk) in them so they would not be vegan. Mine was more on the expensive side because it was vegan…