A Day in the Life: July 2015
A Day in the Life is a monthly linkup where bloggers document their daily life on a designated day each month to show what a typical day is like. To find out more, click here.
Nick and I arrived home at about midnight – we saw Hey Geronimo last night so we got back pretty late. I stayed at his place for the night, and his dad was up late watching the cricket when we got back.
I quickly opened my Wantable box as I got ready for bed, and took a few photos of the unboxing. Tara paid part of the cost of the box for me to try it out for a month, which was really nice of her! :) I am hoping to post a review of it some time this week.
Nick and I eventually went to sleep, and woke up at about 8:30 even though we had slept rather late. I had a bad dream during the night where someone was putting bugs on my head despite me trying to stop them, and I remember shaking and grabbing hold of Nick while he told me it was fine, it was just a dream.
I was going to skip breakfast but I decided to have some jam on toast and coffee (I had a piece of cheese as well), and Nick had cereal. We spent the morning doing a little bit of work on our laptops. I’ve been working on improving the layout of my post thumbnails and metadata. I should have a small change deployed later in the week.
We went to JB Hi-Fi around midday. Nick bought a PlayStation 4. He got it in a bundle with some games (including GTA V hohohooo yessss). When we got to the counter and handed the cashier the slip, he said, “Oooooh, nice. I feel like I have to personally congratulate you on this!” XD He liked one of the games in the pack, but I don’t think Nick was too keen on it, nor had he heard of it. Just as we were leaving, I realised that the guy who helped us get all the items was actually someone I went to high school with. I remember Dylan telling me that he worked at JB Hi-Fi and looked entirely different from how he did in school. He did – shaved head and all!
We picked up Nick’s sister from work. On the way there was an elderly man driving in front of us who was really taking his time, haha. We then went to a pub in town for his godparents’ grandson’s first birthday. The poor boy was getting ill from the weather. :( I saw some familiar faces and met some new people. We ate lunch there.

When we got back to Nick’s house, we sat with his family in front of the TV and went through their photos from their recent trip to Singapore. Nick was living with us while they were away. :D The photos made me excited to go to Singapore again. I last went in 2007 and really enjoyed it. Nick has never been there so I really want to experience it with him.
I got really tired after that so I had a nap while Nick set up his new PlayStation. It was so hard to get up after an hour of napping. D: I guess I had a pretty tiring week.
Nick dropped me home for dinner, and then he went back home. Parting ways is always the tough part. :(
I tried on the top his parents got me from Singapore. It’s the same style as the orange top I wore in Fashion Friday: Tangerine, but better quality. I actually have that orange top in black as well, but it’s totally falling apart. I really like this top, Nick’s mum said she thought it suited me well. It does!

For dinner I had noodles and broccoli, and made a pot of tea. Girlie Grey with some rose flowers was on the menu today. ^_^ I hadn’t had tea since Friday at work!
My mum started getting hooked on some Chinese dating show similar to If You Are The One (Fei Cheng Wu Rao in Chinese). I don’t know what it’s called… but if any of you watch If You Are The One, it is like that but the opposite: there is a panel of boys, and girls come on the show to try and win a boy’s heart, as opposed to boys trying to win a girl. My mum was watching episodes on YouTube without subtitles and I looked on for a bit even though I had no idea what they were saying. My opinion on the two shows is… well… I think dating shows are silly and they might be edited to seem more appealing to an audience.
Brandon arrived home from his road trip to Melbourne. He had gone with some friends and said they spent a lot of money on some yummy food. He showed me some photos of the streets of graffiti art. I can’t wait to go there. I have never been and I am itching a little to go, because a lot of people have said I will love it and that it suits me.

I decided to trim my nails a bit. It is always a little heartbreaking to do so, but my nails do grow back fast. They were so long though, and too pointy – Nick thinks I tore a hole in his jumper with them – so I did cut them down, and filed them to a more rounded shape. I can still scratch Nick’s head with it though. :inlove:
I took a shower and washed my hair, then put on some warm pyjamas. It’s another cold night tonight!
I used a photo of Nick’s PlayStation controller for the thumbnail of this post (Instagram photo).
I look forward to having more people participate in this linkup! If you would like to, please add your link to the linkup below. You can visit this page for more information.

Comments on this post
It’s so nice of Tara to paid for part of the Wantable’s cost! Hopefully you enjoyed the contents within the box ;). I get bad dreams when I’m cold so I always have to have a blanket on, even when it’s hot @____@. It’s great to have Nick comfort you there ;).
Congrats on the PS4! (I think it’s a huge investment that’s worth a congrats XD). It’s amazing how people can do a total 360* change!
The top Nick’s parents got for you looks so nice! I do agree that dating shows are a bit silly, but it’s mostly for the “drama”. Often times, things don’t work out at the end but there are some instances where things work out for the couple. But the journey to the finale is always interesting.
Your nails are so long! I think it’s cool how you can manage it and not let it get in the way ;).
How nice of Tara to pay for part of the Wantable cost! I had considered trying them out in a few months but a lot of the reviews on Facebook have me worried. D: in any case, the price has me pretty turned off no matter how good the products and brands are.
You’re so lucky that your parents are okay with you sleeping over at Nick’s. My parents don’t like it, even though Bear and I lived together for nearly a year in China. I’ve slept over at his just once since then that they know of; well, my mom knows, but my dad doesn’t. I’ve slept over when they were out of the country but they don’t know about that. I’ve spent a couple nights out because we were going to late-night events miles away, but they complain each and every time like it’s awful that I do things with other people once a week.
Those nails look like mankillers ;)
Yay! I look forward to your Wantable unboxing/review :) And wow, a PS4? I want one, but there are no games I want for it! So that’s going to have to wait until A) my PS3 dies or B) a game I really want to play for it comes out only on a PS4 XD
And those nails are definitely long! I’m amazed they don’t break on you! Mine break a lot when they get long like yours!
The top you have on is definitely cute. Not my style, but it looks great on you!
This post has made me wonder if I’ve ever had plum jam. I don’t remember ever having it, but I’ve eaten jam so often in my life that I feel like I must have at some point! I think I’d quite like some now, anyway…
That top is lovely. I really like tops like that but they don’t suit me at all (or I’ve never found one that suited me, at least) so I’m really quite jealous, it looks so good on you!
I am so impressed with your nails. I get really excited when mine get to half that length, and they only get that far if I have gel polish on them; my nails grow quickly too, but sadly they aren’t strong at all. Yours look like nothing in the world could break them, in a good way :D
Hey! I posted my linkup. ^^ I told you I would post something. :)