Condolences to the unknown
The other day I successfully broke the “B” key on my laptop. /poo I was vacuuming my room (like a good girl) and decided to give my laptop, Fin, a nice clean, too. Unfortunately I have a sick habit of not using a compressor and just pulling out all the keys, being a daredevil and hoping they won’t break when I do. Then I vacuum out all the dust bunnies, because, what the hell are they doing there?
Unfortunately, I couldn’t stand typing with the B key constantly falling off, so I made the decision to swap the broken bracket with a working one, from another key. I chose the key with the backslash… so now, since I got annoyed at my finger brushing against the key and making it flip every time I hit backspace, I just put it aside. There is a visible hole in my laptop keyboard. But so far, I haven’t needed to use the backslash symbol or the separator symbol (the secondary symbol) on there. :D Regardless, I’m getting a new keyboard for my laptop. Hooray for replacement parts. I am probably going to replace my keyboard only when this one has completely worn out. I should stop pulling out the keys to clean them though.
Today I had photography class again. It’s been hectic lately, and in a week, I have two assignments due. I’ve got to do some research and also take photos, and process and print the rolls of film. I really enjoy photography and I’m glad I’m taking some photography subjects next semester too. I had to talk to the class about the photos I chose to print. One was of James, and the other of my guitar. I just described the pictures as “my boyfriend, who is a pretty quiet person sometimes. I like him in this jacket, and I took it in a park because we really like going to parks together so it’s a pretty meaningful place”, and “my guitar which I got seven years ago. I think the shadow gives it some personality, because I always like naming my stuff but I was so ambiguous with my guitar, I kinda just called it Max…”
Surprisingly my tutor liked my photo of the guitar. I didn’t think it was fantastic, but he liked the interesting shadows on it. He did a demonstration on my photo of James, because it was a good example of a photo that needed some minor manual editing. When we were all in the darkroom, he said, “I can see the midtones in James’s hair”. After a pause he asked, “Is that his name? James?”
“How did you know his name was James?” I asked, surprised.
“Ohooo Georgie, I knew there was something creepy going on in here!” my friend Addison replied.
“Yeah… I just said ‘my boyfriend’, I didn’t say his name was James though.”
Psychic tutor. @_@ XD

Today I was listening to Last Friday Night by Dave Days. I popped it onto my iPod this morning. I couldn’t resist. It was the only song I listened to all day. At the train station, after buying some film and photo paper, I was waiting for my dad to pick me up and a young man next to me asked me a question. I had to pull out my earphones to hear him. The poor guy had lost his wallet and was waiting for a friend to give him some money. He had no identification on him either, and his mum wasn’t able to send him money without him having ID. He seemed pretty frustrated too.
We had a nice conversation, apparently he had a job interview that didn’t go too well, and he was planning to move to my area too. Eventually we got to talking about studying and music, and it turns out he was in a band and plays the guitar as well. He was really polite. He even asked if I minded that he smoke. Well, I just tried hard not to breathe in while he did (ugh, really hate the smell of smoke), since I didn’t want to be rude and say something like ‘no you cannot smoke in this completely open space you idiot’. But it’s not often that you have a friendly conversation with strangers, really.
After my dad arrived to pick me up I just waved him off and wished him good luck… well, what in, really? I just said “good luck”. I guess sometimes I assume what people think I’m referring to. Good luck in an exam. Or best wishes in the ultrasound or x-ray. Or good luck in the performance. Or good luck getting something done at the gym. Or have fun. Have fun ice skating. Have fun out with your girlfriend.
As I learned in photography, we have a rapport with different people. There are always minor things that are special to your relationship with someone, that are non-existent in relationships with other people. No one else will understand high school jokes and muffin love and enjoy adventure and “herb” and “ngege” and “nad” and “tahee” and the language between me and James. No one else will understand “bolor” that exists between me and Rachel. No one else will read my mind better than Lilian. No one else will have the same connection me and Sebby have with the music of Plain White T’s. No one else will have the same experience that I’ve had with Mike, of taking endless random pictures and just talking about the most random things under the sun or watching each other eat.
“It’s not the same”. It isn’t. That is why there are so many things irreplaceable.

Comments on this post
Hey! Haha, I broke my keyboard a while ago. Though I just got a new computer for college. It was my N that fell off. It was annoying, because I couldn’t figure out how to replace it! It still worked without the keycover. So that’s what I just did. You just have to press a little harder.
You took it off your back slash? Well for me, I used that key a lot, because my ? is right on the same key. You just use SHIFT to get to the ?… Not sure how your keyboard works! :D
Backslash, not forward slash. ;)
I saw your tweet earlier about your tutor guessing James’ name. That’s really amazing haha. I guess maybe he said it because the name is common (but then again, I think John, Chris and Alex are more common) or he really is psychic. Which is cool. XD
Glad you’re enjoying your photography classes! I think it’s good we’re able to take electives and do subjects we actually enjoy. Japanese was alright for me, but I really enjoyed doing writing last semester, and I’m quite happy of doing another writing subject next semester as well, so I know how you feel.
And Plain White T’s, hehe. xD While I already had two songs (‘Your Fault’ and ‘Please Don’t Do This’) before we even started talking, I don’t think I would have discovered their whole music (especially not Wonders of the Younger) if it weren’t for you. :3 Thanks!
darn Tintin. /hehe
Man your tutor is teh creeps. Maybe he overheard on Friday. Maybe. /sweat
Or maybe he deduced my name through the midtones in my hair. 😏
Sounds like a nice stranger :3 when I picture him in my head it sort of comes out like Mccabe. I dunno, just sounds friendly and scrappy-ish
Tahee! /love
it really isn’t the same. :)
Too true. We each have a certain relationship with the people in our lives and they all see different sides of us. Some will only see the idiotic/funny side and others will get to witness the more serious side. All in all, it allows us to be free and our true selves among many types of people. This is why I say friendship is subjective – people choose the beneficial sides of the other person (i.e what they want out of that friendship) and latch on. It’s selfish and one-sided, but that’s how we all work, otherwise we’d be friends with everyone we run into. We’re selective, but only because we’re choosing what the other person can offer us in return.
Looks like you’re learning a lot of psychological/philosophical lessons in photography. That’s good, it means you’re taking it seriously and the instructor doesn’t suck. XD
You can’t type bolor without a B key! Bolor the key, you need a B.
My old laptops’ keyboards would always get really dirty and gross under the keys, but I never cleaned them because I was afraid of breaking the keys. Sometimes I would take a pencil lead or something else thin (like a pin or an earring) to get some of the bigger bits of crap out. I used to get a lot of crumbs in my keyboard too because I eat at my computer a lot, and it’s not like I eat over my keyboard, but…
I know you’re getting worried about having two assignments due so close to each other, but you’ll be alright. :) I have faith in you! Plus there’s no use worrying; just do your best and take everything in stride.
It’s possible your tutor heard you mention James to someone else in your class! :P Addison, perhaps?
I still need to watch the Dave Days video you sent me. Is it the one you mentioned? Also, I like how you mentioned it but then it didn’t have to do with anything. :P You were right about not linking things well this post, but it all makes sense anyway, dude.
It’s cool that you had a nice conversation with that guy. :3 Strangers don’t often talk to me, probably because I always have my headphones in. But on the bus the other day, this guy I don’t know started talking to me even though I had headphones in and was sitting across the aisle and two rows up from him. -_- Um… it turns out he works in the same building as me. And I walk past him like every other day when I walk down the stairs, because the desk he sometimes work at is at the foot of the steps. xD So I’m like *don’t look don’t look don’t look* because I made it quite clear I didn’t want to talk to him on the bus that day. :P
Oh, yesterday this cute guy waved at me when I rode past on my bike. Idk if he was just being polite though because maybe he thought I was looking at him? I kind of was, but I look at everyone who passes, and I had to look to make sure I didn’t crash into anyone! ANYWAY IT MADE ME SMILE.
I hate broken keyboards :) On my phone, the “delete” key is chipped at the corner and so the light that normally lights up the letters shines through kind of awkwardly and it messes me up a lot.
Your photography is beautiful! What camera do you use? I just got a new camera, the Nikon Coolpix l120, and i love it. Before I had a sony cybershot. The only problem with my new one is I’m not used to having my pictures blur because with the cybershot it never happened – with this one, its assumed that the person using it is experienced with photography (which I’m kind of not..) and it blurs easily. I’m getting a tripod though, and I still have yet to explore all of the settings.
That’s funny about your tutor >.< Maybe he recognized him from somewhere and weirdly remembered his name.
I hate the smell of smoke, too. I don't even understand smoking – it ruins your lungs, gives you cancer, and smells disgusting. Someone really needs to educate me on why random people love it.
I agree that its not the same. I don't mind when people say that kind of thing about inside jokes. What I mind is "Oh, you had to be there." Which I understand but it just doesn't sound.. nice.
re; Thank you, about my nails. I'm obsessed with my nails because it always makes me feel that even if my outfit and my hair are all messed up, at least my nails are pretty.
I think I fixed the photos, I just did a different code (which I'm not sure if its valid or not but it works for me so it doesn't matter) and they worked okay.
wow,you name your laptop too :P do you do that with other gadgets that you have? /bounce and wow,you can actually bear strangers. if I were you, I’d be avoiding him even if he’s friendly and all. (the me who suffers anti-socializing O_O ) which is why people tend to say I’m arrogant. but they just say so because I’m not like them… /hmph I don’t deal well with new people… 😳
I really don’t like it when my computer doesn’t work properly. Since I use it all the time it is so inconvienent.
I think photography is a really cool passtime and profession. I don’t think I could handle being in a class though.
I wonder how he knew James’ name.
I’ve always assumed people knew what I meant when I said simple things like ‘Good Luck.’ And over the past few month I’ve been learning that isn’t the case. and that I really should clarify things more. My writing has definitely changed because of this. There must be a lot of people in my past that I confused.
Wow, so creepy about your teacher guessing the name of your boyfriend right. Maybe he heard you mention him to someone during class onetime? Endless possibilities there. XD
That sucks about you breaking one of the keys on your keyboard then. I had that happen to my last laptop with the N and then the P, so every time I used them I had to press down on them really hard to get them to work. Kind of annoying, really.
Even if you couldn’t help the stranger out, at least you made his day a little better by talking to him! He was probably feeling a bit down. Good deeds are always nice.
That is my exact fear of cleaning the keyboard. I am always scared that they are going to break. :S The K key on my laptop was stuck and these are keys you cant remove so I just hit it a few times to loosen it up. What ever works right? ;)
Photography seems like an interesting area, I would like to take a course. My friends sister is a photographer. It is an interesting career path.
That poor guy! I feel bad, that is a really awful day. :( Hopefully things will look up for him!
I agree with that whole last paragraph, there are a lot of irreplaceable things in our lives, and we tend to take them for granted a lot, or at least I know I do.
Skype is awesome. :D It has been a lot of fun and brought me and a few others much closer together. :) Its crazy 6 hours playing minecraft. :O
Thanks for th last part of the comment, I left a lot of details out for the reason that I know he reads it, and though I have become so open to him I just feel like I still want to keep some details just to my self. :) And thanks for the advice, I will keep it in mind that if I think I will screw up there is a much higher chance of it happening. :)
PS I always feel so bad becuase your comments are so long and I I try but I hate to blab on. :P
I have found on this laptop there are some keys in the wrong places … The keys are right, just when I press them they are something else hahaa … A scene from the twilight zone :-D
Is muffin love the actual muffins, or something totally not what I am thinking? /love
It’s the actual muffins! XD Wow, I am so behind on responding to these comments. :P
Helloo! I am sorry about your broken B key, now your not-functioning backslash key. But I still think that is was super smart of you to switch the brackets :P. I seriously would have replaced the whole laptop cos I’d have no idea what to do. /um Although I bet it’s a little aesthetically displeasing to have a hole in your laptop :(.
Wow, you HAVE had one hectic week D:. But hey, at least you like this course. It’d suck if you had a hectic week and a subject you hated :(. I’d be SO frustrated if that were me.
I looked at the pictures on your photoblog (LOL, I’m so amused that it’s a photo of photos. Hahahahahaha!). I like the black and white pictures of James :). And omg, it’s CREEPY how your tutor guessed James’ name :P. CREEPY MAN!
Oh, that poor guy who lost his wallet. I hope he found it again D:. Otherwise he’s going to have to go get lots of replacement cards and cancel bankcards and credit cards and whatnot. Oh dear. I think it’s cool when we meet strangers like that though :). It totally makes my day when I meet someone who’s just naturally nice and friendly ^^.
Yes! We DO have different rapports with different people. Which is pretty funny when you think about it. I mean you could have the same amount of closeness with a group of friends, but if you mention something to one of them, the other wouldn’t get it :P. Well it certainly makes for unique friendships XD. Although, LOL, every time I hear the word ‘rapport’ I have to tendency to inwardly cringe, because when I was sitting legal ethics, in every tutorial, the tutor was like “It’s important to build a rapport with your clients”. By the end of the course I was like “F**k your stupid rapport! You’re building a NEGATIVE rapport with ME by constantly reminding me of that concept!!!”. And yeah xD.
Haha just yesterday, James bought me a new keyboard. I think I’m going to wait until my current one is really wrecked though. I didn’t even think you could get replacement keyboards. I thought you had to buy them one key at a time (which would be expensive).
My tutor is pretty cool! I guess he might have overheard me say James’s name at some point… still freaky. I would really hate having any other subject right now with this intensity too. It gives me day-mares (haha! nightmares! daymares!) just thinking about cramming twelve weeks of Greenstone shit into four. Oh my god… 😰
Oh no! Poor you having to deal with that horrendous usage of the word “rapport”. 😢 This means I may have to build up some kind of good rapport with clients if I have to make websites for them. My future is not so bright. HAHA. XD
I jacked up my backspace key basically the same way you described. I’m too nervous to start popping off keys like caps lock to replace it with because I think I might have already broken the little bracket I would have to reattach it, but I’m uncertain and nervous about fucking it up more. I really need a new lappy though so I might start saving soon.
Maybe your tutor heard you talking to someone else about your boyfriend? That would make it a lot less weird. Hehe.
Oh lol…I need to clean my laptop sometimes…One of these days I will get one of those specialized small keyboard vacuums. Interesting…I actually do have to use backslashseparator key quite a bit since I am a programmer XD.
O.o your tutor is a psychic lmao. Maybe he knows James from somewhere? Sometimes random conversations with strangers turns out pretty well. I once met a couple from Montreal while they were stranded in VT due to a cancelled flight. We met on the bus stop too and they originally wanted to ask me some questions but then we gradually started talking about other stuff and ended up adding each other on FB so that we can keep in touch lol.
Haha I guess when I say good luck I usually mean it for everything in their near-future life. Kind of like “good luck with your future adventures” /eee
Yup we definitely have different connections with different people. Do you like Plain White T’s too? I like them quite a bit myself /love
Aaaand that is why I use a keyboard cover thing (y’know, those rubber/plastic things) from day one with every laptop I get. All I have to do is rinse or wipe off the cover and all is well. I do still get the occasional bunny around the edges, but no need for prying or compressed air. :D
That’s strange about the tutor! James is an incredibly common name (it’s the most common male name here in the US, at least), but still! Maybe he’s been stalking you. ;)
LOL…I was just thinking that I clean my keyboard the exact same way. :D For the longest time, I didn’t have an Enter key and my spacebar didn’t work correctly. It drove me crazy. Luckily, my Mom found the pieces to fix it and then we ended up with a new keyboard.
I am so glad that you are still enjoying your photography class, and that I have to admit it but I would have been seriously creeped by someone knowing my boyfriend’s name…if I hadn’t mentioned him previously. Then again…perhaps they came across your blog? Or it could have been a lucky guess? Is James a common name in Austrailia?
I plan on writing a blog post about that trip I took, with the pictures of the baby rhino, zebra’s etc soon :) I just want to try and finish the blogs I’m doing of random stuff found in my room first :)
Wow, you’ve had a pretty hilarious past few days! Your psychic teacher could also be a creepy stalker.. just saying :P maybe you’d said his name and the teacher overheard it? Or maybe James has met your teacher O_O CREEPY.
I like talking to random people every now and then – it’s a pity that there are so many weird people out that that it makes talking to strangers almost.. dangerous…
I completely agree! No one can have the same relationship that you have with another person. My best friend and I don’t even need to say anything, we’ll look at each other and start laughing because of a joke that we both understand :) That’s the way its supposed to be!
Isn’t photography AWESOME? Just the thought of capturing a perfect moment in the beholder’s eye is boggling to me. What’s great about it too is that if you take it perfectly then the person looking at the photo can still sense the beauty of it even though they do not even know the significance of the picture is to yourself. I LOVE THAT.
I also agree with you about having such distinct relationships with each person. Even when you meet a new person that reminds you of someone else close to you, it’s still not the same. That bond you have with each person is so unique and it’s those classic kind of moments that really stick with you. I guess that’s why I love photographs so much. I’m such a sentimental lol
Poor keyboard DX At least you’ve fixed it for the time being and are getting it replaced, heh! I’ve never had to deal with keys falling off, but I’ve only ever had a desktop xp
That is super creepy about your tutor! I’d watch out for him D: Aha, kidding! Hopefully anyway XD That’s really weird if he just guessed that though. I mean, out of all of the names in the world?! So weird!
It’s funny how we develop such connections with friends.. we don’t realize it while it’s happening, but then one day something makes us notice all of the small details that we share with each other. I agree that each and every relationship is irreplaceable, which is why it’s so sad when one ends :( You’ll never have the same one ever again.
I’ve broken so many keys on past laptops. It’s annoying how some go on/off so easily, and others just break. I know that on Macbooks though, you can’t really take them off as they aren’t the same as PC keyboards so hopefully when I finally get that, I wont have that problem anymore :P
I know what you mean about things being different with certain people. No two friendships/relationships are the same, so there will always be those certain things that only YOU two understand. I have quite a few of them with all of my friends, each one with different things. It’s nice though, to have those things that no one else understands.. it makes me feel a lot closer to my friends.
Dang. I haven’t heard of pulling out keys before! It actually sounds a little scary.
Photography is pretty cool, especially old printing photography. The only thing that can get peevish about it is the critique and individual interpretations. O_O I’ve never taken a class but it sounds like it would be pretty fun.
Talking with strangers is pretty fun, especially since they almost always seem to be so completely different. Even though a majority of the strangers I’ve met have either had a lost puppy or have had food in their vans, it can be pretty eye-opening.
Inside jokes and understanding are wonderful ♥ All the small things are the best.
Agreed. There are just some popular subjects I’d rather stay away from 😰
I guess then when I don’t blog, I feel like some people are going to reject me or something. I’m overly conscious, though.
Introversion is frowned upon too much. It should be embraced, not ridiculed :P
Haha well done on breaking your key! It is actually something that I would quite easily accomplish, also :P I am a massive klutz, I trip over absolutely nothing. I also have a knack for breaking things, so, I feel your pain!
I have those kind of relationships with so many people! It’s just the best :) My friend Susie and I call each other “Chicken” and are obsessed with all things chicken; and no one else gets it! I actually tend to establish a closeness to people through creating these kinds of “in-jokes”. It gives the person and myself a way to communicate that is privy to everyone else. I love it :)
hehe im too scared to do anything physical to my laptop. i just give it to the professionals to clean or like recently re programme my keyboard because all the keys were not where they were supposed to be. hope you understood that.
your photography is beautiful, i love looking at peoples p hotos that have a passion for photography, my mouth is open and im like woweee how did u take such amazing pictures.
that was a bit scary with your tutor knowing james’s name, maybe because he looks like a james dunno .
i hate smoke too but nearly all my friends do smoke so i get use to it but they try not to smoke when im about. so cute of them.
i have those relationships as well with people i lo ve it :)
i occassionally talk to strangers in shopping centres sometimes i mess up and im saying to myself its fine you wont see them again