Hey, I’m Georgie. 👋🏻 My blog is a place where I share things about authentic and evolving personal style, personal development and growth, fitness and wellness, and mental health awareness. I identify as a minimalist and value experiences like travelling and trying new things. I may be a little bit obsessed with the colour blue.
The simplest way to describe me is a counter-stereotype. Parts of my personality contradict each other and I have a lot of quirks. My music taste makes it seem like I was born in the wrong decade. I’m an ex-ballerina and currently enjoy lifting weights. I hate movies. I’m a non-vegan vegan food appreciator. I do not like cake.

I work as a UI engineer for Campaign Monitor. I have been with the company since 2015, and my blazing trail consists of multiple features for the email builder product, an internal design system, co-hosting a program called Bread Talks to encourage and help fellow coworkers with public speaking, and co-organising a company offsite conference called Devcamp.
Mental wellness is important to me, and so is creative freedom. In 2020 I released the off switch is broken, a poetry collection of pieces inspired by living in such a technological age and how it can affect us mentally.
I’ve been known to possess a level of confidence that comes across as intimidating, and an openness that can be confronting. I’m actually an introvert who will rarely start a conversation, but say hello to me and we will probably have a conversation until the sun goes down. 🧡
If you like my work, you can buy me a coffee. 🌻
About ‘Hey Georgie’
The name Hey Georgie is a reference to my favourite band, Hey Geronimo. I’ve seen them play thirty-four times live, have probably lost count, and they actually played at our wedding. 😍
I began blogging in 2002 but my post archive only goes back to 2009. A lot of people will know me from my most popular website Heartdrops.org, where I wrote many Photoshop and WordPress tutorials alongside my blog. Before that, my blog was titled Out The Window and Consolation in a Jar.
Ash Vadolia designed my incredible logo.
Kassy hosted me for 10 years, from 2008–2019. I basically owe half my blog’s life to her.
My husband Nicholas photographs my Stylesheet series. Geoffrey, Seb and Pat contributed to the series when it was called Fashion Friday, which I started in 2014.
Non-credited images are sourced from Stocksnap.io. Other photographs were taken by me, or friends who have allowed me to use them on my blog. Please contact me if you would like to use one. All poetry on my blog has been written by me.
The design of this blog (apart from the logo) is my own. I also coded the design from scratch by myself. This blog runs on WordPress and I am the sole maintainer.