10,000 Questions (or less)
Today I walked all the way to Camperdown again. It’s about three towns away from university, and I needed to get some photo paper. It was $160 for 50 sheets. Which amounts to about $3 per sheet. Thinking about this… it is black/white chemistry paper after all, so it’s “special”. I still think it’s funny how my mum keeps asking me if I can use the photo paper we have at home. I have to keep reminding her that that paper is for inkjet printing and not chemistry… ah, the joys of photography.
I did a lot of walking today; I’m surprised I’m not sore. I had to go to work to sign something, then go to the photo printing centre to pick up prints, then go to the photo store to buy the paper. I’m going so broke it isn’t funny – and I want to buy some shirts. I’m starting to imagine how much money I have spent on photography already. :P
In class today I struggled trying to print of my film photographs that looked a little like this digital photograph I took:

It was hard getting the contrast and timing just right, and some parts were very white so I had to give just those sections more time under the light – it was a challenge. After giving it one try at first, I thought it looked great. My teacher didn’t think it had enough contrast. It’s times like these I really hate the fact that art is so subjective. My teacher got his red marker and drew on my print – yes, he drew on my huge, perfectly fine (in my opinion) print, indicating where I had to fix it up. It doesn’t matter what he was indicating, but I died a little inside. 😢 He could have made a note elsewhere… I still wanted to put that on my wall even if I wasn’t going to hand it in, waaaah.
Either way I did end up getting another slightly flawed print, which I’ve decided I’ll give to James because he adores that photograph. /eee
I suppose I’m getting a bit irritated with photography because in the end what I’m getting is not really my work, but someone else’s. It’s nice to have a teacher’s guidance, but when you follow everything they tell you to do, how they tell you to print, it doesn’t make me feel so proud of my work anymore.
There is this one boy in my class who thinks that he’ll get higher marks if he follows every piece of advice the teachers give him. I dislike that mindset. He had five magnificent photographs – all in focus, interesting subjects or subject matter, and terrific printing quality – and many classmates liked them (were even jealous of them), but he didn’t like them and went by the word of the teachers. It irritated me. He couldn’t find another photograph to make a set of six, and I told him to use his instinct and what he thought would be good, then ask the teacher’s advice. He just wanted to take the teacher’s advice to shoot another roll of film. And he already has about ten rolls. It’s ridiculous that he’s just being babied along. Bloody hell, you have to be daring sometimes.
Johnny gave me a lift home this evening, and he bought me and Fern some Kinder Surprise. The toys in those chocolate eggs suck now. They’re so… boring. They used to be fun and have more pieces. I got a cute panda though, haha. We were chatting in the car before I got out and thought my mum couldn’t hear us over the music. When I went inside my mum said she could hear us talking really loudly. /bash We realised we live pretty close to each other too. Umm… freaky.
I got a few questions from some of my readers:
If you could take a year off and go travelling, where would it be? (Vicky)
Well, a year is a long time. I would probably take James with me and go many places. I’d want to visit you, Vicky, and Georgia Kate, and of course travel the whole of the United Kingdom; I would also want to go to America to visit Rachel and Tiffany… I know many people in many parts of America. I’d love to go to Japan as well. I would probably most like to visit New Zealand because of the nature and scenery and beautiful landscapes.
Where do you see yourself and James in 10-15 yrs? (Vanessa)
Where do you see yourself in ten years? (Bea)
Hahaha married. No, I’m serious. I mean, we’ll be 30 years old. Hopefully in a nice house with heaps of sushi cushions and amazing furniture and my artwork on the walls. And with a dog. With a child? I don’t know, I’m not ready to think about that yet! I also hope to have a steady full-time job by then, one that I enjoy, most likely working with computers. I hope to have travelled to many places too.
If you were granted three wishes, what would they be? (Bea)
Firstly, to have a good relationship with my mother. It’s just been on the rocks most of the time. Secondly, for everyone to truly be happy. Third – well, I wish there wasn’t any discrimination of any kind. Anywhere.
What are your plans after studying? (Othelie)
What career would you like to pursue? (Trish)
I would like to find a full time job that really suits me. I’m kind of excited to work and do something I love, which as I mentioned – will be something with computers, design – not totally sure yet. I love web design a lot right now.
How long do you think you’ll maintain The Princess Pondicus Network? (Stephanie)
That is all of my domains! Well, I think it’ll be a while. I see myself renaming the network once I think of something better (but that’s probably not any time soon). But I still definitely see myself keeping this blog, my photoblog, and fanlistings, for a while to come. I have been cutting down on fanlistings but I believe I’ll still keep my favourites for many more years.
I was tagged… a lot… haha. First by Gail. What better time to do this tag! Just when I was willing to answer people’s questions as well. XD
Questions from Gail
Do you like reading novels, if so, who is your favorite author?
Yes, I do. I love Bryce Courtenay and Cecelia Ahern, even though I haven’t read every single one of their books. I love their narrative style, and all their books are different even though they follow similar themes. You’d think it’s predictable, but it’s not.
Why did you come up with your latest theme?
For my annual (est. 2010!) Heartdrops.org birthday project. Last year I did “Love is…” and this year it’s “I Love”. I had to make a theme to go with it, as Heartdrops’ birthday is in October.
Do you like your name? If given a chance, will you change it?
I do. I used to hate it a lot, because of the nickname Georgie, and the association with the nursery rhyme “Georgie Porgie”. My parents have called me Georgie ever since I was born, though, and rarely call me Georgina. It really fits with the notion that your parents call you by your full name if they’re mad at you. My mum has. /oh On occasion. And it pisses me off when any of my relatives call me it – because they should be accustomed to calling me Georgie instead of Georgina. 😰 But I wouldn’t change my name. I’m happy with it.
What is your number one favorite color and why?
Oh gosh, this is soooooo hard. It has changed so much over the years from blue, to black, to purple, to red. I guess red is where it’s at now. It is such a vibrant colour that screams “me”, and whenever I buy accessories I tend to get red. I got excited picking a red bag, a red scarf, a red phone charm…
Are you girly or boyish?
In between… I’m not girly to the point where I wear makeup (really not my thing), and I’m not boyish to the point where I don’t like skirts.
Would you choose career over love?
No, that’s selfish. If I really loved someone I would sacrifice my career for them. I know my mum sacrificed hers because she wanted to bring me and my brother up. Not many parents would do that. And if choosing your career means losing the one you love, no matter how – then I would never do it.
Ever gotten your heart broken? What did you do to recover?
Yes, once, it was really broken and not just being rejected by someone I had a crush on. It was hard, but I had to bite the bullet and move on. I had to give it time. I made the mistake of trying to coerce the relationship into existing again, because it had been rather rocky in the first place. But over time I realised it wasn’t going to work. Other things came into play, distracted me from those feelings, and I eventually forgot.
What do you think of giving second chances?
Everyone deserves them. Everyone makes mistakes.
Are you a fighter or a healer?
I’m a bloody fighter. No matter what happens, even if I get emotional, I still keep trying.
Why did you decide to blog?
I used to keep a diary and I shared that with my friends because I didn’t really mind them knowing about my life. I kept a website for some time just for pixel graphics and from that I went on to blogging and eventually opening up to everyone.
What do you think of me?
Very pretty, determined, dedicated, friendly. ♥️ A wonderful combination!
Questions from Jen
What’s the last really nice thing you’ve done for someone?
I sort of proofread Seb’s story for him. :)
Do you remember the first time you met your friends?
Yeah… well most of them I met at school or at university. I have a funny story about meeting my boyfriend James – basically we were lost and he pretended to know the way back to school with a fake map. :’)
List down the things that pisses you off.
If I listed them, the list wouldn’t end. I try not to think about things that annoy me, but I do dislike bad grammar, attention seekers, people who are too dramatic, or look down on you, arrogant people, people who look for a fight.
When was the last fight or argument you had? With whom?
James and I had an argument because I took something bad for my health. Ugh James, you’d better not mention this to anyone. We argue all the time though, fix it up a few minutes later most of the time. /eee
List down two good things that happened recently.
Oh! Too many good things happened recently – but I pretty much got recommended for the Graduate Diploma of Interactive Multimedia at my university, and I received a good grade on one of my photography assignments.
What do you feel guilty for doing?
Hurting my family. I don’t recall many things I feel very guilty about, but I feel guilty for being horrid to my mum and dad, and when I was much younger, fighting with my brother all the time.
What is your favorite quote and why?
It changes from time to time, and I could go on about quotes that mean a lot to me, but one of the ones that means the most to me is “One of the greatest illusions in life is that things will get better”. It reflects what I’ve been through in the past six or so years struggling with depression, and it helps me get through the hard times.
What was the best thing to happen to you this week?
Probably knowing that I’ll be doing the Graduate Diploma program, given I finish these last few weeks of my Bachelor degree!
What kind of person attracts you?
I don’t think I really have a type or anything, but I tend to like the dorky, quirky, quiet kind of guy.
What’s the last gift you gave to someone?
I don’t remember really! Oops.
What did you dream of last?
I don’t dream very much – if I do, they’re weird. I don’t remember now.
Tag rules
There are some rules to the tag:
1. You must post these rules.
2. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.
4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post
5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her.
6. No tag backs.
7. No stuff in the tagging section about “you are tagged if you are reading this.” You legitimately have to tag 11 people.
I’m going to tag Seb, Vicky, Jennifer, Georgia Kate, Lilian, Ruben, Clarisse, Stephanie, Liz, Rachel, James (and he’s allowed to answer these in the comments because he’s silly and doesn’t properly blog).
My Questions
1. Worst thing you’ve ever eaten?
2. Name your first crush/girlfriend/boyfriend.
3. What was your worst experience with a teacher?
4. Name one thing that annoys you about the Internet.
5. Have you ever half-assed a piece of homework or assignment and done really well?
6. What is your earliest memory?
7. What is something (anything) that you like that you are embarrassed to tell people about?
8. What is your favourite sport?
9. Who is your idol and why?
10. If you had to lose one of your senses (taste, touch, hearing, seeing, smelling), which would it be?
11. Have you ever had a nosebleed?
Comments on this post
you had Kunder Surprooz! /bounce
I once got a little spider one in it and it was pretty tacky /um
That natural to be afraid photo’s the best /awb
Hoho, your mum caught you Chatting. That’s so ummo D:
For travelling I’d go to America, and Europes. Maybe not China, but Hong Gonk; NZ sounds lovely. hrj
I see myself as James in 10 years; we’re practically inseparable! /frog
Unconditional financial security for myself, followed by a million jillion dollars.
Then I’d use the million jillion dollars to solve various global problems. (eg whaling. I’d just buy all the whales. and buy all the whalers and, I dunno. End the obesity pandemic by force)
My third wish would be…who knows. Antigravity? jajaja
/bash sorry
1. Worst thing you’ve ever eaten?
Testicles. So gooey. You bite into ’em and it..well, flows. That, or McDonalds
2. Name your first crush/girlfriend/boyfriend.
Wugs! tahee
3. What was your worst experience with a teacher?
Being told off for doing a week’s worth of math homework in around half an hour instead of reading about how white man kicked the ass of aborigine man
4. Name one thing that annoys you about the Internet.
People expose so much about their own lives voluntarily, then jump to complain about privacy
5. Have you ever half-assed a piece of homework or assignment and done really well?
Not really. I tend not to do that /um
6. What is your earliest memory?
Eating mango in a high chair
7. What is something (anything) that you like that you are embarrassed to tell people about?
I like knives. A lot. And noone likes to hear about it because they hear it and go ‘omg knives he’s going to kill someone and it might be me oh god i bet he likes to sharpen them in the dark while staring at photos of people whom he dislikes’
8. What is your favourite sport?
Archery. I like it because it helps me relax and focus at the same time, and that it’s a solo sport. Not that you’d know it from going to any range where they try to make it like some goddamn country club for elderly white men to compare equipment and ridicule people new to it. What is this, golf?
9. Who is your idol and why?
It’d probably be Bruce Lee. Not because he could kick anyone’s ass, or that he looked amazing (two things which I guess anyone naturally wishes for in themselves, regardless) but because of his focus to one thing and how he crafted his life around what he wanted to see in himself.
10. If you had to lose one of your senses (taste, touch, hearing, seeing, smelling), which would it be?
Taste. I could finally eat what fancy people eat without retching like a dingus
11. Have you ever had a nosebleed?
Whoever says no lives in a bubble.
Oh my gosh, Kinder Surprise!! The first and only time I went to Europe (Italy) my friends and I kept buying Kinder Surprises because we all thought they were so amazing! We got some really cool ones. One guy got a stamp thing. I got like a cute figure that appeared to be some sort of a wombat/koala hybrid. Holding a coconut.
Walking is very healthy! Yeah it’s a pain, but at least its exercise :P
Ugh, I can’t stand people who just do whatever somebody tells them. It just… it makes me want to punch them. So bad. Haha
Well, I’m hoping that I can get my blog out there to other music fans. I actually haven’t told my friends that I own a blog. I don’t know why, but I guess I want to keep those two things separate, y’know? And while I don’t want millions of people reading it, it would be very nice to get a good following.
And my gosh you have so many tutorials on your site. You definitely don’t need mine!! :D
Ah, you’re fun to talk to! I usually don’t leave such long comments on people’s sites. :)
Ah indeed…I remember the times when we would get our films developed and it would cost quite a bit. I like my cheap digital photography hehe.
I guess your legs are used to walking by now XD. Hobbies can be expensive…at least photography keeps you happy :D
Aww that sucks…I hate it when art teachers do that. I am sorry that you can’t hang it up now :(. Maybe you should’ve stopped him before marking? But I am sure that would have come across as being rude then.
Maybe he is being very academic about this whole course. I would think he is trying to get higher grades lol.
Um I see you got tagged plenty already ^_^; I tagged you too but you don’t have to do it if you are bored of questions lol.
I know how you feel – when teachers tend to have control over your work. I’ve had several art classes in the past and always felt I wanted to do more/expand more on my work, but couldn’t because I was confined to the project’s guidelines and what not. >_>
I am guilty about the same thing! >.< I was a crazy one when I was little and somewhat "abusive" to my older siblings… But I am much better at controlling my anger now.
Also, I did a "I Love" post. :D
I daresay that that boy in your class will get higher marks. But if he’s going to produce something on his own, he probably won’t do a very good job because his work just wouldn’t be his own.
No need to tell me that I’m tagged! The post will probably be published sometime next week, along with an I Love… post, and another meme. (so many memes….) Also, James is very very silly.
And you should totally come visit LA, whether I happen to still be around here when you make it to the US! Definitely worth it to visit Hollywood and Universal Studios at least once. =D
It seems to me that your photography class is sure eating up a bunch of your money! I can’t believe that you actually have to buy all the paper and everything as I imagined it would be included in with the course. But I agree — you should be daring and do it your own way. With my writing, I don’t write how everyone else nor do I do it how my teacher wants me to all the time. If you like it then you like it. In the end it is up to you anyways.
I also know a girl that is like the suck-up guy you described. I mean honestly, it gets annoying. Really annoying in fact. They are like robots that just do whatever the teacher says. You need to be yourself and think for yourself, you know?
aww. Thank you for doing the tag! :)
good luck to your Graduate program degree! :)
Helloooooo :) !
I’m not sure where Camperdown is, but it sounds like it’s a LOOOOONG way to walk D:. And jeez, that photopaper is expensive @_@. $160?!?!?! You could buy SO MANY books with that!
Walking is good exercise though :). Exercise is good for you ^^.
OMG I don’t care who he is, if someone drew on my photo, I’d CRYYY. With RED MARKER TOO?! Argh! Poor you. That must have been TRAUMATIC! It’s a cute photo though. The digital one at least xD. It’s totally James filled. Isn’t that the doll thing he gave you? And the perfume he bought you? Hehehehe cute ^^.
Yeah those kinds of subjects are so subjective. It’s so hard to do well if you’re not doing what THEY tell you to. But if you do, it’s like you’re doing their work and not yours. You just can’t win :(. Hmph!
KINDER SURPRISE! I haven’t had one of those since I was a LITTLE KID! I’m suddenly craving Kinder Surprise. But NO! Must eat healthy. *nods*. And OMG! YOU GOT A PANDA :O. I am. So jealous. Hahahaha.
I want to go to the UK too :D. Particularly, LONDON. I’m hoping I can do a graduate degree in London School of Economics. But I’ll totally settle for being a tourist ^^. And New Zealand IS pretty. LOTR was filmed there. Hahaha make sure you don’t write ‘To throw the one ring into the fires of Mount Doom’ as your reason for going there in immigration though :). Just kidding, only an idiot like me would do that XD. You’re more sensible.
You and James in 10-15 years time? You’ll still be like this: /love Hahahahaha xD.
I love this story: I have a funny story about meeting my boyfriend James – basically we were lost and he pretended to know the way back to school with a fake map. :’) It’s so cute!!!
Aha, I hate Harry Potter, and the Hunger Games too! I don’t get what’s so special about them. Twilight – no comment necessary /hehe
I love the photo you posted! It’s really cool, I love it :) I hate it when people do that, it’s like, it’s ART, it’s your ideas, not the teachers. Kinda why I hate my art teacher, he just tells you what to do rather than give you advice. *sigh. Ahaha, Kinder Surprise = My life. No joke, I still eat them even now – on a regular basis. I miss the Spongebob toys! I nearly had them all and then they changed it! /wah
When I was on my school trip to France, we went to a hypermarket, and there me and my friend realised that in Germany they would be called Children Bars, Children Eggs, Children Surprise… etc. Got so many funny looks from people as we just broke down laughing in the middle of a hypermarket 😒
Silly teacher. I’ve never really thought of it like that – that by doing exactly what the teacher says, you aren’t doing your own thing anymore. Maybe I’ve never really had a teacher like that… my art teacher’s make suggestions, but I feel like they better my art and it’s still my idea and my finished piece. That boy sounds like a complete nub. I don’t understand how you can be in an art related class and not have any originality or ideas of your own… not when you’re taking the class of your own free will at college.
I’d love to go to australia, but not to drink :p haha. It’s not like I plan on going out and partying and getting drunk, but at least if I want something alcoholic like at dinner or something, I could have it.
That’s true too. It really does depend what you’re going into. It;s weird, because I was one of 2 girls in the entire web design speech, and considering how many of my blogger friends are girls, you would just think that there would be more… but apparently not.
It’s not like my parents are against my education, they just really cannot afford to pay for it. My sister’s going to be going to college soon, and we just don’t have enough money. It’s ridiculous how much colleges/states charge you to get more education. blah. And I think whether I go to community college or straight there, I’ll get a pretty similar education. Community college would be more art related, though.
That’s how I am with it too. Sometimes I’m obsessed with it, and then I just stop and dont even look at it for months. oh tumblr. crazy blog site.
Thanks for your comment.(: Sorry mine is so long… I tend to ramble a lot.
It’s expensive enough you have to keep buying supplies for your photography class. I’ve seen your photos on indecisively.me and they are all very well done. To me, the lighting is perfect and the contrast and feeling each photo brings is different and unique. I cannot believe the teacher marked your photo, I’d be upset about it too. Ugh! He really should not have marked it, and with a red marker! I took a photo class once in college, and it was the most difficult course. Now I just do freelance photos.
That boy in your class needs to realize that he is already doing a good job, and for others to be jealous of his work clearly indicates that. It is difficult to follow the direction of other people, it’s always best to be bold sometimes. I’ve heard of Kinder Surprise candies, but I’ve never found them here in the states. To think I love candy with a little toy or something in them. At least you got a cute panda in your candy. :D
Ahhh photo paper!!!!!! That word scares me because of how expensive it is! One reason I decided not to study photography was because it’s so expensive. The second of course is because of my mom. Actually that would be the first I think.
I’m gonna assume you’ve spend like thousands of dollars on photography paper already. I’m already so broke … I have no income and my mom only pays for necessities … there are lots of un-necessities I need!
I didn’t know printing could be such a hassle. I guess color prints never come out the way they look on the computer though?
Hahaha I’m a wimp like that boy then. I follow the teachers every word because i’m afraid I’ll do something wrong and get points off.
I wasn’t gonna tag you since a million people already did but I didn’t have anyone else and rules are rules.
I actually want to study 3D animation. I wouldn’t consider that artsy. Artsy is what Mia is studying for a starving future, LOL I’M SO MEAN! But my point is that 3D animation is a money spinner compared to psychology. But my mom doesn’t believe that.
It is the end of the world for my mom! She’d very much want you for a daughter since you graduate at 20 O_O all the good stories she can brag to her friends about ….
I think I should stop complaining about my mom on my blog. Everyone including you of course give me such wonderful advice that would probably work on anyone but my mom. A few entries ago I complained she thinks she has a doctorate in psychology so anything I say is bullshit. =/
You have a point there Georgie.. but same as you are, i would do anything for photography.. but the only difference is, I have never joined any photography class and have one of those teachers who would advise me what to do and what not to do. I have been taking pictures and doing things on my own as I wanted my works to be my own. As what you’ve said, always following the teacher’s doesn’t make you a good student..and the work that you do isn’t entirely yours.. I love your photos on your photoblog by the way.. :D and oh! I want you to know something… I miss you and your blog! <3
1. Worst thing you’ve ever eaten? I’m a very picky eater so there’s a lot of food I can say are “worst things I’ve ever eaten”. I really hate capers, though.
2. Name your first crush/girlfriend/boyfriend. Dustin
3. What was your worst experience with a teacher? I’ve had a lot of bad experiences with teachers. Don’t know where to start.
4. Name one thing that annoys you about the Internet. Trolls, but annoying in a “I’d miss them if they weren’t there” kind of way.
5. Have you ever half-assed a piece of homework or assignment and done really well? I had a lot of tests that came out surprisingly well, actually.
6. What is your earliest memory? My dad taking me out for breakfast every Sunday morning.
7. What is something (anything) that you like that you are embarrassed to tell people about? That I’m terrified of driving. Really.
8. What is your favourite sport? Does running count?
9. Who is your idol and why? Hmm, I guess I don’t really have an idol I can think of? I’ll think about this more and blog about it if I think of someone who is worth idolizing.
10. If you had to lose one of your senses (taste, touch, hearing, seeing, smelling), which would it be? Well, I barely have a sense of smell as it is, so I guess let’s say to hell with the rest of it.
11. Have you ever had a nosebleed? Yes.