“The Beginning”

27th January 2011

This place brings back memories of a time long gone
I hear echoes of anger in the back of my mind as patience,
          sweet patience holds you away,
          fair distance keeps you alight,
          big hearts let me feel a world that your mind
          can create;
There are words that stray far from ecstasy,
a fair few that are the epicentre of said utopia,
          There are the Ghosthunters,
          though I will forever be,
          eye to eye with that music that pulled me through.
The epicentre of pessimism was my home,
          yet more so my hope
          and my salvation.
The present shall pull me into a pit of happiness,
          but I will never forget that I knew
          happiness from sadness because of you,
          because you pulled me out.
There are several words that I could hold from this moment and know,
          simply know that you had spoken them years ago
          without my past self in recognition,
There are few words I can hold, depend on and remember,
          I know that was you.