Fashion Friday: A little ray of sunshine

Medium shot of me with my arms slightly folded

Today we have a summery outfit, which is rare right now. It is September and it is supposed to be quite warm for Spring but some days have been really cold. We had this one day during the week where it was 30ºC – practically beach weather – and then the next day it was back to being cold again. It was nice to wear summery clothes for just one day!

We took these photos in our sky park in our apartment complex. (We haven’t fully moved in yet, by the way – still between places at the moment.) It was Nick’s idea! We are on the seventh level of the building but the sky park is on the sixth level, so we pass through it on the way up. When we first inspected the place we were pretty excited about the sky park since it’s only accessible to residents of the building and it was pretty chilled out and quiet. There are some barbecue areas, and just some really nice places to sit and enjoy the outdoors. Definitely going to be a hit in summer. ;)

Me standing on a short wall tucking my hair behind my ear
Full body shot, on a slight angle

Despite it being a very warm day it was actually also really windy. But we didn’t let that get in the way of taking photos. We made it a pretty quick one in the late afternoon when the wind had calmed down.

I chose the white shorts because I wanted something with pockets and something a bit loose-fitting. I didn’t have any skirts I felt like wearing. And even though these shorts are great, I don’t feel that they get enough wear. I don’t have a large amount of tops that go very well with them because of the paperbag style either – something I need to work on.

My mum gave me the stripy top last summer but it was getting too cold by then, so I haven’t had much of an opportunity to wear it until now. It’s very cute and relaxed, and although I am not a big fan of the frills on my figure, I think it’s still very flattering. There is not actually any brand on it and I can’t remember where she got it from. The quality is still great!

Me standing facing slightly away from the camera but with my head turned towards it
I love the tiered detail in this top

I realised that for almost the whole day I was wearing the top incorrectly and didn’t have the sleeves over the sides of my arms, but they were tucked under my armpits. Although I fixed it up for these photos, that was still a good look, haha. 😆 This look accentuates the shoulders just that little bit more.

I am usually not a fan of tiered tops or skirts but apparently they give you the illusion of being taller. I have not experimented with tiered/layered tops much, so I am not sure. I think there was a good balance here, though. My figure is bottom-heavy and I often play up my top half to look a little more proportional. I think this top does that without being too much. And it doesn’t skim the body too closely so it hides any belly fat if I were to, say, eat a huge buffet. :P

Me standing, view from the back, with my left foot in a slight curtsy
I like the little split in the back – small details!

I have mixed feelings about the shoes fitting with the rest of the outfit. It was something basic and I thought it went pretty well. My only gripe is that I’m probably never going to wear these shoes again because as cute as they are, they are 100% not comfortable! I have broken them in already, but these kinds of flats just need a lot more toe room. Not to mention this was also a really cheap pair so they aren’t as kind and forgiving on the feet. Just rock solid. 🙄 I am not sure if I would be rushing to buy a better pair in the same style since I simply don’t wear them often, but I do like the style a lot.

Me standing on a short brick wall tucking my hair behind my ear from the wind
Bring on summer!

I haven’t been wearing a lot of jewellery lately, thus the outfit is not really accessorised. I think the top speaks enough volumes though. I’d only wear a delicate necklace with this outfit, perhaps a bangle or two.

This outfit was named A little ray of sunshine because of the random spurt of sunshine and heat we got during a pretty cold month. Overall I quite like this outfit and I think I’d wear it again. It’s a combination I’ve never done before and I look forward to the pieces getting more wear as the weather gets warmer. 🌻

📷 All photography by Nick. ❤️

Close shot of me sitting in a cabana
Very thin stripes on this top. I like small-scale prints a lot!

Outfit details

How is the weather where you are? What do you think of our little sky park? What are your thoughts on this style of top?

Comments on this post

Love this!!! What gorgeous shots, and your new apartment complex is so up and coming! It reminds me of the rooftops of apartments we have here downtown!

I love your top, and it reminds me of a similar top I bought recently but had no idea how to wear because they don’t go with pants. It’s too cold here for shorts so I’d have to save them for a heatwave day. I hope we have a few more of those before winter. :P

I’m just the opposite … my figure is top heavy and I practically look bad in any top these days because my legs are so skinny in comparison, hehe.

I’m not a huge fan of the off the shoulder top trend, they always fall off my shoulders and I’m forever adjusting them! Having said that, I do like this top on you, but it’s not something I’d wear myself. I love the shorts though, maybe brown or nude candles over black?

I love your sky park! I didn’t know there was such a thing, haha.

Woah, your apartment complex looks nice! This would look like businessy stock photos if it wasn’t for your summery outfit, methinks. 😅

A sky park sounds lovely, and I love the idea of it only being accessible by residents. When I lived in apartments, I remember getting frustrated because people from everywhere would come to use the pool sometimes, so the complex would either shut it down or constantly change the code—and to get into the pool section, you’d have to go through the office instead and wouldn’t even be able to open the gate for other people if they wanted in, and it was such a hassle. (I’m guessing this is why most apartment complexes with pools are now gated.)

I really love this location for photos, too—the contrast between the building and greenery is SO BEAUTIFUL.

I love tops that allow for a bit of tummy bulk. XD I used to have a green babydoll top, and it did so much more for my self-esteem on my bloated-feeling days much more than if I’d worn a jacket/hoodie. I totally forgot about those sorts of tops…I’m going to have to look for some. ^^

The weather is hot. 🔥 I’m having to be careful not to stir up my asthma. Walking around ups my heart rate to difficult breathing, while even sitting leads to sweating and slow breathing. Texas heat is so hard on my lungs. 😭

I think it’s a very cute outfit on you, I love the delicate stripes. And that sky park sounds awesome.

That top= :O
I LOVE the fit on you. It’s gorgeous, and the scenery is great. The little courtyard area you’re in for most of your photos makes it perfect. My figure is too top heavy to really feel comfortable wearing a top like that, but it really does look amazing on you.
I have long legs, but am rather short, so I have to be careful even with cuts of skirts and stuff, lol

I love this shot so much 💖 Like I said in my previous comment, purple is my favourite colour so anything purple I’m literally like *heart-face-emoji* all over that! 😊

Your seasons still confuse me because to me since it’s September, it’s time to wrap up warm and start wearing all the clothes I own. 😝

I love the frill detail of this top! I think it goes really well with the white shorts – a very “floaty” look. Really cute 💜 I LOVE YOUR FLATS. I actually don’t buy shoes as much as I used to and threw loads away so I literally only have one pair of gym shoes, trainers for everyday wear, summery brown sandals (similar style to the ones you have on!) and black smart shoes I never wear apart from interviews 😝

My brown sandals (from schuh lol) are really comfortable. But I do recall that when I first got them, I had to wear them in quite a bit before they reached that stage. These are the ones I got btw just in case you’re interested haha!

I love your apartment complex, super modern and cool 💜 (Been enjoying those instagram story snapshots too!!)