A Day in the Life: February 2015
A Day in the Life is a monthly linkup where bloggers document their daily life on a designated day each month to show what a typical day is like. To find out more, click here.

It feels like it was a pretty long day today. In the morning, I woke up before my alarm – actually, I forgot to set it – at about 6:07am. I checked my email and messages on my phone. Checking email in the morning can be a pretty bad habit and make you stay in bed longer, but I do it anyway.
I brushed my teeth and threw on my gym gear, then packed the rest of my clothes for work. Nick and I go to the gym on Tuesday and Friday mornings before work. We decided to both wear blue to work, so I grabbed and packed an outfit I’ve worn at least a couple of times before: a bright blue top with frills on the front, and black jeans with black heels. At one point, Nick and I both wore bright blue tops with black jeans, so I guess the outfit is a bit special to me.
After putting my running shoes on, I missed the bus I was planning to catch and left the house in a rush so that I could catch a different bus. I also thought I forgot my wallet but it was just buried at the bottom of my gym bag. It was a bit of a hectic walk to the bus stop but once I got there, I was fine. I jumped on the next available bus, and once it reached the train station, hurried up the platform escalator and met Nick on the train. The usual train carriage. When you’re used to meeting your friends on the way to school or work, you know how the routine works, haha.
The train wasn’t air-conditioned, but at least we got a seat. I’m still appalled at our Western line and the fact that it gets so packed in peak hour. The government just can’t afford more trains.
Once we got to the city we went to the gym straight away. We more or less did the same “routine”: a fast warm-up on the bike, swapping between abdominal & chest press machines, lifting weights… When we were done with our workout, it was about 9:10 and we had been at the gym for about fifty minutes. We used the showers in our work building because they are much better than the ones at the gym. When we got changed we took the elevator up to our office.
I grabbed some feta cheese and a couple of crackers for a quick snack, then it was work time. I tried a new packet of organic green tea that we had in the kitchen. It was really nice, I had a few mugs that morning as I worked.
Checking my email is usually the first thing I do when I sit at my desk. I did that, then jumped into one of my projects. All in all, it was a fairly productive day, though the morning was slow. I took a tea break some time before lunch, putting a bit of maple syrup in my tea for sweetness. Nick poured maple syrup into his mug and swirled it around in a really nice floral pattern.
On Fridays we get free lunch at work. We had Mr Crackles. I usually get the pumpkin and spinach rolls because they get me the vegetarian option. I do like those rolls, they are really nice! Probably one of the better lunch options we’ve had… sometimes Friday lunch can be pretty mediocre.
I ended up having to do a last minute task at the end of the day, but that was alright.
Nick and I walked around looking for somewhere new to eat. We ended up at QVB Jet Bar Caffe, had dinner then he dropped me home after quite a long train ride. I ate some of the jellybeans he gave me for Valentine’s Day.
All in all, a pretty busy day, there were lots of happenings at work, but not much I should be detailing. :)

Comments on this post
Coryl o’Reilly
The containers for those jellybeans are adorable! Not a fan of jellybeans myself (I lack a sweet tooth), but even I’d be thrilled to have been given those as a gift.
Sounds like you had a fairly productive day. Work. Exercise. Time with your beau. Those are the days I enjoy best, when I can get things done, spend time with my loved one, and have no unpleasant surprises. :)
I’ve never heard/seen such a thing! Jelly beans in a bottle! Doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. Your picture proves that they do! How neat of an idea that is though!
Like you, Tristan and I go to the gym when we can. I usually get a bit more exercising done than he does, as I am in an intermediate walking class (we walk 3 miles or more and than lift weights). Pretty easy class, though, not gonna lie there are some days that I just don’t want to go.
So…I think you’ll find this quite interesting, but Josh & I walked into one of the many praline shops in NOLA & saw a bottle of tobasco flavored jellybeans. My immediate reaction is, “why,” but I feel like you’d be curious about them. I prefer hot tamales over the taste of spicy vinegar though hah! Very nice of Nick to get you tubes of Jellybeans! :D What flavors were they?
I’m surprised you didn’t take more pictures for your ADITL project!
It’s cute that you & your boo have a little gym routine. Definitely keeps y’all in shape! Gotta get back to my own gym routine…but you know…blizzards make it hard….haha.
Agh on the public transportation system…I feel you. Boston’s MBTA gets so much funding, but our trains are so outdated that when snow storms hit, it just closes/becomes useless. If only we both had better funded transportation systems!!! So many of us depend on it to get to places because we don’t have cars. Sighhhh :| well so long as you get to point A to point B without getting robbed or in one piece, I guess we can’t complain all that much.
I’ll send you tea when I start my job (no discounts yet), but I’ll be sure to add some matcha for ya since…well, you love green tea & it’s perfect for green tea enthusiasts. Definitely sounds like you had a very productive day. Gym & work? DEFINITELY PRODUCTIVE hahaha.
Haha I would be, but I don’t think I would be interested in the flavour itself. My mum would probably love it, but might love the real thing better…! The jellybeans Nick gave me were peach, grape, banana split, passionfruit, raspberry, and strawberry smoothie. Yum.
I did take a lot of photos last year when I did this, but since I didn’t want to lug my camera around so much, a lot of last year’s posts were more creative too. I did one using Snapchat, and I creatively did one as a glossary. I also feel a bit odd about taking photos around my office. I know I don’t have to, but working 9-6 somehow makes me feel like I really need to take at least one photo at work… I don’t know, or maybe my days are a bit too boring. I think I will have more exciting ones for future dates though! ;)
I stopped going to the gym for some time last year when Nick was overseas, but I’m glad we’re going together. It’s good motivation, and I actually enjoy it a lot. :D