BridgeClimb Sydney
I’m not really sure if there are other bridges around the world that you can actually climb, but when I told Daniel that I climbed the Sydney Harbour Bridge, he said he didn’t even know you were able to literally climb the bridge. I didn’t know that either, at least until I was in high school. On every exchange student visit, the students would be taken to climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
To be honest I thought it was just another tourist attraction, and something I wouldn’t really be interested in. I’m not sure why, maybe I never learned to appreciate my hometown until recently. Or maybe I just didn’t value picturesque views from the top of a bridge that actually holds world records (that I didn’t even know about). Or maybe I was just a boring, unexciting person.
The cool thing is that if I ever did think that way, I changed my mind about it all.

I went with Nick and his sister Beck on Saturday to climb the bridge. We had booked a twilight session so we walked up the bridge during the afternoon and sunset occurred while we were up the top. When we were walking down it was dark and practically night time.
It wasn’t as daunting as I made it out to be in my head. I think I was just exaggerating when I thought I was scared. I think I assume I am scared of heights, but judging by a lot of courses and situations I have been in, I don’t think I actually am. When you climb the bridge you’re securely harnessed to the the bridge as you walk, and there are solid steel steps and walkways, so there’s very little chance of you taking a fall. You’re also not allowed to bring anything up there at all. That includes anything that might drop and cause damage to a car or building below – so no phones, watches, or earrings that aren’t studs.
One of the people in our group proposed to his girlfriend when we reached the top! He had bent down to pretend to tie his shoelace and she was looking away at the time. When she turned around he had gotten the ring out (the box was strapped to his wrist) and she was so surprised, she had no idea. She said yes. :) Our guide was a very funny guy, and he told us that he put the couple at the back just in case there was a drama… apparently they have had six proposals where the response was a no!
Sydney Harbour Bridge is the tallest steel arch bridge. It also has 8 road lanes, 2 railway tracks, 1 pedestrian way and 1 cycle way. I am now beginning to sound like Wikipedia, but if you want to learn more you can climb the bridge yourself. I pleasantly surprised myself, I had nothing to complain about on the day. The winds were very strong while we were up there but it was still a really good afternoon.

Comments on this post
Glad you did something you haven’t done before. I’m proud of you. Awesome pictures and the last one, is cute =) Glad you climbed the Sydney Harbour Bridge that day. Looks like you had a good time with everyone involved.
The last picture is quite possibly one of the most romantic pictures ever! ♥
This looks like such an incredible experience. I would love to visit Sydney and climb the bridge some day. I assumed I was scared of heights too but then I went up the Empire State Building and it didn’t both me at all.
Aw thank you Holly!
I would say it is definitely worth climbing, I totally had nothing to complain about and it was lots of fun. I’m planning to visit the Empire State Building some time myself. ;)
You know, if I ever get to take a trip out to Australia, you and Nick are just going to have to get me to climb that bridge, so that I can conquer my fear of heights. That actually looks like fun. I really love the last picture, looks amazing and breathtaking and it’s beautiful! I’m really surprised that people are allowed to propose on the bridge.
Speaking of proposals, one of my friends had gotten engaged while they were at Disneyland. She’s been with her boyfriend for a year (shorter than Tristan and I have — we will be dating for two years on January 8th), and her and her boyfriend are already engaged. So, her boyfriend proposed to her in front of the Cinderella castle. I’m kind of jealous, but I know that my time will come. Tristan is one of those types of people that wants to be financially secure before getting married or anything. Ya know?
You should climb it! I thought I had a fear of heights but there was absolutely nothing scary about climbing the bridge. Everything is very secure and stable.
I suppose people have to give fair warning that they will propose (the lady who gave us an introduction actually took Nick into a room and asked if he was the one proposing, ahhaha), so the person who is guiding the group can organise accordingly. Nick told me that that couple who got engaged on the bridge had only been together a year! It’s okay to be jealous, you are totally right – both our times will come! :D
That is so cool that you did that. I can imagine the view would have been really lovely, and that you were able to do it with Nick! (The kiss photo is so cute).
That would be such an awkward place to propose and then it was no. It would feel like a really long way down. D:
This looks incredible, I wish there were cool things here like that for my boyfriend and myself to do. I feel like I would not have the guts to have a proposal there, first I am afraid of highest and second I would be too scared to drop the ring once he gave it too me. Very cool though!
That last picture is so romantic and cute, Georgie!
After all your posts on Sydney and other places in Australia, I really want to visit and experience it all myself! :D
I was never scared to heights, so climbing such a height bridge sounds very exciting and fun!
Thank you! :) I hope Sydney is on your list of places to visit, if it is, you should consider climbing the bridge as well.