The Best Friend Lunch #10
We have reached double digits!
I realised we hadn’t had some proper girl talk for a while so Lilian and I had lunch together yesterday – just the two of us. It has been over a month since we last had lunch although Lilian did come to my birthday gathering last month.
The Place
I told Lil about Caffe Tiamo, a cute little cafe near both our workplaces. Nick and I have been there a handful of times, and I’m totally in love with the halloumi cheese chips… sooooooooo good. Lil was sold, although she wasn’t keen on the chips before trying them (she doesn’t like cheese). She liked them though, and said they didn’t taste like cheese at all, but rather like “chewy potato”.

I forgot to take a photo of the halloumi. :(
Lil ordered beef nachos – with less cheese! – and it did come with a significantly smaller amount of cheese compared to the serving I got a while back. I ordered the cheapest bruschetta on the menu, along with a glorious soy chai. I can’t not have one of those. :)
The Chat
A lot of what we talked about was just catching up, gossiping about friends and boyfriends – sorry, I mean boyfriend… I’m the only one taken here… :P
We talked books and movies. A lot of books and movies. Back in high school, Lil and I used to read at the same pace, but I am almost positive she has read 200 more books than me since I stopped reading regularly. I wouldn’t be surprised. She has run out of space in her room for all her books!
We’re going to make sure we watch Paper Towns when it comes out in cinemas, even though we both didn’t think the book was one of our favourites by John Green. We reminisced on old times when I actually did read regularly, and I had forgotten that I made Lil buy books from The Night Angel Trilogy before leaving the store because they were that good.
We also talked about work. Lil mentioned that one of her colleagues was due to leave and finally had, much to the relief of the other employees. The girl had not been successful in gaining a permanent position and made a big deal out of the situation, but everyone else was glad to see her go and have been productive since.
We talked about way too much for me to remember, but there was a lot about love, family, and life in general.
The Selfie

Comments on this post
I am such a sucker for a good nacho, and those look delicious! ! I am really picky with cheese, too, but put it on a tortilla chip and I am usually pretty happy. :)
I loved the Night Angel Trilogy! I didn’t realize how popular they were until just recently. I had read them on a recommendation from my brother and thought they were just a series he had just stumbled upon. I hope she likes them!
I didn’t think they were that popular, I think they just happened to get more hype long after they were released (kinda like Twilight.. haha). We both read the books a while back, but since we were reminiscing about books, we just happened to talk about it! :)
This post hit home for me although this post has nothing to do with me! My best friend and I are just the same. We rarely see each other but we live 10 minutes away from one another!
It’s heartwarming to see/hear people bonding y’know?
I definitely agree! Lil and I work so close to one another and don’t live too far from each other, but it is crazy how busy we can get. I am pleasantly surprised that my TBFL series encourages more discussion in the comments compared to my other posts. I guess other people must feel the same way as you. :)
Glad you were able to meet up with your BFF and catch up with good food and conversation. Those food photos made me hungry. The bruschetta really looks mouth-wateringly yummy.
Ah, I miss my best friend. I wish we could meet up and catch up, but that’s a bit hard to do when there’s a big ocean between us LOL. Oh well. Thank goodness for KakaoTalk!