The beautiful little things
I feel like lately I haven’t been sharing bits and pieces of my life on my blog, at least not as much as I used to. I like what Holly does with her “The Weekend Blog”. Sometimes I don’t have a great deal to write about, and the weekends sometimes just need a summary.

I think, however, that this weekend was a bit busier than most, even though I could just summarise it in a few paragraphs. I feel like a much longer period of time just passed. My friend and colleague Andrias got married yesterday. Nick and I attended, as well as a handful of our other work colleagues. It was a lovely ceremony, I didn’t take any photos though, because I just wanted to enjoy the ceremony, and because we were asked to refrain from taking photos. It’s been about two years since I attended a wedding and they are all a bit different and surprising. I just really liked Andrias and Savitri’s wedding invite, which had a cute illustration by Andrias on it (he is a very good illustrator!), and the websites he built for the wedding – and
The wedding itself was just as cute, really. We had little circular fold-up fans as a thank-you gesture. At the guestbook table, there was a chalkboard with dates that the couple met, were engaged, and the wedding date. A small lunch was served in the park opposite the church after the ceremony, and there was a lot of very cute scrapbook-style decor.
It was beautiful to watch as Savitri walked down the aisle; Andrias couldn’t help but smile and his smile just got bigger as she walked up to the front of the church.

Nick and I went back to mine after the ceremony, and had a nap and a shower before we changed clothes and headed to the city for the reception, which was about four hours later. We were a little bit late because of traffic going into the city, but probably beat the rush of the queue. Emi met us outside and we went in together. I had them substitute the menu for a vegetarian one for me, and they gave me a far too generous amount of tofu. I know I love my tofu a lot but I really did get a huge plate of it.
I think that there will now be a running joke among our work colleagues who all sat at the same table – one of the waitresses was a bit rude and abrupt when she cleared our table during the eight course meal. She had an accent, something which I’m certainly not judging, but she couldn’t speak English well she was either saying “finished?” or “finish it!” in a rather commanding manner, taking dishes we didn’t wish to be removed, or pushing dishes under our noses as if to force us to eat. Eventually someone at our table had to make a joke out of it, so I am sure we will be having that as an in-joke around the office very soon…

After Nick stayed at my place for the night, my mum kindly cooked us breakfast – eggs and hash browns, yum. Thank you mother. :) I was due to meet Dylan in the morning for a catch-up but unfortunately he was ill. Nick and I just spent some time playing music and watching videos in my room, and I took out my old guitar (and my newer one). Then we watched The Theory of Everything at the cinema. I had been meaning to see it since I love Stephen Hawking. I guess it’s just a story of his life, really, but it was a pretty good movie. It didn’t totally blow me away but it was nice.
We had dinner and headed back to our respective homes. It’s been a while since I’ve spent a few days straight with someone. It’s nice to spend time with someone you love.
I didn’t expect to write so much, I felt like there wasn’t much to say. I guess the mind works beautifully when it can elaborate.
Comments on this post
Those wedding websites are the cutest :D I’m a big fan of those types of layouts, though I can’t make one myself.
It’s been three years, I think, since I last went to a wedding. A friend of mine just got engaged; don’t know if I’ll be invited, however, and my boyfriend has already said he doesn’t want to accompany me. /snort
I can’t believe your mum let Nick stay over! If I wanted my boyfriend to stay over, my mum would lose her mind. Or she’d just make him sleep in a different room. She’s still so weird about things like that, very traditional and stuff, and it’s like she forgets that he and I lived together in China and shared a bed…?
I lived with my Mum for a while and my boyfriend stayed over every weekend. She didn’t mind and I guess, eventually, they accept that you’re an adult and will do adult things.
My last boyfriend wasn’t keen on big formal events like weddings. I am glad Nick is.
My mum was not too sure about Nick staying over, initially, but she wanted to get to know him better so why not invite him in and get him to spend more time with the family? I know she was unsure about us sleeping in the same room together, and my mum can be quite traditional too, but I guess she didn’t mind in the end. I don’t know how to explain it, but I am pleasantly surprised. I think she just had a good impression of Nick. :)
Congrats to your friend! I love your red dress. You and Nick look great in the ceremony and reception photos :) It’s nice when everyone’s wedding is a bit different from each other. It really shows each couple’s personality! Most of my friends got married a few years ago, so I don’t go to them very often anymore, though I’ll be attending one in a few months.
The Theory of Everything looks like a good movie. I’ve been wanting to see both that and the Imitation Game. Sounds like you had a nice weekend overall!
Those domains are cute!
The dresses you wore for the wedding and the reception are lovely!
Glad you enjoyed the wedding and congrats to your friend! ^^
I feel the same way these days with not having much to say…. Or maybe I have too many inappropriate stuff to say &_&.
Congratulations to your friend for their marriage! May they have everlasting happiness~
I love the cutesy theme of the wedding! I wouldn’t mind having a cute wedding like that. And the colors are beautiful too ;).
You and Nick are so adorable! It sounds like that’s an adventure-packed day for you both! It’s not cool that the waitress was rather commanding and impatient .__.
Hope you’ll have a relaxing week~
So cute! I love the big letter figures! It would make a gread side bed fixture in my room!
Awwww, I love the photo of you together, so adorable.
That sounds like it was a really nice wedding and the websites are really cool! ♥