Too much soup
So next time you boil soup on the stove, it’s probably a good idea to check that you are boiling an adequate amount for the bowl you’re planning to pour said soup in, and certainly not too much. Otherwise you might run into some kind of spill accident, one involving boiling hot liquid, just like I did today. Whoops.
I think part of it was due to my own idiocy in holding the bowl by the rim, and doing this over a sink, rather than setting the bowl down on a flat surface before pouring in hot soup and noodles straight from a pan on the stove.
This also meant that my way of reducing contact with the hot liquid touching my fingers was delayed, because I couldn’t just drop the bowl into the sink and risk breaking it, and other kitchenware in the sink, and also splash hot soup potentially over other parts of my body. Whoops.
This comes just the following day after I somehow slammed the refrigerator door on my fingers as I closed the door. What’s with these accidents lately?!
My fingers and hand are OK, after the incident they stung a little, and I bandaged my hand for some time afterwards, but other than some dry and somewhat tender skin, I think I haven’t done serious damage. 😅

I went skateboarding this morning before it got too hot. I’m really getting used to turning with my hips and my body, and overall feeling more and more comfortable with the board.

I wrote most of this blog post while waiting for a takeaway order for dinner. I felt rather positive about it. I think that’s the joy in trying to reconnect with my blog through #blogeverydamnday—I feel like blogging while on the go isn’t a strange, nor bothersome, thing to do, especially with social media becoming so prevalent. It’s something that was quite ordinary for me back in my university days. It also means that I limit excuses because it’s quite possible to blog even when I feel like I’m short on time.
I’m blogging every day in January 2023. Let me know if you’ll be joining in and trying to blog every day. 😊 The hashtag you can use on social media is #blogeverydamnday.