weeknotes #19: settling in

I ended up getting a peace lily for my home office. I got a little pot for it too and Nick helped me re-pot it! I hope I can care for it without killing it. I have overwatered too many succulents in my life. I’ve asked my plant nerd friends for guidance and I have learned that it is better to underwater the peace lily than overwater it; it can be more easily rescued if underwatered, and will let me know when it needs watering.

There hasn’t been a great deal on my mind since moving. We have been enjoying the space. My office door not closing is just one of those things that I hope will get properly fixed by a tradesperson — in the meantime, I just leave it ajar and it’s OK. I’m still trying to figure out the nuances of the stovetop. Maybe I have just lost my touch for cooking my favourite over-easy eggs. But I fucked it up twice already.

The natural light is almost too good. I mean… you can never have too much of a good thing, but it’s still something I need to adjust to. The apartment feels really hot in the afternoon. Daylight savings ends in a couple of weeks, which means we’ll slowly have to deal with it being really dark at 6:00pm, instead of being nice and bright. Maybe I should make the most of it while I can. 😩

I sort of want to put an armchair in my office and a coffee table, which would serve the purpose of chilling out and maybe reading (lol, I don’t even read anymore), working on my computer but away from my desk, or just relaxing. The coffee table would be useful if I wanted to leave the context of my actual desk. I have room, but armchairs don’t come cheap, and I do wonder if I would actually get the use out of it. Since moving to this new place I feel like we have spent more time chilling on the couch as opposed to just hanging out at our desks. The additional space has been very welcome for our lives, I think.

I have continued to play Wordle and Quordle. Quordle is honestly a tonne of fun for me, but I know other people who aren’t that into it. Something about guessing four words at once is a challenge I enjoy. I did play a bunch of number/math based ones, but grew tired of them relatively quickly. I think it’s because they took a little more time compared to the words. I often had to sit there and think. I mean, I definitely have a spare half hour each day to play all these Wordle spin-offs, but they just became less fun. 😅

In my last weeknote I wrote about how decluttering seemed to come easy when we were in the middle of our move. A positive thing that came out of it is how I feel far less attached to my clothes than I did before. In our previous apartment, something about the lack of natural light and the lack of space made me literally “hang out” in the bedroom around the wardrobe just feeling consumed by my clothes. I would often do this when I was tired of being on my computer, and the bedroom was more of a place where I made a giant mess of clothes and trying on outfits and spending ages doing just that. I think it was the thing I did when bored. Now, I haven’t felt entirely bored yet, but sometimes I just lie on the couch, maybe surfing the internet, but I don’t feel as much of a potato as I did at our old place. If I’m on my phone surfing the internet and I’m lying on the bed, I genuinely feel like I’m relaxing. I even feel more motivated to do the housework in a timely fashion, instead of letting the chores pile up.

A peace lily inside of a white patterned clay pot on small wooden legs. It sits in the corner of a room next to a balcony, on the carpet.
My new peace lily. I’m not really inclined to name it. 🪴

Something about the clearer separation and being in a more comfortable (I don’t necessarily say “bigger” even though it is) space makes things feel less stressful. When I leave my office for a break, I really feel like I’m taking a break, not just turning around and – oh hi – the kitchen is there, as was the case with our old place.

So yeah, I haven’t bought any clothes since Boxing Day last year, and I am feeling good about this streak of not buying stuff. I do want to purchase a few items of clothing for the cooler months ahead, as well as a couple of tops to replenish my collection of tops. We don’t have a mirror on our bedroom wardrobes, only on the wardrobe in my office, which means I will probably waste less time with my clothes. I’ve been wearing the same shit over and over again and I don’t really care. I’m not even really itching badly for new clothes, which is a good sign.

I feel like last weekend was still not long enough. 😆 Despite everything I’ve said about my wardrobe, I actually still don’t like the way I’ve organised it. Maybe I’ll get around to that this weekend. I also have a couple of Stylesheet posts, and of course, my last instalment of our Tasmania trip. (Part 1 and part 2 if you haven’t checked them out yet. 💚)