Timeless Thoughts: Monopoly board game
Timeless Thoughts is a monthly linkup hosted by Georgie and Tara, where bloggers write about something from their past – it could be an item, a place, an event – anything that evokes a trip down memory lane. Timeless Thoughts is held on the first Saturday of the month, and runs for two weeks.
For the first Timeless Thoughts of the year, I had a couple of ideas throughout the day, until I realised just what I was doing today. Nick and I were playing Monopoly! He mentioned it yesterday, and we didn’t get to play it so we played today instead.
I was worried that Monopoly was going to get boring with two people, since every time I played with Brandon we would get bored and stop before even getting close to finishing. It was fun playing today though (spoilers: I won), and I almost forget how classic the game is.

I’ve seen different versions of the game and they seem to have switched it up over the years, but it’s funny looking into what has changed. My version is an Australian one, and is one of the older ones which still has the cannon, man on horse, and iron tokens, which were retired by 2008. My favourite token used to be the iron one because everyone laughed at it while I favoured its simplistic design. My version also has the sack of money which was supposedly a ‘lucky’ and limited edition token, now also retired. Brandon always wanted to use that token and he really did seem to get good luck from it.

Since my version is Australian it has Australia Post and Telstra as the utilities, and all the properties are streets from Australian capital cities. The weird thing is the ‘Sydney Station’, which has never existed. We only have ‘Central Station’ in the heart of our city.

Nick has the Australian ‘Here & Now’ Edition which has properties that were voted in by Australians. Some of them are a bit weird and I wonder why people ever voted them in. The train stations are airports instead, and the currency is in millions dollars rather than dollars. You would be paying $2M for a property rather than $200. Which makes more sense right, because why would a property only be two hundred bucks in this day and age? :P I do also wonder though, why someone would pay $600K for the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. I’m sure it’s worth a lot more than that!

As Nick was setting up the board I was momentarily horrified by the photographs on the properties on the board (that was really weird and the photos were not awesome), and how all the tokens were really stereotypically Australian things like a koala, flip flops, a surfboard, a utility vehicle/truck, and a jar of Vegemite. I chose the jar of Vegemite though. 😆 It’s funny how seeing upgraded versions of games can make you super confused or shocked.

Although we were playing nice and not buying properties if the other person had a property of the same colour, we started to buy whatever we wanted. I landed the entire last edge of the board (green and blue) and took my time to add any apartments to them, while Nick went all out on hotels on the entire first edge of the board. I landed in jail many times but in the end Nick lost because he landed on my expensive property twice and had to pay $14M.

Do you own a version of Monopoly, and if so, which version do you have?
Timeless Thoughts is hosted by Tara this month, so visit her blog to add your link. I’ll be hosting the linkup in February!

Comments on this post
Ahhhh! This is a great entry :D I love Monopoly, but I don’t think I’ve ever played it until one person remained standing XD. I also enjoyed seeing the Australian version of the game! it was neat seeing the differences compared to the US ones I’m familiar with. I have the deluxe edition, but I haven’t played it in years. The last time I played is with some of the kids at my workplace!
As much as I like Monopoly, I think my favourite board game is The Game of Life. I adore that one tons, and now I find myself wanting to play it, haha!
A few people have mentioned that game but I have never heard of it! I should check it out. It’s true that Monopoly gets boring – I am not surprised that you haven’t played it through to the end.
I’m feeling all nostalgic :)
I have such a love/hate relationship with Monopoly. It was one of the few board games that my parents would play with me. I used to love it. As I grew up, I started dating an accountant and playing with him was never as fun, he was far too competitive and it lost the sparkle.
I love all the new versions, I want like the Star Wars ones or similar but… with having no-one to play with, it seems a little pointless.
I used to love playing Monopoly but as an only child didn’t always have anyone to play with. My parents always thought it was too long (which it is) and didn’t want to spend the time doing it. Like Tara, I always preferred The Game of Life although I didn’t own it myself until I was an adult – there was a version on PS1 which I liked because it meant I could play by myself.. and I didn’t have to move the pieces myself :P
When I was a kid I owned a super old version of Monopoly that had been my Dad and Aunt’s when they were kids. It’s the standard one we get here (or at least used to) with Pall Mall, The Strand and Mayfair. As an adult I bought The Simpsons edition but that was the only one I ever bought.
I really liked reading about this and I have never seen an Australian version of Monopoly so the changes in it are very interesting to see. I think it’s funny that it started out nice, and ended in war of the hotels haha.
My dad and I played it many times when I was younger. Although it always ended up with one or both of us cheating, with bank robberies and unlicensed hotels being constructed. Haha.
I think that ‘house rules’, like borrowing from the bank, made the game never end. It also made it more fun because it was boring playing by the rules! It’s also no fun if you’re not winning, which is why I think people get bored and stop.
That’s neat that there’s an Australian version with streets from Australian cities! I also think that’s interesting that the Here & Now edition has money in millions. I agree that it makes way more sense though. I always thought it was kind of weird that properties were so cheap in the original Monopoly. That’s funny that it comes with a Vegemite token too!
I actually never owned Monopoly, so when I played as a child, it was with my cousins at their houses. I don’t think we’ve ever finished a game! I think it always took too long, so we got bored part way through, haha.
Okay, I have to admit I’ve never actually played Monopoly? I mean, I’ve tried to with friends at friends parties (back in the day, those were the type of parties that existed in my world, it’s a little different now :P) and what not. But I got so bored so fast, I just went off to play on the dance mat or snakes and ladders!
Sounds like you had fun and congrats for winning ;) I may give it a try!!
I find playing Monopoly with family can get heated, but at the same time, it’s quite fun! haha! Apparently, we take Monopoly too seriously.
I did read your wardrobe clear out post! I tried to do that before I moved out, but I think I’ve kept a few things that I don’t really wear. Trying to focus more on not buying things now though. This year I will save money!
I love monopoly, but I am one of those people who tries to make deals and buy other people’s houses to ruin their chances. I get waaay too competitive.
I have Pokemon monopoly and the Marvel Edition. I think they do an English version that has stereotypical pieces as well. I can guarantee there’ll be a teapot and phone box!
I played Monopoly a few times, but I prefer the game of Life. xD
As a serious board gamer, I scoff at Monopoly! No offense to your post, it’s very interesting nonetheless! But once you’ve experienced proper board games, Monopoly is just the dullest game ever. I really like much more challenging strategy games, such as for example Acquire, Power Grid or Puerto Rico. And even for something less challenging, some great games would be Pandemic, King of Tokyo or even Ticket to Ride. If you want to get into gaming, I recommend watching a few episodes of TableTop (with Wil Wheaton) on YouTube :D
We have Power Grid at work, along with a lot of other interesting board games I haven’t yet tried. I have watched people play though, and I like that there are more strategic games out there. I should do some more exploring. Monopoly does get boring (which is why I assume people started making their own rules) but it’s interesting to see all the different versions.
Taken me a while, but I’m finally getting around to replying to this!!!
AHHH I have always wanted to play the updated Australian edition monopoly! I love that you can play with a jar of vegemite token :O
What I love about that version is Barossa Valley & Adelaide are the two top spots. And this was VOTED FOR by Australians, so everyone else can only blame themselves that Sydney or Melbourne didn’t get top spot :P bahaha. I’m guessing a lot of South Australians voted?! ;)
I would buy this version… however, I have THREE versions of Monopoly. A very old Australian one (that includes a koala!), an Adelaide Crows one, and Doctor Who-themed one lol. With the Crows one you’re buying players, past and present, and the Doctor Who one buying episodes, from the old AND new series XD
Monopoly is the destroyer of friendships..jk, that’s Mario Party lol
I never was good at it, but since getting Legend of Zelda Monopoly, I want to play so badly!
I used to love this game! I didn’t own one myself, but my cousin did, so we used to play it whenever we all got together.
I did have another board game, Picnic, I don’t know if you have heard of it. It was similar to Monopoly. I used to love playing it with my family after dinner and all!
I love Monopoly! We tend to play it every Easter and Christmas after a family meal… We own Firefly and Doctor Who versions, there there is there is a company that designs and makes custom Monopoly boards and pieces, I met them at London film and comic con last year and and I am tempted by having a Buffy the Vampire Slayer one made.