Achievement Unlocked: March 2017

Seriously, how fast did March go? I realised that last month I forgot the first two questions of my usual questionnaire, oops.
Quite a few things happened in March, but I’ve summed them up under achievements instead. My aunt passed away halfway during the month which shook my family up a bit, especially my mum, but she’s slowly healing. The past three weeks have been exceptionally hazy, with a few new happenings at work (we had a bit of a shift in team members so we had some handover, and that officially takes place next week).
Just before writing this, I was:
Plucking some stray armpit hairs that I missed when I shaved. 😳
This past month, I achieved:
- Nick and I went to see the opera La Traviata at the Sydney Opera House.
- I presented a talk at the Girl Geek Sydney meetup, and you can find the talk recordings and slides on my speaking page!
- I tried intermittent fasting successfully for just over a week. (Eating only between the hours of 1pm-8pm.)
- I did further work on our wedding invitations.
- With my mum’s help, we got our cacti wedding favours planted individually in their little pots.
- I got my bridesmaids’ dresses fitted, and paid an instalment for those as well as my wedding dress.
- Nick and I met up with a marriage celebrant, and she was absolutely lovely so we decided to book her service.
- Nick and I also met up with a very lovely wedding photographer who works with his wife, and we were wowed by their photo album option so we booked him in too. 😄
- I caught up with Lilian, and Dylan, before Dylan headed over to move to Canberra.
- Nick and I had a fancy dinner at Sokyo restaurant in The Star.
- I caught up with my friend Monica and it was her birthday on Tuesday! 🎉
This past month, I learned:
That above all things, stress is really just a reaction to your surroundings.
This past month, I got bored of:
Eating the food on offer at work. I tried intermittent fasting for a little over a week, and I was also watching what I was eating, so I made different meal options.
But that’s OK, because I enjoyed:
Eating some very good sushi.
Today, something that made me happy was:
Wearing my new blue flat shoes that fit well. They’re pointy-toed and I really like them. The blue is so bright. 💙
Today, something I could have done better was:
Get to the train station earlier. I slept in because I was so tired and that left me pretty cranky.
Tomorrow, I’m going to:
Go to the gym, and take photos of my old gym clothes to try and sell them. It sounds gross, but they do sell – I buy from Lululemon and their stuff lasts a long time and people collect it because the quality is great.
Next month, I’m looking forward to:
Brandon’s graduation and going to Queensland to visit some of Nick’s family.
Next month, I’m going to make the positive change of:
Sleeping earlier and waking up earlier. I know, I sound like a broken record…
One thing on my to-do list is:
I need to write a guest post for Localhost – I’ve been so busy that I keep pushing this back. 😦
One happy photo from this past month is:

If I had to write a book or record a film about this past month, I would call it:
After I post this, I’m going to:
Brush my teeth and moisturise my face.
Comments on this post
I can never pluck armpit hairs because I’m too sensitive there. 😅
I can’t wait to see photos of your wedding (well, if you share them)! 💖
But seriously you have sum mad skillz. You could so werk for Google with this talent. 😏 You implemented so many techniques others haven’t before (I know you’d never copy 😉), and the use of many colors and fonts is 🙌👍👌.
Promise me you’ll code be something similar next time? 😱
IT sounds like you’ve had a very busy and very productive month – pulling everything together for the wedding is so excited and I’m really intrigued by cactus favours!
I’m sorry to hear about your loss
(And I’m very amused by (what i’m assuming is) your april fools layout! haha
Hahaha thanks Lucy, you definitely picked up on it! ;) I might write a post about it later but I definitely wanted to let it sink in a bit.
Yeah, this layout is super special, lol.
Why did you try the fasting thing?
Soooo… Before everything else, I just wanna say: I LOVE YOUR APRIL FOOL’S LAYOUT! XD It reminds me of all the stuff I did during my early days in making websites… And oh that marquee! Lol!
I’m so jealous that you watched La Traviata! I love operas but I don’t get to see those kinds of shows very often! :(
Sleeping earlier and waking up earlier… Sounds like me! XD
Has it been this long since I last visited your blog?? It looks different! It kind of remind me of my early blogging days! Hahaha!
Eating some very good sushi is never a bad idea! I repeat, NEVER a bad idea! :D
P.S. The last photo of you and Nick in front of the Sydney Opera House looks so nice! I think you should have it printed and framed!
Ha, that was the idea with the April Fools prank… bring back the 90s 😛
D00D. Th15 lay0ut 15 T0T3S B055. \m/ This is an awesome April fools joke. I definitely picked right up on it.
I can’t wait to hear all about your wedding. I’m so sorry to hear about your Aunt. Sending my love and condolences to your family.
Hahahah. Those evil stray armpit hairs. *roffle*
You have done a lot of the wedding planning and booking lots of people. It will be good to have a lot of that out of the way. :D
I hope March will be a great month. <3
I am sorry for the passing of your aunt :( Losing a loved one is never easy, for sure, especially when it comes out of nowhere. It’s good your mum is healing from that.
You did a lot of wedding prep this month! I look forward to seeing you sharing your wedding stuff. Like your invitations :) Cacti wedding flavours are unique. Bridesmaid’s dresses — I’m sure those will be gorgeous, as well as your own dress! I look forward to seeing them. Yay for finding a good marriage celebrant and a photographer :)
Congrats on Brandon’s graduation this month and I hope you and Nick have a great time visiting his family in Queensland. Good luck with sleeping earlier and waking up earlier — those are things I cannot do well, haha! I’ve accepted the fact that my natural sleeping schedule is 1:00am to 10:00am XD;;;
Wishing you all the best in April!
I’ve been asking myself where the year went so far. I hope your mother and family will continue to heal as more time goes by.
Glad to hear that you’ve been getting a lot of work done with your wedding plans! Hope you’re growing a stronger bond with everyone you’re working with to plan for the big day. Hearing about having to pay an installment for the wedding and bridesmaid dresses makes me think about the true cost of a wedding XD. Either way, it’s totally worth it!
My personal trainer told me that if a Lululemon attire gets torn (or something), they’d be more than happy to replace it with something new. I haven’t taken the time to verify it yet but I can see why it sells if that’s true!
Have a great April~