Dog Lovers Show (Sydney)
Nick and I went to the Dog Lovers Show on the weekend. I got free tickets because the company I work for is one of the sponsors. Nick likes golden retrievers and I am partial to them too, but I have a real soft spot for labradors. He says they are similar enough…
Here are some photos I took.

You weren’t allowed to bring your own pets, only people who were participating in the show were allowed. You also couldn’t adopt or buy a dog at the show but if you were looking to own one, there was all the information you could possibly want!
Nick and I came across a series of iPad screens which had a lifestyle quiz to see what dog would suit you. We got some of the littler, ‘cuter’ ones since we answered that we wanted a small dog, but if we wanted a larger one then a golden retriever suited us pretty well. (Psst… labradors too.)

There was an area called Pet-a-pooch where you could pet some of the dogs if you liked. There was a bulldog, some golden retrievers and a couple of other long-haired breeds. Some of the long-haired dogs look nice but if I were to get a dog I probably wouldn’t want one with hair too short or long. Hair that I can comb would be pretty sweet.
I used to own two dogs for a short period of time. They were a mix of Maltese terrier and Lehser Apso. I used to love Maltese terriers but now that I’m older, I’m a little over them. I love labradors because they have such a gentle face shape that I find very alluring.
I missed a photo, but this little guy was sitting on the stall owner’s shoulder and it was pretty cool to watch him sitting there so comfortably with the guy interacting with him.

This gorgeous border collie was in awe of either me or my camera. He kept turning his head towards me even when I moved. I got to pet him too. :D

Comments on this post
i’m a crazy dog lover. Since my mom doesn’t me and my sister adopt one, we love playing with all the strays we come across. Mumbai is full of stray dogs who love a good petting. I love golden retrievers too, and I hope I can adopt a dog some day!
I loved those border collies, they look so adorable! Puppy Dog Eyes!
I would love to go to a show like this, even though I’m not a pet owner. I also have a soft spot for labradors, especially when they are puppies! So cute!
I couldn’t imagine living with a hairy dog that malts a lot. I mean, it’s bad enough with my hair falling out all the time!
I feel exactly the same way, my hair falls out so frequently so I wouldn’t want my pet to do the same!
I can’t go to shows like this because… well… I tend to lose my mind over dogs. Right now I’m trying very hard to not 1) post a string of curse words and 2) scream out loud and 3) post the word “dogs” and various other dog-names/nicknames repeatedly.
I’d love to own a pit bull, or a larger medium or large dog; my boyfriend wants a Tibetan Mastiff. I LOVE big breeds, although I really love all dogs. One of my good friends has this Chihuahua who is so tiny I can carry her with ease in one hand, and who the vet said could never have puppies under any circumstances (she’s spayed). My favorite dog in my life is my best friend’s Great Pyrenees/Anatolian Shepherd mix. She’s this great big white fluffball who loves me, and I absolutely ADORE her.
I have to end this comment here or else I risk just slipping into pure madness and never returning.
That sounds like a fun show! I wish we had events like that up here, I would totally go! The dogs are so cute <3
Your fourth photo is a whippet, just like my dog :) I have a thing for all the sight hounds really. They look different, but are so beautiful imo, and the cat-like mentality and temperament really suits me.
I had forgotten the breed names! When I was younger I had a book about different dog breeds and tried to remember them all but I forgot. I would say hounds are somewhere at the top of my list since I like their general shape and hair length more than other dog breeds. :)
Yeah!~ <3 I love doggies and the show looks amazing. Glad you were able to go and have fun with Nick. I love looking at the different photos of the dogs. Anyhow, I think that golden retriever looks like a lab, in the face, that's probably why they are related, since they look so similar.
Anyhow, Marley (my pup soon to be an adult) is a labrador and she has a great temperament and is really trainable. My husband taught her to stand for treats and just stand period. We already trained her out of biting and are putting her through beginner classes to get trained. She's going to be a therapy dog for me.
Anyhow, awesome photos! ^^