Code covers various topics and experiences related to coding, which can include CSS, JavaScript, design systems, and presentations at conferences.
January 2016
Cherry-picking and changing date of last commit in Git
December 2015
Reflections on my third presentation in three weeks
November 2015
Creating a custom comment error page in WordPress
November 2015
Reducing plugin use in WordPress
October 2015
Redundant ARIA roles with semantic HTML5 elements
September 2015
WordPress’s wpautop() function messed up my semantic image captions (and how I fixed it)
September 2015
CSS Adventures: Classes, IDs and specificity
August 2015
The use of external link icons and other hyperlink cues
August 2015
CSS Adventures: Do leading zeros in decimal values matter?
August 2015
A summary of jQuery’s prop() and attr()
August 2015
Updated design: bermuda v1.1, ‘Atlantis’
July 2015
CSS Adventures: Using filemtime to avoid caching
July 2015
Update to post header styling
July 2015
Categories vs. Tags – what do I use?
June 2015
Help me improve my blog design (be nice!)
June 2015
CSS Adventures: Avoiding CSS resets
June 2015
CSS Adventures: Converting from Stylus to Sass
May 2015
Changing the smilies on my blog