tiny wins ✨ february 2019

Welcome to March! So… February was a short but lovely month with some good highlights.

tiny wins ✨

  • I put $900 in savings 🤑
  • we had mango crepes at work to celebrate Lunar New Year
  • got a free ride on the bus since the Opal card reader wasn’t working
  • dialled into a meeting on the bus and didn’t panic
  • went to the beach! ⛱️
  • helped my friend Monica re-learn some CSS to build her portfolio
  • submitted a talk proposal for CSS Conf Budapest
  • I got accepted to speak at the next Girl Geek Sydney event in April!
  • since paring my wallet down to just three cards, I carried all three in my pocket one day when I wore jeans
  • I had my performance review – it went really well ☺️
  • donated two bags of clothes
  • got my electrocuties bomber jacket that I pre-ordered last year!
  • I got a black A-line midi skirt and it’s basically the best thing ever (I’ve been wearing it every day this week)
  • there is a disco lift [elevator] in the shopping centre under our apartment building and it’s all rainbow coloured inside to celebrate Mardi Gras 🌈
  • I had some really delicious avocado on toast – often I find these a cop-out but this one was great!
  • I sold my camera gear on eBay 💰
  • I got to meet Carly Findlay 🧡
  • went on a 10k hike with my family

my favourite tiny wins 💖

10k hike

The hike (which I blogged about was definitely one of my highlights of February. Beautiful views, exercise, and spending time with family.

A view from a high vantage point of a high part of grassy bushland leading to the ocean. A rock beach separates the land from the water. The sky is blue but has many clouds
Beautiful views on our hike in Forster

saving $900

This was $75 more than last month and I just feel really good about it. I hope I can keep this up. 🙏

selling camera gear

After some thought I decided to sell my DSLR. I am not involved in concert photography anymore, and carrying around my camera became a chore. Long story short, I know and have taken beautiful photos with my iPhone – smartphones are at a point now where their built-in cameras are of such good quality. And for me, someone who isn’t working professionally and only sharing photos digitally on my blog – this is enough.

So not only did I earn some money, but I was able to pass on my belongings to someone else who wanted them.

black a-line midi skirt

I am going to write more about this one day, I think, but I bought a black A-line midi skirt for $38 on Carousell from a seller who changed her mind and didn’t want it. I love it a lot though. I recently have been moving away from tight or fitted skirts and wanted to try some with more room, because I have really thick legs.

meeting carly

I have been a big fan of Carly Findlay’s for quite some time now. I recently read her book, a memoir titled Say Hello. She wrote about living with a visible difference (a rare skin condition known as ichthyosis) and about her experiences with ableism. I learned a lot from her book, even after I have been following her blog and her stories on social media for many years now. It was lovely to finally meet her in person!

Two women smiling, one has light skin and dark straight hair, and the other has dark curly hair and pink skin. They are both wearing bright orange and pink.
It was an honour to meet Carly!

tiny wins ✨ is a monthly occurring “monthly review”-type post. It is focused on small achievements throughout the month, although some may be considered “great” achievements. The premise behind tiny wins is that everything should be shared no matter how big or small. The lowercase stylisation is deliberate, and is a nod to the name (lowercase letters being smaller than uppercase or capitalised text).