So I Need You

16th March 2009

The grim squeak of a candid vehicle
drumming across the tracks;
the bittersweet taste of unforgotten blessings.
A short distance away seems so far,
     the reminder of a looming memory.
A heart that learnt to stay,
     to love, yet fear, and feel.
A pained distance from the star that I
     yearned to feel again.
Feeling a bit less of the red bricks,
painted yellow and the lines,
the geometric shapes that crossed my vision.
Inevitably, the roll through a tunnel
     held the sweet forlorn heart of mine
     that dishevelled through time.
Feeling that I forgot and left something
behind that I never intended to leave,
I tracked along.
A little memory of each day,
     a small piece of what we leave
     has taught me to cherish
     every moment.
The world needs short people like me,
     and I – I need you.
To hold me for twhen the waters break
     and trip and swirl,
to tell me every day that I’m
     your lucky girl.
In every day I see a phase of you beyond my
     dreams, that we surely will
     be forever, forever and a day.
I feel the green flakes split and fall upon my
dress, and hear the gentle whisper of the
people where I am, in a
place called Here.