A Day in the Life: January 2016
For the first A Day in the Life post of this year I have decided to do something different by putting in questions, themes or some kind of related prompts. Today I’ve decided to put in a series of questions. If you are participating in the linkup, you don’t have to answer these questions – you can include them as part of your post or just write about your day as usual.
My day in five words or less.
A lot of laughs.
Just before writing this, I was…
Watching videos with Nick about the London transportation system and secrets of the London underground. It was very interesting and I swear in another life I was born in London… there are just so many things throughout my life that have had connections with London and that I think have secretly garnered a love for the city. I cannot wait to go in June.
I ate ____ today.
A vegetarian hot dog!
TIL (Today I Learned)
I learned a pretty hacky way to change dates in version control. If you use Git, you’ll know what I mean… but the gist of it is that sometimes you want to grab changes to files that occurred last week, and apply them to your current state of work. In Git, you can do that easily, but the dates will be last week’s dates. I found a dirty trick to reset the date. I was proud of that.
At 12:34pm today, I was…
At work, sitting at my desk not yet going to get lunch. I was waiting for a process to finish on my computer and checking my to-do list on my computer.
One thing I could have done better today
I feel like I was quite inefficient at work today, constantly jumping from task to task. I didn’t really plan my work well but I was very distracted because of the multiple meetings. I wasted a bit of time this morning trying to fix something because I kept ‘context-switching’. D’oh.
I will start tomorrow by…
Waking up. Obviously. I wrote this question but now I’m being a smart-ass about it. 😜 Nick and I plan to sleep in because we had some late nights this week. I’ll probably have some tea in the morning since the weather is looking bleak.
I have left out any details from my day to show that you can still have a mildly interesting post even though you don’t detail your day in full. If you want to join the linkup, you can below. If you want to submit any questions for future months in the linkup that you think other readers might like, let me know! ☺️
To end this post, here is a photo with the back of my head that was used in a Campaign Monitor tweet.

Join the linkup

Comments on this post
Still can’t believe you’re coming to the UK! What videos were you watching? Ones on YouTube, or the Transport for London ones?
I try and walk where I can, but I love the Tube. Each line has its own ‘character’. I use the Jubilee line the most and I feel that’s one of the posher-looking ones with the nicest looking trains. Bakerloo trains always look a bit tatty in my opinion. Circle and District line trains always have bags of room in them for standing – less seats than on other trains. And I can’t say I’ve used other lines much!
Your brainstorm with Steven is mega neat.
Take care <3
We were watching a company called Londonist on YouTube, they have a series about the secrets of the Underground, pointing out things you might miss as a regular commuter. It just makes me so damn intrigued and I feel like I’m living in the wrong city!
PS. We’ll have to meet up. :D
Ooh, I’ve got to watch that now out of sheer curiosity.
And absolutely!
I like this format of A Day in the Life! It’s a lot eye-candy than just listing out what people did today. You need to explain more about this connection with London you have! I haven’t felt any vibes about my past life XD.
Being able to sleep in after having to wake up early during the week is blessing. I love sleeping in, but I don’t feel like I made most out of my day XD.
I really like the way your team sets up the web design! This is probably the cleanest sketch I’ve seen ;).
Thanks Nancy! :) Oh man, I remember having an obsession with Stonehenge when I was ten years old, I even did a project on it. I really liked watching British children’s shows, and even growing up I went back to watching British sitcoms and Doctor Who. I fell in love with a lot of bands from England, and somehow got to know a lot of bloggers from there. Every time I hear people complain about the weather and other things in London, I just think I’ll love it. People have told me I was born in the wrong country because I like the cold and hate the heat (and Australia is very warm). Sometimes I have a bit of an English accent too (and I can put on a pretty good one haha). I feel like I was meant to be in London. 😍
I definitely don’t like sleeping in too late. If I don’t get up until after 10:30, I feel like my whole morning is gone. D:
I wish I could write about my day but it’s usually all the same and boring, but it’s whatever. I’m fine with that, you know? Interesting new spin to the idea!
I’m going to write about mine tomorrow. :3 I started it on Friday, but I got really annoyed, and my hands are finally starting to heal from their weird winter dryness.
I like the prompts, though. I feel as though this set would be great for days when not much seems to really happen, which was honestly a major struggle for me last year. I’d want to participate, but I’d have no idea how exactly to do that.
From this angle, Steven looks like Robert Buckley.
…although if he reads your blog, that might be a little embarrassing. :s
Are you going to London for work, or just for fun? :3
I get dry hands almost all the time now. Not saying I was unhygienic before, but I wash my hands a lot more frequently and thoroughly now, so I have to use hand cream a lot to put the moisture back in them. They get so parched I can see white on my hands.
Haha I don’t think he reads my blog, but he is aware I have one.
I am going for fun! It would be cool to go for work and get the trip expensed, but nope… all out of my own pocket. There are pros and cons associated with working remotely, but I know that I want to stay for much longer than the week we are!
I like this style of the post and answering the questions. :D
I like the photo of the back of your head! :D
This is a great idea for a linkup and I can’t believe I haven’t participated until now! I really like the idea of having prompts as it gets easier to think of what to write, especially on ordinary days when nothing special is happening. In my post I included the weather too because I’m a hippie who actually thinks the weather is interesting, haha!
London is an amazing city, you will definitely fall in love with it when you visit! I’ve only been there once, but I’ll go back there again as soon as possible. :)
Thanks for participating, Karin! Hope to see you next month. It looks like including the questions has encouraged more people to join, so yay!
When my blog reopens I plan on joining in on this lovely feature! It looks quite fun.
Your hair looks lovely in that photograph, so I don’t think I’d mind them using it too much. ;D (Even though he does look 7 ft tall in comparison!)
That’s awesome you’re going to London! I hope you have a fantastic time. I’ve heard lots of things about the London transportation system but hopefully it isn’t too much. :P I’d probably be at a loss considering I come from a city where there isn’t a transportation system besides a TERRIBLE bus system. I went to San Francisco in June 2015 and was completely lost when it came to their buses. I ended up using Uber most of the time because it was infinitely easier (it doesn’t help I went for a convention around Pride Weekend). Just crazy!
I like this! It definitely keeps writing interesting instead of going through my day hour by hour all the time.